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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. IIRC it's possible to get a better leader when a poor one is killed off.
  2. "What is your justification for that statement?" So, more a morale booster like the Doolittle raid on Tokyo. But, since the Vulcan raid wasn't repeated (AFAIK) wasn't worth the logistical effort.
  3. Yes, it was a good "message" (that presumably the UK could bomb mainland Argentina/Buenos Aires etc) but also demonstrated that using conventional munitions the aircraft may not have been effective. What are the comparable ranges and payloads of the Vulcan vs the B52?
  4. Stats like these are useful for reference (one day). Thank you...
  5. Just as with consumer products there is huge pressure to persuade customers to buy new and discard the old rather than repair the old.
  6. Always wanted to try that sort of modeling. Looks very relaxing and meditative. Loved miniatures back in the day and am a wannabe RR modeler at heart. But who has time these days? And computer sims/wargames like CM series (and RR sim games) are so good and convenient, it's just easier to play those - esp since one of the biggest problems for cardboard wargames was finding oppos (outside of a few conventions).
  7. Most likely, no. Not without some ruptured eardrums at the very least. I was thinking of the discussion re being too close to an 81mm mortar when it fired creating serious injuries. Must be much worse being close to a 120mm. Yeah, this is my common experience. It's very tricky pacing oneself in a game - one can be brilliant at attacking carefully, conserving men and equipment for 90% of the game, and then all goes to hell in the last 10 minutes. Exactly what happened playing CMSF2's "Breaking the Bank". Even tho' managed to get a Total Victory, it seemed that the large friendly casualties would have made the Brit unit incapable of further action. So is that really a win?
  8. aCTUALLY YES... Using a $##@ keyboard while traveling and it does that a lot. Umm... so what about the ACQUIRE issue outlined above? Is that a bug?
  9. IIRC It was designed to deliver nukes and missiles are more effective today. Not sure what its payload was, but am assuming that it couldn't carry what a B-52 can in conventional munitions.
  10. Nice video... but, presumably the troopers wouldn't run out in front of the M1 as it was firing in RL(?)
  11. It's not only the microphone's limitation, but you'd have to have a large commercial sound system - like for a rock concert.
  12. Very interesting to watch. One can't help but wonder how effective those rounds would have been as it seems quite likely that many would not have hit the target with the correct angle for effective penetration. "...the way they went about filming it was rather ingenious. Instead of trying to film it with a single high speed cine camera, they used a series of still cameras set up along the trajectory of the shot and then edited all those photos into one continuous movie lasting several seconds." I wonder if they didn't have the technology back then to shoot enuff film at fast enuff speed with one camera.
  13. Nice try, Olek. However, the CMA uniforms, faces/skins and vehicles rarely look as good as those in the other CM2 titles. Did the CMA Developer ("Snowflake" IIRC) do something weird with the graphics?
  14. In all the 20 odd years of playing CM games, that's the first quadruple kill I can remember ever being reported. Congrats! Hope you saved the turn for posterity. The Smithsonian will be calling one day am sure.
  15. Well...... This was the translation I got lol: Shanovnі Sister, є Before You Meal - Whose Would You Beleen at the End of the Ukrainian Intercourse? I feed Ukrayinskoe bo want rozmіti skіlki here Ukraїnomovnykh teamvachiv. Dyakuyu for respect. Glory to Ukraine!
  16. Very much like the faded, worn look you have given the uniforms...
  17. Jeez one makes a post without noticing caps is on... Must be great to be perfect like you... If you can tell me how to change a subject line after it's posted I will happily do that.
  18. The 4 helmet files are not in the v1.2 d/l. Also, when I copied over v1.2 over 1.1, I noticed there were a few uniform files that remained from v1.1. Not a problem. Just wanted to check that this is intended.
  19. Apparently, there is no advantage to deliberately slowing vehicles down with extra waypoints - the AI automatically slows the vehicle down to a "sensible" speed when crossing obstacles or entering "boggy" terrain. Tracks and wheels definitely can suffer damage going through obstacles (fences, hedges, walls etc). Not sure if it's a simple die roll, or if the damage calculation is cumulative until the tracks or wheels suffer the first level of damage and so on...
  20. Noticed the ad for AIRBUS on the undercarriage cover. Almost expected one for Starbucks or similar lol.
  21. Uh oh... Blocked again by BBC studios. which is odd since am in UK currently.
  22. I notice that v1.2 doesn't include the helmets. Also, some of the v1.1 uniform files are not updated. Are we supposed to simply copy over to the v1.1 folder and replace only what is new? Or, should we completely delete v1.1 and replace with v1.2?
  23. Was looking at "The Dutch Oven" scenario and noticed that while the lone driver can ACQUIRE the rocket launcher and rocket (plus all the 5.45mm ammo) from his Fennek, the 2-man scout team cannot acquire both the launcher and rocket ammo. The only way to do that is to dismount the drive and scouts, have the scout team board (alone) and only then can they acquire both the launcher and rocket ammo. Bug?
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