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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. That's just the job.....Many thanks. I like having a variety of maps/scenarios to study & learn from and also to experiment with.
  2. @Jace11.....Is there any chance I could grab a copy of that scenario please?
  3. Looks convincing to me.....Patchwork quilt time, I guess?
  4. 'Heaven & Earth' currently weighs in at 2.35gb in your z folder. Once it's installed, almost nothing remains entirely the same as before. The editor functions are about the only completely unchanged things that I can think of off hand, Blue TOE remains largely unaltered too, but we don't use those for the main game (although I will be using some of them for my very late period stuff). FWIW
  5. Like who? Are you selling direct to the jihadis these days? Because only someone with a very strong desire to meet his maker would take that POS into battle!
  6. Here's another of the delta: Meh! Not too happy with the jungle in the background.....Back to adding foliage.
  7. Blimey.....Any/all of those boats would be awesome! @37mm.....You guys need to talk.
  8. Once the serious shooting starts everything gets up-armoured.....Ask an Abrams TUSK.
  9. Cheers! I looked all through the CM:BS TOE for 'Russian Schoolgirls' but they're just not in there.....Better to avoid confusion.
  10. Seriously JK.....This is applicable to CM:BS, how exactly? FFS do you actually even play these games any more? Maybe make a screenshot instead!
  11. Peter Jackson has a model company, mostly focussed on 1/32 WWI aircraft, but there is also a small range of figures: http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/F3EE29F8B24207228FE0EBC172F19B20 Off topic I know, but possibly of interest.
  12. Cheers dude, I'm still fiddling with it and adding foliage, but I reckon it's getting there.
  13. Great to see you enjoying the mod so much.....It's a lot of fun IMHO (and I'm by no means 'into' modding as a rule).
  14. Ummmm..... http://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2019/09/50.html Is it my imagination or are things getting a bit desperate?
  15. One of my favourite ways to kill Javelin teams.
  16. Not yet AFAIK.....But there will be fairly soon I susupect. I could be wrong.
  17. @37mm has added 'Red' (Vietnamese) voices to forward observers in the CM:SF2 'Heaven & Earth' mod.....Not sure where he found the files, but he may be able to point you in the right direction for something suitable for Syrians.
  18. That's a shame. Still, it wouldn't feel right if we didn't at least offer 'Spads' as an option.....I reckon the current version sounds pretty good. PS - The helicopter rotor sounds may be an issue though, those all sound like multiple blades, whereas most vietnam types used a twin blade rotor which has a distinct sound: The video below is quite useful as it has both twin-blade (4:05) & four-blade (4:30) AH-1 variants for comparison:
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