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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Right up there with Fox News & CNN in the state run propaganda front, eh? Except that Newsweek were reporting the same thing almost a year ago: https://www.newsweek.com/europe-limit-us-saudi-weapons-sales-went-isis-1215758 But this time it's supported by documentary evidence: http://armswatch.com/islamic-state-weapons-in-yemen-traced-back-to-us-government-serbia-files-part-1/?fbclid=IwAR2bxM2dKiEM4hMohVRNYbV33v0s7bwFqaFXFmu4lcm_2yD2E9j5sfwP83c
  2. Hey, the US appears to be supplying ISIS via Serbia & Romania.....It's all good, I guess?
  3. We've got as close as we can, shared voice-files are probably the biggest issue I suspect.....We either have Vietnamese or we have English (not sure if we could link this to tags so that the player will only hear the appropriate language, @37mm would know, but I suspect not though, or he'd probably have done it already). It wouldn't take too much effort to further modify this mod to a hypothetical Korean conflict or other Asian scenario......I'm sure @37mm would be willing to advise anyone who fancied undertaking such a venture).
  4. Breaking the buildings up with a few walls can add to the feeling of immersion IMHO, as can using dirt tiles at the entrances & exits to buildings, or in alleyways & yards, to show the heavy foot traffic.
  5. What's the best size & type of image for those please @MOS:96B2P.....I'd like to make a few images (more movie posters etc.) for possible use in the modern games. Soon.....Very, soon.
  6. You can have up to 162 types in total I believe, this thread may be instructive: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/135382-custom-3d-models-and-mods-compilation/
  7. Really impressed with what you guys are doing.....I think I'm finally done with 'The Delta' so I reckon this will be getting a look.
  8. Thanks Ben, that means a lot coming from you.....Seriously. The terrain-only master map (for use by @puje) is essentially finished, I've asked my collaborators to look it over, but I've been pretty thorough. I will be making a variant or two for my own use, at least one of which will be the full map, with the addition of lots of 'Heaven & Earth' flavour objects.
  9. Pretty sure the map you are thinking of is by @LongLeftFlank:
  10. This what I've come to think of as the 'Mosul Dilemma'.....It's what I was aiming for in 'Ashsh Al Dababir'.
  11. As I've said before, your map is among my top 'CM Wants'.....I've a couple of ideas for using it in CM:BS.
  12. Yup, little touches like the functioning firing ports on CM:A's BMPs & BTRs (not present in CM:SF1 AFAIK) appear to demonstrate how the team developed the game step by step, possibly with a few dead ends here & there (CM:A Water & Marsh tiles perhaps?).
  13. Outta likes again..... @George MC, @Macisle, I owe you several each, that's some fantastic work!
  14. I foresee, many, many visits to the 'Foliage Tab'.....Hope your PC has some serious grunt too!
  15. This would be very, very nice.....Don't forget the timer for 'AI Targets' though. A couple of simple changes that would make a huge difference to the game.....With sufficient AI slots pixeltruppen can make quite convincing opponents.
  16. Great to see more people taking an interest in the mod.....Maybe we should open that Map-Maker's thread after all? Is that my Afghan Town map? TBH that probably looks better than it does in CM:A! If you send me the converted map, I'll take a look at giving it a more comprehensive makeover (post delta handover). PS - We still really need a flat-topped brick building for these urban/industrial areas, two styles would be better IMHO (if at least one of them matched one of the sloped roof options, we could make some very complex structures).
  17. Surely you could tell him about 'The Lobsters'?
  18. Why not PM @37mm? We're actively looking for map-makers, so I'm absolutely confident he will oblige (be warned, it's a big mod, you'll need to pull all your other ones to be safe). Someone's been exploring the new FO's & special purpose TOE by the looks of things.....I've not explored those, beyond the boats, to date. PS - Will the helicopters lean over if you put a dink in the terrain underneath them? I often do this with vehicle wrecks, to make them look more, well, wrecked.
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