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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. That's a good point. The cow mods that I know of don't show em bloodied and smashed up. So, if you are doing a new mod, that would work well i these scenes. We already have a bloody corpse mod for soldiers. I recall a headshot mod as well from early days of CMBN. But not sure it was released.
  2. Das Boot is/was a TV series. It was re-edited for theatrical release. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081834/ "It has been exhibited both as a theatrical release and as a TV miniseries (1985), in several different home video versions of various running times, and in a longer director's cut version supervised by Petersen in 1997."
  3. Found this tho'. Cautionary discussion re whether Guy's story is real: http://moebius.freehostia.com/sajer.htm
  4. Sign-ups: http://expo.consimworld.com/game-sign-ups/ Also computer gaming: http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX/.ee6b2f3/
  5. I remember reading this as a teenager and being impressed. Thought it would make a great movie (maybe TV series). But, it's quite dark and amoral. IIRC doesn't it get into SS fighting as mercs in Vietnam... (hope am not getting confused with other similar themed books by Leo Kessler).
  6. In terms of a satisfying scenario, ammo conservation should also be a factor. One of the reasons that campaigns are much more satisfying imo is that one often has to preserve enuff force and ammo for the next mission or missions b4 one gets reinforcements or resupply. But, as someone who always treats WIA, am not sure adding the ability to treat enemy WIA, adds anything worthwhile other than yet more options (which is general good I agree) and more complexity for the BF programmers (which is not good).
  7. "The Gamers" company produced some xnt games approaching very realistic in terns of how they deal with logistics etc. IIRC they were bought by Multiman Games (who also own the "ASL franchise"). They are obviously insane, and seem to be out of most of the original "The Gamers" products. But, they do have some interesting cardboard wargames: http://www.multimanpublishing.com
  8. Glad that was noted. Not a lot of folks know that. Of course being crazy Poles they were shooting down Spitfires most of the time. (Disclaimer: I have Polish heritage, so I am allowed to make jokes like that. You would be a racist!) Here's one of my favorite Polish news stories: "4 seater light plane crashes into graveyard. 53 bodies recovered and still counting."
  9. And how does on define that? Who decides?? When the sample is so small it is meaningless - that is what am pointing out. There is nothing wrong with a small group agitating for an agenda/what they want. I want things as well - like my desire for CM:DAK... and a busty blonde... (other than my spousal unit who IS a busty blonde. Let 's face it we all like new things...). But, be honest about it. Also, why keep bringing it up on these forums? Write a considered proposal with all the facts and data and send it to BF for consideration. It's their decision.
  10. Hehe... Yes, all 20 votes. Considering that BF must have at least 55 customers in total (for all game family titles), that is SO significant. You guys should work in politics. Or, marketing... Maybe you do...?
  11. Oh, good. I was going to ask MOS about the replayability of his TOC design. Sounds like he's on top of it.
  12. This horrible stuff has been going on for decades. None of the previous Presidents accomplished anything re NK, and instead they were selling out the west to China - basically acting like the captain of the Titanic - trying to keep everyone calm while the ship was sinking. Am happy to wait and see if Trumpy's unorthodox approaches to everything works. At least the US economy seems to be booming - and that was after everyone predicted economic collapse if he was elected. So, pinch of salt re all the negativity and naysayers...
  13. Agreed. Altho' there are sadistic designers who will kick you out if you get a loss too many. Nothing worse than having to go back several missions just to ensure one has enuff force to continue later on. (Maybe Paper Tiger's ears are burning...) I spent many man-weeks trying to get through the wonderful "Road to Dinas" CMSF campaign - even after having to restart earlier missions. But, finally encountered a mission I replayed 10+ times and still couldn't get a win.
  14. Am planning to go. It's been a loooong time since I played cardboard wargames or miniatures. But, am interested to see what "state of the art" looks like these days. May even run into people I knew back in the day (hope I don't owe them any money).
  15. A huge problem re C2/communication delays given the tight time limits of the vast majority of scenarios. I don't think one can play this way normally. However, I definitely play like there are real human lives at stake and am always asking myself what would I do in a given situation, or what can one reasonably expect from the "guys". So, no suicide missions... eg recon till you get shot "just to see what's out there" etc. One of the many aspects of MOS's TOC that is hugely enjoyable is the 4 hour time limit - gives one plenty of time to play as realistically as one wants. It's currently at Beta 9, so you can be sure it's being tested thoroughly.
  16. Speaking about addictions, methinks people who are interested in hitting, kicking and throwing innocent balls (who never hurt anyone) are completely bonkers as well.
  17. I can appreciate tech issues and resource commitments. But, if you recall, that's what the mavens used to say about CMSF2 and why there was no market for it. Now that it's realized that there is big enuff a market for CMSF2, most of those folks should like CM:Afrika Korps. Am just trying to figure out a cheaper way for BF to make that possible for us DAK fans without going to the trouble of a fully developed game.
  18. One way to "disguise" this is to place many such defensive positions as dummies. Good if your oppo wants to waste ammo blasting every one when maybe only 25% are real/occupied.
  19. Just curious... Is is possible/practical for BF to produce base "models" that would work (say) CMFI of vehicles for (say N Africa 1940-42) that modders could flesh out with graphics so that we could use to play Afrika Korps without BF having to make an entire new game (to stop my constant nagging about it)?
  20. At this point, MOS has delved into the smelly guts of the CM2 system so much that HE is the manual!
  21. On the whole the Germans have produced some of the most interesting "realistic" TV series and movies that are much better than Hwd re showing the human suffering and cost of the war and what it did to people's moral and cultural psyches (whatever that means... I was just rambling by the end of that sentence cos it read so well & when I worked in Hwd I quickly learned to not let reality get in the way of a good story or sentence).
  22. The choppers look great. But, it's a different game. CM focuses on small unit ground warfare and most everything else is abstracted. That's one reason so many have attempted to give CM an "operational" feel to add depth to the tactical game. What MOS has achieved in his "Tactical Ops Center" gives one that feeling. Am hoping that the concepts will inspire other designers to create uncon/low intensity warfare scenarios. In addition to CMBS, CMSF2 and also CMRT provide obviously good potential. Eg: German rear area Security Forces vs Russian Partisans. If Yugoslavian/Balkan Partisan mods are made, CMFI could provide similar opportunities.
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