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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Me 2. We can only hope that some of these CMSF1 mods do work with CMSF2. (Or that some kindhearted soul is willing to redo em.) However, I noticed that the original/base uncon images shown in the CMSF2 threads look very similar to the mods currently available for CMSF1. So, we may have good-looking uncon mods without mods. (Inshallah.)
  2. Lovely mod. But, users should be aware that this mod will conflict with Kieme's "CMBS Reworked USA Uniforms" and OLEK's "2nd MARDIV1.1" uniform mods. ie: cannot be used with other uniform mods.
  3. The positive side of CMSF1 mods not working in CMSF2 is that CMSF2 has the appearance of a well-modded CMSF1. In the pics shown of CMSF2, the graphics look very similar to my heavily modded CMSF1. ie: One may not need to mod CMSF2 nearly as much as we did CMSF1. That is a very good thing as it is a PITA to keep up with a plethora of mods that may interfere with one another, or become obsolete when new game versions become available.
  4. The main improvement to look forward to in CMSF2 is bringing the engine up to the other CM2 titles' version. The mods that are available for CMSF1 can make that game look very similar to the improved graphics of CMSF2 (eg the vehicle shown above).
  5. IP issues come more into play when someone is making money off the IP. I would say that so long as you claim it's for non-profit/educational use, it's not a problem. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder for purposes such as criticism, parody, news reporting, research and scholarship, and teaching. There are four factors to consider when determining whether your use is a fair one. Section 107 of U.S. Copyright Law provides four factors to consider when considering whether the use of copyrighted works is a fair one: The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes The nature of the copyrighted work (e.g., whether it is factual or creative in nature) The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work
  6. Before one can consider what may or may not be a good idea, the question is how many employees/programmers does DCS have? Then compare that to BF and their respective budgets.
  7. Wow. That is one of the best pics I recall seeing from CM2.
  8. Aha.. they are after sunken gold. Either up north or training for other locations. Did you see the movie "Black Sea"?
  9. That's one of many reasons that one wouldn't want to design a simulation of exactly what happened in Anaconda. What is fascinating is the descriptions in the book of the wide mixture of units, from Conscript/Green and Vet Afghan Army under CIA and spec ops control, to the elite SEALs. Delta operators, and many other Spec Ops units as well as Rangers & 10th Mountain. Some hiking, some helicoptering in to LZ's, others in convoys of assorted pick ups, trucks, armored wheeled vehicles. Elite snipers and FO's on mountain tops etc. My bias is always towards scenarios that feature a wide variety of different units as most CM2 scenarios feature too many cookie-cutter units imo. The scenario concept of a main effort by less capable units like the Afghans - but heavily supported by elite units and airpower and arty sounds fascinating. I can't recall ever playing a scenario like that. Even MOS's TOC scenario depends on US forces doing nearly all the heavy lifting right from the start with the Ukr forces being only capable of garrison duty (aside from the brittle QRF units). However. if you've looked at MOS TOC scenario and how it brilliantly enables intel to affect what the player's objectives are, the Anaconda book could be the (loose) basis for a similar compelling (fictionalized) CMSF2 scenario.
  10. FWIW I have an aging 2.67GHz i7(!) system which is able to run TOC with little problem other than some stuttering at times. (I did upgrade to a fast SSD and 24GB Ram.) It was made by XI Computers in CA and it seems that when everything is optimized, an old far less powerful system runs a lot better than what appears to be a much more powerful system with less compatible parts.
  11. Read "Not a Good Day To Die" (by Sean Naylor) about Op Anaconda in Afghanistan after 9/11. HIghly recommended good read. While probably not practical to create a simulation closely based on the historical events, the things that happened during Anaconda seemed like xnt inspiration for CMSF2 scenarios and/or campaigns. In addition to the inhospitably craggy desert terrain, the book details the operation consisting of an amazing melange of forces - 10th Mountain, Rangers, US and Australian SEALS, Delta, CIA plus a whole mess of other elite special forces with airpower and drones providing the "heavy artillery" - all supporting what was to be the main attacking force of Afghan Army under warlords who hated each other. Given what MOS has achieved with his amazing TOC scenario, the above seems to provide additional rich inspiration for (largely fictional) interesting and challenging CMSF2 COIN or Uncon scenarios set in Syria. BTW: The reason it's not practical to base a scenario too closely on Anaconda is that, despite months of training and planning, the whole op is described as a massive cock-up with senior commanders thousands of miles away trying to control things while the sods on the grounds fail to be able to communicate, radios not functioning, misunderstandings abound, chains of command are messed up by ego-driven commanders back at remote bases, helicopters landing in the wrong places and getting shot up, airpower not arriving as expected or shooting up friendlies. Basically, anything that could go wrong did. One gets the sense from the book that this was a military force used to peacetime exercises and failing to understand the frictions and realities of war.
