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Pete Wenman

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Everything posted by Pete Wenman

  1. Ok guys I'll wade in here. Warts'n'all called it right. It is an unknown objective which rewards the German FO remaining in his default position. While it was a long time ago the premise for this scenario was that it was primarily played as US vs the AI. As such the German FO sets up in the objective with a hide order and does not move. If the Allied player does not search the area and discover the FO, he remains in place for the duration of the scenario and scores 100 VP. If combined with German objective Heidi this will give the Germans overall victory 300 pts to 200 for the sunken lane. The concept behind this was to give some illustration of how deadly bocage can be and that leaving an enemy unit (particularly a hidden artillery spotter) was not a good idea. Weapon2010 - you don't seem to like it - fair do's - not much more I can add. P
  2. Use the Force vs Force selector in the editor (mission -> data) This allows you to switch sides for units and equipment purchases. Once done you can revert back to the default. P
  3. I gave up at rule number 7, so the field is clear for all the others. Edited just to add - did you note I didn't edit anything P
  4. Ghostrider - good to read you are enjoying this. As Skwabie states there is a 6th mission already in the campaign - I'm not sure how you will have missed it. I made the large master map for missions 1-5 as well as then making the first two missions. I must admit they were challenging missions to make, given the need for them to be enjoyable and yet challenging for a wide range of players. The additional requirement to ensure that some Red Army forces exited the maps in good order was particularly tricky to get right. In the end I got it working pretty well for armour, but the infantry units stand little chance in getting off the map given the distance to be covered and open nature of the maps. I think it's fair to say that of all the missions I've made to date only one mission was harder to get right than these two, and that's in Black Sea so you'll have to wait for that one. Deep Spoilers Both M1 and M2 have 19 x T-34 in play together with the 2 ATG on each map. These are different units and so in these two missions both are at full strength. To kill 13 and 17 of these respectively is probably as close to perfect as you can get, given some units start to move off map very early in proceedings, allowing for trigger placement and attacker options. Most comments on these two missions are regarding how tough they are, so if nothing else you show it can be done with minor German losses - a good result. P
  5. F1- F8 sets the group for a unit, with 16 groups available. In otherwords hit F8 once and it's group 8, hit it twice and it's group 16. All units default to group 1, which does not show an indicator, but any other group will show as A2 to A16 These groups must then be given orders in the AI editor. HTH P
  6. A quick check in the editor shows a flak36 comes with 4 HE and 11 AP, and it's attendant ammo bearer team comes with a further 5 HE and 15 AP, so a total of 35 rounds HTH P
  7. If you are not aware of Bil's site you should check it out http://battledrill.blogspot.co.uk/ P
  8. Just in case some of you Gents missed this posted to the repository a week or so ago. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3425 I've not used it myself, but from the video it appears that it can create an excel spreadsheet from the editor. Might be a help with some of the operational issues faced P
  9. erm.... no they are just a tool at least if you are a soldier. P
  10. DLaurier - don't try to run before you can walk. I believe The Passage which came with RT is very similar to what you describe so have a look at it in the editor, if you don't mind spoiling it. Otherwise set up units on a simple, if not plain, map and get the AI to conduct certain movements, and watch over and over again how it behaves. Note how changes in order type (Advance vs Dash etc) and changes in waypoint size/location etc affect the AI's movement. In short learn to understand how the AI works, and imo this can only be done by trial and error. P
  11. ^^^ That moment when an AP round ricochets off a boulder, and hits and destroys the jeep. Followed by said Uncle and Father in Law then having a heated discussion about bell curves and outliers ! P
  12. Cheers guys- glad to hear you are all enjoying the revised version. Not sure the British Para's will agree with you though P
  13. While this is also a little dated it's both an easy and enjoyable read. http://www.amazon.com/First-Clash-Combat-Close-Up-World/dp/0425107566 Produced for the Canadian Army it is a novel covering the first 2-3 days of a mechanized war in West Germany circ 1985. From it's chapter names you can get feel for its contents. Digging In Contact The hasty attack Deliberate attack, flexible defence. etc While the kit in use is outdated a good deal of the doctrine and theory remains relevant. P
  14. I assume you mean you can't find the Begleitgrenadiers ? If so they are exactly where that screen shot suggests. 4th Battery within the Sturmartillerie Bde QB - Armour only HTH P
  15. Morten - have a read of this, I think it also came as a .pdf with the Red Thunder download. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110294 P
  16. The patch has arrived http://www.battlefront.com/community/announcement.php?f=146&a=719 P
  17. I think this info is still correct P
  18. Wiggum if you have not watched the videos that ChrisND released yesterday you should do so. A little bit more than a re-skin even if not every feature you want makes it in game. P
  19. poesel71 - clouds have been in forever I believe, certainly since CMBN if not SF. P
  20. One thing is for sure that anything not behind armour and seen is at very high risk of a quick and messy death from the top of the foodchain systems if they are present ! Seeing a Manpad team taken out by a precision airbust fire mission from a FOO over 1k away is as scary as it is impressive to watch. P
  21. You might want to check this out http://www.battlefront.com/community/announcement.php?f=151&a=718 Black Sea gets it's own forum P
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