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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Scenarios working vs backwards upgrades from future titles? No way I pick scenarios, we don't require Charles to make those.
  2. There will definitely be East Front. Good chance the first release in that series is Bagration.
  3. Yes. History. Archives. Gone. Nada. Zip. Zilch. A memory that once was...
  4. *wrings hands and laughs maniacally with unbridled joy*
  5. If you haven't seen this, it is absolutely amazing. You used to have to buy this stuff. The amount of information is staggering.
  6. Battlefront has truly spoiled us for a long-timer to feel that way.
  7. Thankfully, we get to have our cake and eat it too. So, squishall won't have to be shot. Yet...
  8. Except that you will have all the participants with the modules to follow. Marines and British are still Shock Force, after all.
  9. Franko sighting. Christmas merryness quotient greatly increased.
  10. You can take a scenario of any size and import it to use in a qb, thus adding up to another 5k points from the qb purchases to create a much larger battle.
  11. You need to be more concerned about having a cell phone up to your head on a regular basis than any of this.
  12. Damn right. And totally cool moment, Mord. I look forward to WWII versions of exactly that, with combat going on at 1:1 scale.
  13. Everyone is in the Shock Force forum, because that's where we talk about CM:Normandy until its forum opens, in the not too distant future, apparently.
  14. 15 minutes after they drove them off the train they were dirty. 15 hours after they drove them off the train, they were filthy and at least some had managed to bend a skirt or two. So, I'd say yes, ample opportunity to look worn and torn.
  15. Nice pic, Chainsaw. Interesting that netting that thin (or so it appears) would help keep the temperature in the vehicle down.
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