  12. Jeez guys... You sound like my parents who came from the generation that didn't expect live past 70. Always depressing me with warnings that they would be "gone soon". 30 years later my mother is nearing 100 after (IMO) wasting three decades just waiting/expecting to die at any moment. 100 is the new 70! Plan for 150, I say...
  13. What are the distances from the forward (closest) edge of your set up zone to the terrain features and to the objectives? It's always best to find an initial location for the vast majority (preferably all) of one's units that is completely safe from any enemy observation. In this case it seems that if an enemy is on Star Hill, he sees all of your set up zone immediately. If that is correct, it's unlikely a designer would do that to a player. (Unless that is a deliberate design decision for some reason.)
  14. What is curious is why the Russian navy would go to the trouble of recovering WW2 tanks from the bottom of the Barents Sea. What else did the ship carry??
  15. The CM2 editor scares me the same way some are scared of dying in a flaming wreck on the freeway. Irrational I know...
  16. Yes, as others noted it is very useful to understand WHY you choose the units you do, what their purpose is etc. Also, during the AAR, it's invaluable to have explained the thinking/intentions behind the tactics used. While so far, CMBS is by far the most lethal of all the CM2 titles, this is probably the best form of tutorial for modern-ish CM2 games.
  17. I already have a "Vega Force" dated March 2015. Is that the same scenario?
  18. Exploded the brz and loaded it in my CMBS. But, still have to start a game and get something blown up. The sound is good. It will be interesting to see its effect since it varies so much due to its length. One rarely stays looking at a burning vehicle in the game for that amount of time.
  19. I had just about all the campaigns and scenarios ever made for all titles and transmitted em all for a new resource so they are all available. Am sure someone will provide you with the link.
  20. New website looks terrific. My only thought is on the "My Orders Page" to give a text title as to what the order was for. At the moment there is only a date and order number. One has no idea what that data refers to should one want to re-download a particular item - one can have up to 19 anonymous purchases to figure out.
  21. It would be interesting if, depending on which buildings or approaches a player chose, entering certain buildings would act as triggers for uncon responses. That would massively increase replayability value.
  22. Um. It would be helpful if you didn't use link that require logging into some other service. eg: Some of us don't use Facebook etc for security issues...
  23. Actually, I didn't vote for Trumpy. (At the time, I rather liked the old fellow that The Dems and Hillary cheated and who might have beaten Trump.) But, sad how you try to use that to dismiss my points - like calling someone a "racist" to stop all discussion cos one can't win the actual discussion. "You missed the point completely. Trump cares, they are his cheerleaders. They don't balk at almost anything he does. They balked on this one." Yes, let's "get this back to just discussing the DPRK" for the 3 or 4 people who actually read this forum b4 they fall asleep.
  24. Maybe the question is "what matters?" To some of us at least the most important items are 1) improving economy; 2) unrestricted immigration being addressed; 3) no missiles flying; 4) NK and China threats finally being addressed; 5) unemployment down; 6) the "forgotten workers" having hope (finally) etc. I come from an immigrant/refugee from war, working class family, so these items resonate with me. Don't really care who is actually accomplishing any of the above. Don't care about personalities or their characters since the above items are more about national survival and economic improvement. We're already in a 21st century war - economically and culturally. Churchill wasn't a nice man. He was gotten rid of as soon as as WW2 was over. The moral is that whomever can get the job done while the crisis is in effect will continue to be supported. As to your point re NK, thanks to Chinese support, NK has been a nasty totalitarian regime terrorizing their population for decades since Kim #1 in 1948. Hypocritical and politically cynical for folks to suddenly become incensed about NK now.
  25. That's 3. Already a 50% increase in viewership! At this rate there will be a gazillion by next month (according to stockbroker thinking).
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