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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Mentioning it here for CMA fans since Olek doesn't post much anymore. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/
  2. Mentioning it here for CMA fans since Olek doesn't post much anymore.
  3. I have happy memories of coughing and spluttering in Beijing. However, Shanghai and its skyline is is impressive. I think I caught SARS in some other town - that was a few weeks before it was announced worldwide. Thank heaven I load up on antibiotics & medicines when I travel. Otherwise you might not have had the pleasure of my company here.
  4. At least you must still have your teeth... Yes. That is a major reason we need to consider Russia as a strategic ally regardless of their adventurism. Russia is still by far the lesser evil and is not going after global domination as is China (so overtly). Britain became great by allying with the 2nd most powerful country in Europe for years (centuries) until those powerful nations imploded and Britain took over as the greatest empire. While you may be correct that the US is fighting a rearguard action to slow its decline, it makes sense to make friends with the nation(s) who can combine to at least control the new would be "overlords". I still remember in the 70's/80's everyone was talking about Germany becoming so strong it would "take over the world". Then in the 90's it was Japan who was so strong economically that it would "take over the world". My suspicion is that China is where it is because we allowed it by overlooking how opaque and manipulated is their economic data. (And of course our corporations saw opportunities to make many fast bucks. But bubbles burst.) The thing to remember is that what we see as Chinese development and accomplishment is isolated to a very thin stretch of land along their coastline - their economic enterprise zones. If one travels a few hundred miles into the Chinese hinterland one steps back hundreds/thousands of years to a 2nd world, maybe 3rd world country. Peasants bathing and washing their clothes in the rivers where they poop, next to grazing water buffaloes is one of my memories. Coupled with China's totalitarianism and increased desire for control over every aspect of social life via internet censorship etc, this is not a system that we in the west can adopt or tolerate. It will be fascinating to see if and how China goes the way of those other nations that were "going to rule the world".
  5. Britain once again leads the world in Pythonesque comedy programming... Oh wait... this is the British Army???
  6. While great graphics are wonderful, I think most of the current customers would be perfectly happy to play CM2 with or without shadows. The primary audience to date have been those of us interested in small/tactical military issues, and there is no competitor for CM2 AFAIK. If one wants to start competing with Battlefield, Call of Duty and other big boys, then graphics becomes a primary selling point. But, that is a different genre and appeals to a different audience.
  7. Am always surprised that anyone thinks that we (the average audience) are being told anything other than government press releases that tell us nothing more than what they want us to know and believe. And then, many thousands of folks like us sit around like ignorant old men at a cafe yakking about what it all means and how we would do it better etc. (I do however admit it's a lot of fun to chatter like this.) Unless one are part of the high level process, one knows next to nothing about this stuff. What we do know is that China has world domination on its agenda. Its methods include IP theft, S. China Sea territory grab (which threatens 90% of world trade), dumping of materials to destroy other nations' economies, massive investments in S. America, Africa, Asia and Europe in order to isolate the US and other western interests. There was a hope that India would be capable of acting as a regional check on China. FWIW these two nuclear powers are facing off as we speak at the "3 Corners/Tri-junction Area" of Bhutan. However, it doesn't seem that India has the strength to dampen Chinese aggressive expansionist schemes. Essentially, the 1930's are being re-enacted. What to do about it is the big (and imo only) question. https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2017/08/09/why-india-and-china-are-facing-off-over-a-remote-corner-of-the-himalayas https://geopoliticalfutures.com/china-india-confrontation-neither-side-wants/ https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-07-20/india-s-faceoff-with-china-is-a-sign-of-the-future https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/heading-china-doka-la-pass
  8. LOL - yes, working over official vacations can be real good - no real work to do and one gets more vacation later during times when one actually wants to get out of town and go someplace.
  9. NK is merely a straw man for the Chinese to tweak the west's noses. The Chinese have been over-playing their hand and grabbing massive amounts of territory (S China Sea) just like Hitler in the 30's. The trade war has been in existence for decades - the casualties can be seen in all the shuttered plants and unemployment we've suffered over the last 20+ years. Finally we're responding is all.
  10. "For gaming disorder to be diagnosed, the behaviour pattern must be of sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning and would normally have been evident for at least 12 months." Don't understand... I thought that "...personal, family, social, educational, occupational... functioning" is what gaming is all about.
  11. I have had the opposite experience - at least with 120mm mortars which seem very accurate when using precision rounds. However, I found that for regular HE and smoke rounds - using drones to spot for the 120mm mortars resulted in a lot of spotting rounds and then very inaccurate FFE results. Even for a point or linear target one gets craters and smoke all over the place. This is odd since one would think that a drone would easily spot where rounds are falling and make it easy and quick (few spotting rounds needed) to adjust for accurate FFE.
  12. Hope you get to enjoy at least part of the day... Thanks 4 posting.
  13. Ditto. It will be hard to get used to trusting the AI on this as there are other considerations as Bil noted.
  14. Since one can see through the fence, is it also possible to make parts, like the top, appear more ragged? Everything is so straight and "perfect" right now.
  15. High Rotten Tomatoes score! Not sure how I missed that one.
  16. That has been done with trees, so that would be cool. Also, if one makes the coloring lighter or more like the BG terrain, maybe the fence would blend in more at longer ranges and not look so obvious as a solid wall. At a distance, in RL, chain link fences can appear to blur the BG terrain.
  17. WE know the NK have been lying for decades... as has China. You seriously think that we on these forums are the only people in the US govt who noticed this?? The fact is that we, the public, have NO idea of what high level games are being played. All the chatter on this board is just hot air - the equivalent of a bunch of senior citizens sitting around at a cafe heatedly debating world affairs... as if they know anything. It's better to relax and see what happens over the next year or three. (Or stand for election and get into the game.)
  18. Quite predictable behavior by the NK's (and China for that matter). Am certain that our people are on top of this. I mean... even WE know about this stuff! Games and strategic maneuver are being played by all sides. We have the winning hand... right now... and need to play it. In a dozen years, who knows where our would-be Chinese overlords and their NK puppet regime will be at.
  19. How about UI items? eg: I love the mod (forgot who did it) that gives colored weapons with caliber and range.
  20. It's all about the range. If you're shooting at around 300m or less, the unit won't live long. This is one reason am keen on desert games. The LOS tends to be much longer.
  21. That's a bit sad. You have done a huge amount of work to improve the CMBS experience. Very happy that you are back here!
  22. You made so many great mods for CMBS, am looking forward to what you create for CMSF2.
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