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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. The journey has been wonderful. The world changes, but not so much in here. I look forward to many more years of entertainment.
  2. If the 50 will kill a Tiger, it will certainly kill a Hetzer.
  3. That is much appreciated David. Still a ways to go for CM:Normandy, so its nice to keep getting fun, new things for BB/AK.
  4. I haven't had any performance problems, but the blue bar makes me happy! Edit: Not Sergei's.
  5. They talk about CM:Normandy in the CMSF forum all the time, so you can't say there isn't plenty of info on CM2 WWII.
  6. You can bet Tigers will be in, for sales purposes, but scenarios will be, as they always have, well researched, with forces as representative of the actual combatants as the information available allows them to be. Most of the user made scenarios will be also, though plenty of what if's get made for fun.
  7. Man, your uni's are sweet. Can't wait for that next batch, looking great.
  8. I suspect that may be at the top of list. Hope so, anyway.
  9. ...and the first hint of light at the end of the tunnel appeared, to the sound of great rejoicing...
  10. landwarrior, You might want to take a look at the CMSF forums, as though SF and Marines posts predominate, there are still quite a few lengthy ones with good info from Moon about CMx2 WWII.
  11. That is a fantastic suggestion. Hope it is easy enough to do that BF.C includes that in the near future.
  12. Nice thought, but other than the coding changes needed for BB to "talk" to CMC when scenario's are generated, there will be no changes/upgrades/patches to BB.
  13. Okay, can't just let that go. Did you just leave the window open, or do you live in some ancient Welsh castle, with bats in all the towers?
  14. Do it, PT. Ironman was the only way to enjoy the AI in BB and AK. I'm sure it would be fun in SF too. Those who want to enjoy them will play by Franko's rules even without an ironman mode.
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