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On 12/3/2019 at 10:34 PM, CHEqTRO said:

While playing the Two Crowns scenario, my T32 Mountain gun refused to fire for some reason.

The gunner kept in a permanent state of "turning" the weapon, but never fired, despite having perfect line of vision/fire and being commanded to fire via the target command. It is true that one of the 4 soldiers that usually handle the weapon was killed before this, and maybe that was the reason it refuse to turn the weapon, as it needed the full crew to work, so maybe is working as intended?

Yeah, I'm having the same issue here with the T32 on the Two Crowns scenario. It can target, but is in a constant state of "turning". Makes the scenario even harder than it needs be...

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The same problem often affects US MG teams even in the original version of CMFI. They can take an age to get the gunner into a position from which he can fire, even if his crew mates have LOS. Ii can be a case of giving the team a Target Arc and just waiting for the gunner to shift his position, or giving them a "Slow" command and hope that they can move a short distance without packing the gun up, and having to start all over again.


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"The gunner kept in a permanent state of "turning" the weapon, but never fired, despite having perfect line of vision/fire."  It is likely that the gunner does not have LOS, one or more of the ammo bearers does.

What may be happening is that in the process of turning the gun, the gunner loses LOS so he returns the gun to original position where he regains LOS etc.

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Yeah, might be something like that - I was thinking maybe the gun is on a slope, so it's unable to elevate the barrel to the target. I've seen that before for other weapons but then it says "elevating" not "turning".  Also kind of pointless for a *Mountain Gun* if you ask me...

I'll try things I guess - problem is, with a 5 min pack up time... sheesh. No way do I believe something that takes 20 secs to deploy would take 5 minutes to pack... 🙄


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9 hours ago, Shadrach said:

it says "elevating"

Am not sure if elevation is modeled in CM2.   Someone more knowledgeable can let us know.

9 hours ago, Shadrach said:

No way do I believe something that takes 20 secs to deploy would take 5 minutes to pack... 

Again... we need to hear from an arty person who knows this stuff.  B)

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1 hour ago, user1000 said:

On All Cm2 WW2 panzerschrek teams just don't ever get suppressed. I had 19 guys firing at them behind a stone wall, the team of 2 panzerschrekers destroyed the stone wall and all the guys.

Try that with a bazooka team and you will see what I mean.

Never noticed anything like that - a save would help. In any case it would be an easy thing to test in the editor if you are up to back up your case with hard evidence. Like this it is just anecdotal.

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On 1/15/2020 at 1:50 PM, user1000 said:

On All Cm2 WW2 panzerschrek teams just don't ever get suppressed. I had 19 guys firing at them behind a stone wall, the team of 2 panzerschrekers destroyed the stone wall and all the guys.

Try that with a bazooka team and you will see what I mean.

Fanatics?  Suppressed but never panicking & fleeing?

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Limbering a gun can take a while depending on how dug in the spades are. Usually we fire one round at full charge to get the spades dug in deep when setting up the gun but it can take a lot of shovel-work and manpower to roll the gun out of that hole.  Also a pack gun probably takes a while to break down into loads.

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On 1/15/2020 at 2:50 PM, user1000 said:

On All Cm2 WW2 panzerschrek teams just don't ever get suppressed. I had 19 guys firing at them behind a stone wall, the team of 2 panzerschrekers destroyed the stone wall and all the guys.

Try that with a bazooka team and you will see what I mean.

I've noticed that both bazookas and Panzerschreks now often can keep firing from inside a building. Previously they were not allowed to at all, but then it was changed so they could do it - but got suppressed by the backblast. Now I'm seeing them in some cases firing and reloading shot after shot. But it's not consistent... 

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On 1/22/2020 at 1:37 AM, DougPhresh said:

Limbering a gun can take a while depending on how dug in the spades are. Usually we fire one round at full charge to get the spades dug in deep when setting up the gun but it can take a lot of shovel-work and manpower to roll the gun out of that hole.  Also a pack gun probably takes a while to break down into loads.

Thanks for the information! But surely it would not apply to this thing? I mean if it takes 20 secs to assemble the loads then why would it take five minutes to pack it up again?


Then again, the main issue is not the packup time, but the gun's inability to fire at things it has LOS to. I suspect the terrain slope where the gun is deployed plays a role in this? The packup time is just a huge nuisance when it's unclear where the gun is able to fire from.

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17 minutes ago, Wicky said:

I thought it was introduced a while back that guns can move a short distance (an action square) without resetting up penalty - though it may be just limited to wheeled guns. Try hopping it a short move away and see what happens.

The four action spot slide.  It works for HMGs.  Not sure about other crew served weapons.  For HMGs: If you have a deployed team, and give them a short movement order (4AS or less) without un-toggling "Deploy Weapon", the weapon becomes "instantly" packed up and only takes 2-3 seconds to redeploy once at the new location. This is simulating the crew shifting their piece without dismounting it from the tripod etc.     

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16 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

The four action spot slide.  It works for HMGs.  Not sure about other crew served weapons.  For HMGs: If you have a deployed team, and give them a short movement order (4AS or less) without un-toggling "Deploy Weapon", the weapon becomes "instantly" packed up and only takes 2-3 seconds to redeploy once at the new location. This is simulating the crew shifting their piece without dismounting it from the tripod etc.     

