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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Capt., the fix is here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=82561
  2. I doubt this is part of the patch, since it is a Vista fix, but, by some random miracle, is the text problem for ATI fixed? I have no problems with BB or AK on Vista 64 with an ATI 4800, except that I had to download the bmp text fix, which works, but is quite irritating, visually.
  3. The problem is that CM has a problem with the DX 10 calls involving nVidia cards. In Windows XP it runs fine, because DX 9 is in use. Keep in mind that CM actually uses something like DX 5, but is compatible up to DX 9 with nVidia. So, with Vista, your video card is using DX 10 calls, which are broken with respect to CM. So, your best bet is to use an ATI card. I am running Vista 64 with an ATI 4800 and it works great other than having to get the bmp fix for the text problem. At least you have fog too this way. I have been an nVidia guy for years, but, if CM is important to you, you don't have a lot of choices.
  4. Not as well as you'd think it would, sadly.
  5. Gordon, Marco, and MikeyD. The best of the best. God bless and keep you, Gordon.
  6. And yet, still infinitely cheaper than the Mk. I soldier, so, when in doubt, hose 'em off, boys.
  7. And what, pray tell, do you find unnatural?
  8. Looks like a PT-76 turret on a fictional hull.
  9. I just want one with a shotgun rack in the window.
  10. All great ideas. If the coding proves not to be worth their time, I'd be happy with scenarios being sorted by date and a check box or something denoting that it had been played to a conclusion at least once.
  11. Flanker, I'm sorry, but after having been around the forums since 06 and allowing yourself to be hooked by such an obvious bait post, you will have to be banned.
  12. I'm a firm believer that there is very little use for air attacks in most CM scenarios, since troops are in, or close to, small arms range of one another. Attacks in those situations just didn't happen all that often. As was described above, most of the worthwhile air attacks were in free zones behind the lines, looking for transport, etc, to shoot up. So, I really hope that air attacks in CM:N will be as effective as they were in real life, which is to say, ineffectual a very high percentage of the time. I also hope that aircraft will have a very difficult time spotting much.
  13. You can bet Hellfire would effectively render anything it hit inoperable, even from the front, even if it didn't penetrate. That thing is a beast.
  14. When there is a tactical AI worth playing against, we'll have to start worrying about Skynet taking over.
  15. CM:Normandy is the upgrade. Hope to see it this year.
  16. Fortunately, no matter where you go, there you are...
  17. No borg spotting alone will make dedicated TD's a lot more lethal, as they typically were.
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