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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Yes, if we carried around either of the two above merchandising items we players would definitely recognize each other. Also, get a lot of inquiries from interested passersby, security services etc. Hmm... perhaps a bumper sticker?
  2. All of the above responses make perfect sense. FAGOT 4C was introduced in 1970. RPG-26 started service in 1980's. But surely not ALL of the missiles were from initial years. The Stinger was supposed to be unusable in a decade or less due to battery failure - but the Taliban figured out how to use a car battery to enable it to fire again. Am wondering about the built in obsolescence issue. Old fridges used to last for decades, now new ones break down in under 10 years etc.
  3. Frustration is understandable and we've all been there. But, when one is up against the superior player, or the odds, it's better to continue. Not nice to bail just cos one thinks one is losing. Very often by fighting on one can pull the chestnuts out of the fire and get a win - esp if your oppo has a dose of hubris and gets overconfident. Also, you may underestimate your opp's pain. Have personally experienced those sorts of reversals and now have the philosophy in games as in life that one "never, ever gives up".
  4. +1 That would be very helpful so the rest pf us don't have to waste time reading these repetitive posts over and over and over... and over... Thank you.
  5. Good find, General... Sad that this now has to be taught to modern emasculated youngsters to help make em proud of their heritage. Serious issues.
  6. +1 Campaigns require an incredible amount of work. And your work has been outstanding, George. Looking forward to this.
  7. This is the bit that was most interesting. Is built-in obsolescence now normal for weapons systems/ Rather scary if one has to check "expiration dates" on ones weapons systems like they are groceries.
  8. Am curious as to what your screen settings are. I can barely see anything in those dark pics.
  9. Winning the CMSF2 scenarios is based on minimal or no friendly casualties. I really liked that aspect and am looking forward to that as the WW2 titles (and esp CMBS) are depressingly bloody. Will be interesting to see how other players who haven't played CMSF1 will adapt to CMSF2 if they are used to the high losses of the other games.
  10. Well, has anyone found the link to be working?? Doesn't 4 me.
  11. It's a question of rarity. Dramatic vehicle explosion mods were made in CM cos players (like me) demanded more "Hollywood style" explosions whereas in most cases a tank would just sit there with holes in it and do nothing. Not very visually interesting. We tend to take more pics of visually amazing events rather than boring ones. Hence need to realize that what we see posted doesn't necessarily mean its common in RL.
  12. Well, the Taliban are our allies after all. Oh wait... Shades of 1984.
  13. Smoke didn't seem to last more than a few seconds. Presumably a "display version", not "real" smoke?
  14. The 3rd reason is that those of us who started with CM1 learned that it was very important to keep HQ's with good attributes close to subordinates as that indeed make a big difference in performance. Your findings are appreciated and it seems like this is one of those "myths" that need to be unlearned in CM2. However, I would have sworn that many years ago (CMSF days) comparisons were made in combat between units in and out of C2 of their HQ's with different attributes that there was a statistical difference in performance. However, the difference is so subtle in CM2 (vs very obvious in CM1) that in CM2 it's hardly worth worrying about - other than keeping units in C2 for "realism" purposes.
  15. +1 Also was very disappointed/shocked at CMSF early version(s). But, became increasingly impressed that BF stuck with it and kept working to improve CMSF till it became an xnt game - perhaps my favorite. It's the main reason am not impatient for new timely releases as one can be confident that BF will do a great job and get it "right" rather than be a slave to release schedules and the horrible compromises that creates.
  16. That is not "as advertised". IIRC the whole point of keeping squads in command radius of the HQ is so that the leader 's attributes would benefit the subunits. BTW: While I have seen an XO take over from a KIA Co CO, I don't recall ever seeing anyone take over from a KIA Platoon HQ leader. (Have only seen that in campaigns, where in the next mission a new Platoon HQ is provided.)
  17. It's a good strategy (or is it a tactic?) even on offense - esp when playing Blue.
  18. +1 Other than when one wants to Area Fire, this is true over 90% of the time. ATGM teams especially often do not like being told what to TARGET and fire when the unit (the AI) feels that the time is right.
  19. Aw man... One of my favorite childhood movies. Clint Eastwood, Richard Burton and a bunch of other good actors and great music. NOW it's a tragedy!
  20. Edited: Saar Campaign - November 1944. November 1944. As the Allies advance approaches the Westwall and the German historical borders, German resistance intensifies. On 27 November 1944, elements of the US 80th ID (under General Mc Bride) enter into Saint Avold. They found that the SS XIII Corps had left the city the previous night in order to establish a new line of resistance West of the Saar river (Sarre in French). Colonel Lewis immediately orders his 317th Regiment to pursue the retreating Germans in the direction of Farebersviller. In order to regain contact with the enemy the regiment marches off on foot because of the mud which hinders the mobility of their trucks. At dusk, contact is established about 10 km NE of Saint Avold in the vicinity of Farébersviller. Colonel Lewis orders the regiment to deploy and sends his leading battalion, the 3rd, to attack in the direction of Farebersviller while the 1st and 2d Battalions move forward south and north, respectively, of that village. The American stumble onto a German rearguard element comprising the 17. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Götz von Berlichingen" tactical reserve tasked to delay the American advance. For 7 days, fierce combat take place into and in the vicinity of Farébersviller. On 29 November, during the afternoon, Companies A and C of the 1st Battalion cross the railroad south of Farebersviller and gain the wooded ridge that lies beyond. Around 16:00 hours, seven German tanks and a company of their infantry slice in between the advance companies and the rest of the battalion…
  21. You youngsters don't remember the same fear-mongering in the 60's, then during Reagan era (and did we have similar in Bush W?). I recall in UK (or Great Britain as it was called back then) when Harold Wilson was PM there was at least one TV show about a military takeover in the UK(!) due to his "unpopular" (unpopular for the elite that is) worker friendly policies. Newspapers openly printed articles about how to overthrow the (Socialistic Labour Party) govt of Harold Wilson. So... far worse than anything we see these days. Plus ca change...
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