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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. In CM, the entire advancing force quite realistically does tend to halt when under any fire. The difference from RL is that next turn we are able to order our pixeltroops to continue as if nothing happened. As with so many other examples, we human players are fighting using tactics that work vs the game system/AI just as much as we attempt to use RL tactics.
  2. He had a talented brother Christopher who died back in 2011.
  3. When you say "organized accordingly"??? I have "Z" folders full of mods that I use in my games. I have folders of mods downloaded but not yet time to check em out and see if I want to use em, and I have a third set of folders of "reject" mods that may be perfectly fine, but I choose not to use.
  4. Full marks for trying. We just can't see a dang thing.
  5. Not really... Those of us who have been fans of BF for 20 years know that this is the way things are with a small company... and as Chris said... "I personally prefer nebulous shipping dates with quality products released rather than firm shipping dates with buggy releases requiring endless patches.".
  6. Not sure who "we" is, Michael. Things go in swings and roundabouts, fashions etc. We may be coming to the end of a very permissible era of moral relativism and going back to a more harsh judgmental period. Not saying it's better or right, just that things oscillate around a mean. And one can probably predict where things are headed by studying history. What bums me out is being lumped in with all you other white men as the current "enemy of society". Since my family came from (basically) Tsarist Russian empire lands, they were practically slaves. But, here in the west I am supposed to feel guilty/responsible for historical slavery. We are made to feel abnormal if we want to live and associate with people like ourselves. There is a movement in our society that believes that we can negate tens of thousands of years of human evolution and genetic programming and simply legislate human behavior so as to change it in a generation. As a result, we have young men growing up confused about their maleness and insecure, doubting themselves... Again, am not saying one thing is right or wrong. But, one cannot simply legislate human behavior and basic tribal instincts that took millennia to evolve. Maybe us blameless white guys can be assigned an armband or somesuch that we could wear to show that we, the "good white men", are not in any way responsible for the heinous acts of the ancestors of all you deplorable white men?
  7. I probably have every mod ever made for all CM series games. If someone wanted to make a dropbox am willing to upload. Be aware that we are talking several hundred GB.
  8. Thanx for the linx Ian. "I am one of the guilty." Then you must punish yourself LLF! (Helpful hint 13.34: Telling my martial arts trainer gf that I am not going to leave my wife for her and getting beaten up is a good method of self-punishment.)
  9. +1 In addition, the UK is full of Russian oligarchs and their families cluttering up our finest schools. Canceling their visas is a big threat. London isn't the money laundering capital of the world for nothing. All that illicit cash both holds up the UK economy and gives the UK a bigger than one would think stick.
  10. It is sad about DiCaprio. Never knew he used a quill.
  11. Understood Michael. We censor things from the youngest. But, it's not possible to do that with computer games or any other media if parents don't monitor and provide parental control/guidance. But, we as a society cannot protect innocents from the real world indefinitely. That's what leads to so many of our youths now so sensitive to any kind of info or thoughts or conversations that disturbs (ie that challenges one to think or make a choice). The "snowflake" generation. And for many disillusioned people (of which we now have very many), the very thing that is banned becomes extremely attractive/exotic/fashionable.
  12. Is this stuff being reported in the regular media/TV etc? Every time I turn on news channels for info about what is going on in the world there is never any actual news - just endless commentators endlessly arguing about Trump. It's like real journalists have disappeared along with the rest of world events.
  13. Blimey. I recall how so many folks were calling for flail tanks and there are hardly any scenarios that features them, and it's rare one even hears about them in the game?!! Am gobsmacked. (Sad how all those folks have moved on to demand other "fun" stuff that presumably will be forgotten about/ignored as soon as BF produces the feature/unit. For BF it must be like dealing with short-attention span children.)
  14. HerrTom: B4 you go about changing thing, try and get other testers to play your scenario. Until others come up with the same imbalance conclusion you can't be certain that your tactics were optimal.
  15. Understood. But, what is the point in posting pics which are mostly green-black with some vague shadows. Maybe it's my own monitor. Can everyone else see significant details?
  16. "The additional troops will be ferrying international advisors safely around the country's capital city, Kabul, in their Foxhound vehicles in what has been dubbed "Armoured Uber"." An admission that it's becoming increasingly perilous to move VIP visitors/advisors around the country. I kinda like the sound of "armored Uber". New market for them. (I prefer Lyft, so maybe "Protective Lyft"?)
  17. As said previously, it's likely this is same phenomenon as when an HMG team has great LOS to a target but won't shoot cos it's the 3rd ammo loader who can see and not the gunner. As long as your team can be moved safely to a new location where (hopefully) the guy with the ATGM launcher can get LOS is probably best option. I have occasionally wasted many turns having to do this until success. Having the AI "understand" that one wants to fire the main weapon and automatically move it (and the gunner) a few inches to get LOS is one improvement that would be wonderful - if not in CM2 then in CM3.
  18. Thanks for the update. It's been a while since I played WW2 since (for some reason) CMBS has taken up all my playing time for many months. So, appreciate relearning this Thompson vagary. Do all other SMG's fire on TARGET LIGHT?
  19. Perhaps super heavy arty can be used to enhance replayability since one can't be 100% sure of the effect of a barrage. However, BF has always posited that (probably due to the relatively small map sizes) its best to assume the barrage is over and design the scenario as if all the damage has been done, and now the assault starts.
  20. Unless things have changed in an update am sure that the Thompson fires on light - but only at shorter ranges. I recall using TARGET LIGHT a lot as a mean to reduce ammo consumption (but it didn't stop consumption).
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