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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. I suspect making bocage that is actually bocage is one of the reasons they are going to enjoy their Christmas holidays and release it in '10.
  2. I hope the French make it sooner, rather than later. Brewing up LeClerc's would make me very happy.
  3. Early 41 is fun with Cruisers, M13/40's, and early Mk III's (avoid Matilda's) and late 42 is fun with Grants/Shermans vs Mk IVF2's and late Mk III's.
  4. Don't be. Check out Steve's reply about the Eastern Front here.
  5. BB and AK are the greatest games ever,...for now. Currently playing in CMMC3 (which uses AK), and it is great, but SF/Marines/British plays so much better that when CM:N comes out, I know I will finally uninstall BB and AK. That will make me sad,...but only long enough to dive into Normandy.
  6. That...is classic. Give my boys some of what that tree's wearing.
  7. Dismount the crew to sneak about and recon. Basically what happens irl, anyway.
  8. The only problem is that the radiating Gepard ate an ARM long before any aircraft came into range.
  9. The text fix is here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=82561
  10. GAJ, Just so you know, the link in your sig works, the one in the first sentence of each post doesn't.
  11. Show of hands for Thomm being made a beta tester... *raises hand*
  12. Everyone but you bought the British Module, so no need. Sorry.
  13. Not sure your AP is up to killing anything it might come across. M829A3 fired from the L/44 > DM-63 fired from the L/55
  14. Absolutely. Glad we're on the same side. No doubt in my mind that anyone that gets the sharp end of the stick from the Bundeswehr is going to be sorry.
  15. I won't get into a ****ing match with you, but suffice it to say, that we are happy to save the R & D money and borrow your basic gun, but your ammo doesn't compare to ours.
  16. There must be a Strudelschlepper in the German OOB! (Earl will probably be the only one to appreciate this...)
  17. The vid is great and I hate to be a music grog, but it isn't Bill Haley and the comet, its Bill Haley and His Comets.
  18. Since BO came out, Combat Mission, in each, ever better iteration, has been the only game I play. I cannot thank everyone who is involved with it enough. I don't even want to think about what it would be like to be playing the other wargames out there, frustratedly wishing that someone would make CM.
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