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Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - Soviet Side

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3 hours ago, BFCElvis said:

There's 1 hour 5 minutes left in the battle.

I'd say my greatest strength right now is my defenses for my home turf of Jagermeister. I also feel like I've may have an armor advantage. The latter is not based on any real knowledge. Just a gut feeling.

I think my greatest weakness is probably my situation around Berliner Weisse. I'm very susceptible to losing armor to panzerfausts. I don't have the freedom of armor movement that I'd like because I'm ascared of the Panther and don't have the means to take him out with anything other than armor. This screenshot will show what I mean. The Panther is located where the blue circle is. The orange circle shows how I can't send armor in 2 directions to try and flank the Panther. The red is about my only choice for going after it. And that looks like death. The pink units need to be moved across the street to prevent any faust coming at me from those buildings.

Winning, losing or holding my own? I don't know. Until I started knocking out some armor I felt like I was behind. I don't have enough intel right now to know if I'm ahead. But I can see a patch to victory. In the long term, if I can take Berliner Weisse I may try to continue to Vodka from there, rather than from Jagermeister as I'd originally intended. 



Thanks! This was a great update and the picture sure gives a good sense of the challenge you are facing. Good luck hunting down the Panther!

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Enjoying this a lot :) Especially the counter punches.

What's the wind direction ? If it's blowing towards the Panther, you could drop some in the intersection and get men into the big block - he won't feel happy about men popping up on the 2nd/3rd floor close to his Panther. Might need demo charges to move in the building though, so probably also a long term approach.

Smoke would seem to be the temporary solution at your intersection of death, but I don't know how much the Soviets carry. Is it just in Shermans ?

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16 hours ago, Macisle said:

What's the weapon mix on the regular infantry squads you have here? IIRC, I read there might be a TOE adjustment to some of the Soviet units, reducing the number of SMGs.  I ask, thinking that perhaps (assuming the broader armor situation allows it) you can use the buildings and your infantry muscle to force the Panther to commit very close and then take it out with a close assault team.

I lied it seems. I just looked over some of the rifle squads and they all look uniform. 

8x Moson Nagants

2x  PPSh

1x DPM

I'll keep an eye on it to make sure the correction of my lie isn't a lie. 🙂



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5 hours ago, BFCElvis said:

I lied it seems. I just looked over some of the rifle squads and they all look uniform. 

8x Moson Nagants

2x  PPSh

1x DPM

I'll keep an eye on it to make sure the correction of my lie isn't a lie. 🙂



Thanks very much for posting that.  Regular infantry squads losing 2 SMGs is going to have a major effect. Currently, a '44 rifle squad with generic split will usually yield a "reinforced scout team" with 1 SMG and 3 rifles, a "heavy close combat team" with 3 SMG and 1 rifle, and an "LMG overwatch" team with 1 LMG and 2 rifles. That's a super-useful setup in an urban environment.  Speaking very roughly, the new TOE moves Soviet infantry from close-range dominance to parity or disadvantage vs. Germans squads with at least on SMG, an LMG42 and perhaps rifle grenades, PF, PS, etc.

Does a generic split still yield 3 maneuver teams?

Edited by Macisle
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13 hours ago, Ts4EVER said:

Not an expert on Soviet TOE, but did they still use 11 man squads after 1942? As far as I know they switched to 9 man squads at some point?

Yes, and to 7 men after 44. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/137088-soviet-infantry-squad-organisation/

9 hours ago, Macisle said:

Regular infantry squads losing 2 SMGs is going to have a major effect.

But each rifle company now has 1 smg platoon.

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31 minutes ago, DMS said:

But each rifle company now has 1 smg platoon.

Oh? I missed that, I guess. That's an interesting dynamic then. So, the overall firepower is there, just distributed differently.

I assume the new formations are more historically accurate and look very forward to putting them through their paces. I just hope I can still get three maneuver teams out of those rifle squads.

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4 hours ago, DMS said:

Yes, and to 7 men after 44. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/137088-soviet-infantry-squad-organisation/

But each rifle company now has 1 smg platoon.

