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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. While this is true to a point, I think Steve and Moon's comments here give us reason to expect that CMx2 WWII will have quite a bit of what BB and AK had by the time all the modules come out.
  2. Just to clarify Redwolf's point (which is, frankly, pretty clear, but I am not taking any chances), if you get a new comp with Vista and have, say, a 9600 card, or something other than the 8xxx card, you will be able to play BB and AK? Thanks in advance.
  3. You will definitely want to use McMMM, also available at CMMODS, to switch mods in and out and preview them.
  4. The PDF at the end of page 2 of the article you linked.
  5. You might want to post this in the tech support forum, which is here
  6. Oh, I'm sorry, thats incorrect, but thanks for playing! Tell him what he's won, Johnny...
  7. Definitely some good red on red action there with recent developments.
  8. Hmm, could be a Buchon pic, but could also just be the angle.
  9. The problem with standalone battles, particularly against the AI, as I am guessing your's was, is that no consideration is given to force preservation and so casualties are often much higher than in real engagements, where one side or the other would give way when things went south. If you ever get the chance to play against other people in a campaign setting, where keeping your troops alive is paramount, you will typically see a lot more caution, a much more palatable casualty rate, and less conclusive battles, as was the actual norm.
  10. I just hope Hunter can find the new forums.
  11. Looking good. Wish those were still plinking Russkies at Lauben...
  12. M13/40's v Brit Cruisers Stuarts v Pz III's Valentines v Pz IVC/D/E's are all pretty much a wild shooting match.
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