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Pete Wenman

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Everything posted by Pete Wenman

  1. It's up on the repository at long last http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3509 It's an artistic device to make the maps look more life like. (imo) P
  2. OK guys - given the lack of repository update here's a dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ibrnackmqy13i64/AABhQw4HJTK5RU_HwmWedoR7a?dl=0 P
  3. I've submitted the master map from which the maps for mission 2 and 3 of the Russian campaign were cut. The full size map is 5k x 2k. It has a few flavor objects, but not to many so as to avoid slowing things down. Hopefully the file will show up over the next day or so. P
  4. Yeah make sure shaders are on, it might also be worth exiting the game and then restarting as I'm sure I've read a thread somewhere where somebody didn't get the decals showing initially. But they are in game for sure. My high viz decals, showing hits from a M2 HMG P
  5. I've just been testing negative points and they don't work. A negative point value equals a nil value at game end - which is a shame. P
  6. Good call on the touch objective - I'm not sure, but suspect you are right - a quick test will establish one way or the other. P
  7. If you work in commerce you will also agree that on a great many occasions the customer has no friggin' idea what he is talking about either ! P
  8. Cool idea and good use of triggers Not a new idea though, as in a CMSF scenario I created what I called off map holding areas, which was basically any area at the edge of the map lower than the main map in which units could sit without being seen. Reserves were set up in the area, I think in one scenario I had a couple of Abram's as a reserve and they sat on a hidden occupy objective. The player was told not to move the vehicles unless he wished to use them but that if used it would affect any possible victory score. What he wasn't told was is that he would lose points if the hidden occupy objectives were left empty. BS makes this concept harder as you have UAVs and CAS for both sides which will be able to see the reserves and destroy them even if they are not used. In addition if the defender surrenders then presumably the reaction location points will be lost to the defender. Keep thinking the logic through as I'm sure you can come up with the best option for this scheme though with a little trial and error. P
  9. Astano - I'm pretty sure you can use reinforcements groups for order triggers. If you don't mind the spoiler crack open Brutal in the editor. Red Plan 1 group 4, order 4 is triggered by group 5, and they are a reinforcement unit. I'm pretty sure it works as I intended, but you might want to check it yourself P
  10. Yeah you can have core units for both sides, but don't have to. I'm not sure of the structure of the Russian Campaign but I don't think thr UKR forces have a core, whereas for RT the Russians did have a core force and so destroying elements early on had a benefit later in the campaign. Edit to add I've just checked the design document for the Russian campaign in BS and there are no core units for the UKR forces. P
  11. I see it too. Just to add although I'm sure you've already noticed it, but it looks like the terrain incline calculation is not working. So any tile that does not have a specific height allocated (black or blue) is defaulting to 22m for some reason whereas it should be adjusting to create slopes and inclines to match the surrounding locked in heights. P
  12. Here's the link http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3491 P
  13. Here's the link http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3490 P
  14. This one Carl ? http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118052-prioritizing-the-scenario-editor/?p=1580979 p
  15. The mislabelled EW tag is what you are after P
  16. Think outside of the box and use a UKR crew, get a friendly modder to knock up a flight suit texture and [tag] away. P
  17. No Bahger that's not one of mine - mine are even more infuriating For the record mine are An August Morning Brutal and missions 2 and 3 of the Russian Campaign enjoy ! P edit just to add - its The Imperial Grunt you need to send your bill to.
  18. I'm pretty sure it will call in a tight area target if it has LOS, but I know that in some instances it will call in for air an area target that covers the whole map and let the assets go fishing. If you run a mission in scenario author mode you can see when a support mission is called for the AI. (You get the green line from the spotter and the overlay for the target area as with human support missions). In early playing testing air support was destroying the RED attack in my Brutal scenario, the only problem was that it was RED air. That got tweaked, but yes the AI will call in air across the whole map in the absence of a better target and hope it strikes lucky. P
  19. Any AI Air or Arty that is not called in on turn 1 against a support target location is being called on the hoof by the AI. I believe any AI HQ unit can call in either, which differs a little from how it works for the human player, and so destroying them all will probably work, but I'm not sure how good your chances are of killing every HQ unit in any given scenario. P
  20. @ Sburke - so you don't know the trick here ! Place the vehicle on map first onto a terrain tile that is accessible, then go back into the editor and change the tile to marsh ! Ta Da ! P
  21. Maybe also have a look at my August Morning mission as that is a very similar concept. P
  22. If you place the vehicle somewhere that is inaccessible and out of sight you can then also set that location as an "exit" objective and the vehicle will then exit the map at the end of the first turn. You just need to make sure no other unit can stumble into the exit location by error (Maybe place it in a heavy swamp tile, and covered with trees). P
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