Come to think of it, I think Red Thunder already had the 9 man organization as an option, right? It's been a while since I have played it, but I think it is already in. So possibly the 7 man organization is included as a third option for maximum variety.

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I realize that I never mentioned that I have another HQ calling in smoke at the end of the Street of Death. It's coming down heavy now. 

Up at Berliner Weisse the more infantry that I get into position to fire across the park the more Germans appear around the park. He really has a lot more infantry overwatching that park than I would have guessed. Speaking of smoke, having gotten the one Mark IV I couldn't get a clean LOF on the other one before he started smoking up around it. Damn. It would have been nice to have gotten that things. 







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19 minutes ago, IanL said:

Quick note on your last screen shots. If you press <shift><ESC> the game will pause without the "PAUSED ...." text. You only have to do that once per playback. After that the play pause button will not display the notice. Much nicer for screen shots.

Really? I didn't know that. I also posted the wrong pictures!!!!! I posted the raw screenshots.....not the edited ones.

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2 minutes ago, BFCElvis said:

Really? I didn't know that. I also posted the wrong pictures!!!!! I posted the raw screenshots.....not the edited ones.

Everyone finds new things about the game. I noticed you like to crop close (which is good really). Getting rid of the message give you more room to position things on screen.

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I've probably fallen behind Ithikial_AU and this may not be news to you........

Here's a look at the area around Berliner Weisse.  It's a battle of attrition. I can see his men popping up and opening fire, then being suppressed and then see a guy here and there getting plinked as casualties. I've got a T34-85, a Sherman and an SU-85 with eyes on the building that are part of the objective but they can't get much more done until I crack the code on the Panther.





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Here's where the whining is going to start........The smoke clears out WAY more quickly than I anticipated. I left the game clock in the following screenshots because they're import.

These show the smoke at the beginning of the fateful turn and at the end. I have also circled the armor that I am bringing up to the Street of Death. That's give you am idea of how quickly the smoke moved out and how I had already plotted the moves for these clickity clacks and was not able to adjust during the 1 minute turn. Also of note, is the screenshot showing the the Panther that I circled did not appear until the screenshot was taken. 1 second left in the turn.





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Now the real whining will start. The SU-85 entered the Street of Death with about 15 seconds left in the previous turn. If you look at the time when he buys the farm you'll see he was in the street for about 40 seconds......unbuttoned.....and never spotted the TDs.

Ditto the other way with the T34-85. He spotted the Panther with 1 second left in the last turn. He got blowed up 3 seconds into the next turn.....He never had a chance. When I kilt the last Panther I thought there might be a second one. As the one I kilt was going down the road there were times that I got 1 and times I got 2 sound contacts. This flaming T34 is confirmation that there were 2.





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Just yesterday I was running some SU-85s on defense against incoming Stug IIIs on a large, fairly open map. Engaging unbuttoned from stationary, partial or fully hulldown positions at 5 to 700 meters, my SU-85s did not do well against the moving, buttoned-up (I hit them with mortars for that purpose) Stugs. The problem was both spotting and accuracy of shot. Despite the favorable setup, the Stugs were outspotting and landing hits faster than my SU-85s -- even with infantry placed beside them to help.

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Let me ask you guys something. Ith and I had a little message exchange this morning and I got the impression he had posted right up to before my tak slaughter. Which means that I'm a bit ahead of him again. Would you like for me to post something now or hold off until we've caught up with each other? We're about 4 or 5 turns ahead of what you've seen so far. And your hero has not given up hope. I still feel like this thing is about even and could break my way pretty easily.

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1 hour ago, BFCElvis said:

Let me ask you guys something. Ith and I had a little message exchange this morning and I got the impression he had posted right up to before my tak slaughter. Which means that I'm a bit ahead of him again. Would you like for me to post something now or hold off until we've caught up with each other? We're about 4 or 5 turns ahead of what you've seen so far. And your hero has not given up hope. I still feel like this thing is about even and could break my way pretty easily.

Personally speaking, I'm still recovering from the pain of the last few posts....


I hope you can turn it around.

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