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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Once NATO gets here, Leopard I wouldn't be a bad fudge for the Israelis.
  2. The fact that 3 things are nearing release, more or less, is the main reason, but my .02 is that getting the new QB system worked out is the stickiest single item.
  3. True enough. It just seemed easier in the original. Not complaining mind you, I'm happy with it.
  4. Unless you edit the .txt, the orders themselves will feel odd, as many of them use different letters, plus there are quite a few different commands. You will have to get used to the fact that you cannot click destinations exactly where you want a lot of the time, because of the nature of the maps now. If you played CMx1 in height 3 or 4 typically, you will be in height 2 or 3 now. You will miss the ease of determining LOS, but love the extra targetting options. Calling arty is wildly different and a big improvement. Some troops in a squad having LOS and some not takes getting used to. There are millions of others, but thats a few things you will notice quickly. Of course, the biggest difference is the absence of Mr. Borg, for which we give thanks.
  5. Less work for you resulting in more variety for us? It doesn't get any better than that!
  6. This also means that we get to have all the things we wanted that were too much work for too little return, before now.
  7. Yep, there was an update issue that caused this false positive from a ton of sources, so they got a fix out quickly.
  8. This has the additional benefit for us, the unwashed masses, of getting releases sooner not only because Charles has help, but because they will probably, eventually, have to pay Phillip, which requires product sales! Muhahahaha.
  9. You can mod skins on vehicles and troops, sounds, and a few little things like tracers and signs, but thats about it, off the top of my head.
  10. Third parties are welcome to make things I don't care about, like Afghanistan. As for North Africa, however, if tis nae Scottish, err...Battlefront, tis crrrrrrrrrrrap!
  11. Games are so much more complex now that it takes a much greater number of people to think of new ways to break things and exploit them, etc. As such, what is called beta is really just private alpha with the small group of testers and release is public beta. Few companies have the wherewithal to have a group of testers so large that they can release a game that has any designs on greatness, but doesn't need some pretty substantial patching. Just the nature of the modern beast, imho.
  12. Aircraft, of any sort, missing ground targets,...is a GOOD thing.
  13. I am going to say "now" is the operative word. Since SF is all about 2008, I'm guessing you'll have to wait for the next round on that one. But, I stand to be corrected.
  14. The ultimate morale buster, weapons that spray smack talk onto vehicles as they take them out. See ya *boom* Pwned *boom* etc
  15. It will never cease to amaze me the ways that it is okay to mangle human beings in war, and the ways that it is not.
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