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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. You make it sound like anyone who is anyone cares what the media says - even "Foxy Friends". Altho' agreed... FOX does tend to have the best women re legs, cleavages, skin displayed etc.
  2. You guys should take a look at MOS's TOC scenario. TOC shows what can be done to create both an Operational feel in a scenario as well as a COIN experience. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-black-sea/cm-black-sea-add-ons/tactical-operations-center/
  3. The French play soccer. Who knew...?
  4. My rule of thumb is to expect little or no truthful or accurate info from press conferences. That's the trouble with the vast majority of our media these days. They have replaced actual news journalism (especially investigative journalism) with parroting press releases and heated and endless "discussion/commentary" shows to fill the breaks between ads. While it is very entertaining to have a fun chat about all this stuff here, the reality is that we will not know what is working or not for some years. People forget how much Abe Lincoln was vilified in the 1860's, and how much FDR was hated in the 30's. History will be the judge. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/06/abraham-lincoln-is-an-idiot/309304/ https://knowledgenuts.com/2014/01/02/abraham-lincoln-was-actually-hated-when-president/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Franklin_D._Roosevelt
  5. SchnelleMeyer has just done some. (See his thread.) http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?wpfb_filepage=dra-skins_2-zip But, they are still not up to the same standards as the Soviet and Muj skins
  6. IIRC the first campaign map for Zitadelle campaign features many trenches, bunkers, minefields.
  7. Yes, unless you have an eidetic memory, it is almost essential to write down all intel gathered by Defectors because when the Defectors are evacuated the player will have to remember what intel the Defectors provided so as to determine future COA's (Courses of Action). For players who have been hankering for a large, operational-level feel, low-intensity/COIN scenario in which the player has to analyze and prioritize the importance of various actionable intelligence items that are provided during the game, and which may change the game depending on how the player responds, this is a uniquely brilliant effort by MOS. Hope that TOC will inspire similar efforts when CMSF2 is released as CMSF2 may be even more suitable for this sort of COIN scenario or campaign.
  8. You forget that Democrats and Republicans (and the UN) have been making concession to NK for decades with nothing in return. Same as with China. That's the whole point - we had to try something new. That's why Trumpy was elected. At least he has gotten over to chat and rattle things. We'll see what results (if any) in the coming years (not weeks or months). Amazed by the sudden short-term thinking and convenient memory loss exhibited in this thread.
  9. Clearly, they have their own political problems: "The rot in South Korea’s conservative movement set in before Trump’s detente with North Korea. It accelerated with a string of scandals surrounding conservative former president Park Geun-hye that left the movement deeply divided. The daughter of former president Park Chung-hee, an autocrat who presided over an economic boom only to be assassinated in 1979, the younger Park made history as South Korea’s first female president in 2013. But allegations of cronyism soon saw her domestic support drop off dramatically."
  10. As I mentioned in the other thread, there are good skin mods for the Soviets (and also Taliban/Muj). But the Soviet skins cannot be renamed and used for DRA. The original DRA ones seem to have been made to different specs and are terrible.
  11. Thank you! That is a big improvement. The odd thing is that there are good skin mods for the Russians. But they don't work for the DRA - so were the DRA skins made to different specs?
  12. Aha... Moustaches are the secret weapon of mass deception that we need to deploy!
  13. Genetically we (esp men) have been bred for survival (=combat) since we were basic cells in the primeval oceans. With our western world being relatively peaceful now for many decades, our young men are turning to increasingly angry activities, violent games, sports, violent political demonstrations etc. as a way to burn off the energy. It's unfortunate, but if one looks at history, it seems like we as a society need wars every now and then, to burn that angst off.
  14. In CMBS "Bradley/Stryker/Infantry squad- 9 men/2 teams" is a real PITA since the Ukr can field three teams from only 7 men(!). Playing the US, if one splits off a two man scout one is left with an unwieldy 7 man team. And in the game that makes the Ukr much more capable/useful tactically.
  15. Reading "Not a Good Day To Die" about Op Anaconda. And it's more or less the same BS with major players like Rumsfeld on down.
  16. My monitor shows great images for daytime, but I cannot see any details in those very dark night pics.
  17. Thank you Olek. Will this interfere with your "Early Summer" CMA infantry? And can anything be done about the faces? Faces/skins have always been one of the worst graphics in CMA.
  18. Great article. The style reminded me a bit of the script for "Apocalypse Now". "Army troops were too heavy-handed, they said, too enamored of their tanks and armored vehicles, too “kinetic,” too brusque with the locals. It was like crushing a walnut with a sledgehammer. It was no wonder that the Iraqis had responded by planting homemade bombs in the streets, they said. You had to listen to the locals. You had to spend time with regional leaders. You had to rely on what Marine leaders referred to as “the velvet glove” approach." Sounds like what the Brits were also saying after Gulf 1. I recall they were not allowed to wear sunglasses in Basra as it made them seem too alien to the population - and were advising the US troops to do likewise. Nowadays it sounds like another planet in a far away galaxy. The soldier with the OTAN tattoo who refused to say what it was for - I assumed it was North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in some Romance languages: in French: Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord in Spanish: Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte in Portuguese: Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte in Romanian: Organizația Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord
  19. Hehe. "...the destruction of the United States as an important world power..." You're referring to China presumably?
  20. I was just testing Beta 13 and it seemed wonderful to me. TOC has at least had far more testing than your average scenario. Testing takes time as it is a large 4 hour scenario. If MOS is happy with it you may see it soon.
  21. I enjoy SHWOTP and the graphics for that with mods are wonderful. But, while it's great to sometime kick back and look at the gorgeous sunsets over an inviting ocean, that not the reason I play CM2. You misunderstand and make it sound like people are against great graphics. What we're saying is that with CM2 and a small company that has to prioritize what it spends limited resources on, there is a sense here that there are other more important priorities. But presumably you have a direct line to BF being a "CM Tester". Why are you upset on these forums when you could be discussing it with BF. It's their decision not ours...
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