I had no idea that worked for HMGs too. Mortars as well? I have always wondered why the "deploy" button is activated even after a unit has deployed. Maybe it is an indicator for this type of movement?

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I'm experiencing modular building texture issues since R2V was released. I have both modules and have installed via the master download. Here are some examples:

Moving the camera changes the texture from solid wall to empty texture.


Different texture from inside and outside the same building.


Moving the camera changes the texture from solid wall so that a door appears. No way of knowing which is the "true" texture.


Different texture from inside and outside the same building. Window textures broken and door solid from one side but not the other.


Window textures broken but not all levels, only the occupied one (compare to above where all levels are broken).


Comparison between outside and inside of the same building - door appears/disappears and different broken window textures.


Anyone else seeing this? I have no building mods (are there any for FI even?).

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21 hours ago, Shadrach said:

Thanks for the information! But surely it would not apply to this thing? I mean if it takes 20 secs to assemble the loads then why would it take five minutes to pack it up again?


Then again, the main issue is not the packup time, but the gun's inability to fire at things it has LOS to. I suspect the terrain slope where the gun is deployed plays a role in this? The packup time is just a huge nuisance when it's unclear where the gun is able to fire from.

Could the pack up time be refering to the gun being tied onto the back of a mule?

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Does anyone have working South African voices (*.wav files) for R2V module? I  exploded the .brz file and found many of the *.wav files  for the South African voices were misspelled and/or were stereo files (only mono files seem to work) and the *.wav files that were o.k. were very quiet and needed to be amplified. The artillery confirmation voices were missing entirely.  Pretty weird since one of the R2V campaigns includes the South African army. I raised a ticket on the help desk about it over a month ago and was corresponding with @BFCElvisbut the ticket has been closed now without any confirmation the issue is fixed. Is there a patch or somefink?

Edited by weta_nz
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On 1/23/2020 at 7:33 PM, Shadrach said:

Thanks for the information! But surely it would not apply to this thing? I mean if it takes 20 secs to assemble the loads then why would it take five minutes to pack it up again?


Then again, the main issue is not the packup time, but the gun's inability to fire at things it has LOS to. I suspect the terrain slope where the gun is deployed plays a role in this? The packup time is just a huge nuisance when it's unclear where the gun is able to fire from.

I can't speak to this particular weapon, but I know firsthand for mortars, once the tube is hot and the baseplate is firmly in the ground, it takes a while to be able to break it down and strap it on your pack. Packing ammunition and fuses back into the tubes, disposing of charge bags if using separate QF ammo, those can all take time as well. I'm not saying that is true for this artillery piece in particular, but anything hot or removed from packaging on the gun position is going to take longer to move.

Regarding the LOS, I believe I've seen the muzzle flash originate from lower down on the model somewhere down on the tripod. I'd have to take another look but this mismatch might explain the issue.

Finally, I found a very interesting write-up on Elefants in Italy. Kudos to the OOB team for getting this so right. I can't imagine trying to figure out the rarity of 11 vehicles in an entire theatre of operations!

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16 hours ago, Field Oggy said:

Could the pack up time be refering to the gun being tied onto the back of a mule?

Yeah, I was actually thinking the same - the time is to "emulate" packing the gun onto a donkey back 😂
Might as well be, makes as much sense as anything else!


11 hours ago, DougPhresh said:

once the tube is hot and the baseplate is firmly in the ground

Yeah, that might be it as well. No idea unless we can get the information from the "donkey's mouth" i.e. Battlefront, on why they decided on this long pack-up time... 


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Regarding the SS in RTV: The September '43 formation, which I am taking to be the LSSAH only has a grenadier battalion and no regimental formations available with the exception of flak units. When the unit was sent to Italy did the regimental recce, artillery and engineers come along?

Under the scenario editor, Panzerjager and Panzerjager [armoured] with StuGs and Marders respectively are available but as the Waffen SS is only selectable as infantry only in QB they do not appear. If this is referring to the Division type, as is the case with France, it should be a quick fix to have those units and single vehicles appear under the infantry tab. This was one of the biggest improvements in RTV (as I mentioned in a thread under Shock Force 2) and I hope that this is applied more consistently within and across titles.

I would guess that the Waffen SS formations available from January '44 on are elements of 16 SS Panzergrenadier Division. In this case most of the regimental formations seem to be present.

However, in the light infantry gun platoon within the panzergrenadier battalion, in QB no 75mm ammo is carried as cargo in the platoon Opel trucks, whereas in the anti-tank platoon ammo is carried for AT guns by the platoon vehicles (Protze). Going deeper this seems to be more confusing because in QB ammo is carried for the AT guns but not the infantry guns, but in the editor the situation seems to be reversed and 75mm is carried by the infantry gun Opels, but absent for the AT platoon Protze for Pak 40, 36(r) and 38.

Despite being much smaller, the 250/10 carries much more 37mm ammunition than the 251/10. In fact, the 250/10 carries 4k more 7.92 rounds as well.

Finally, the Free French can equip M5 76mm guns as specialist teams, but not as part of a formation. Their Regimental AT company can equip 37mm or 57mm AT guns, as the US does but France does not have a Tank Destroyer [towed] formation available. I would suggest adding the M5 as an option for the Regimental AT company if this is how France employed the guns.
I cannot for the life of me make sense of the French OOB in the Italian Campaign, so I'm differing to those who know better.

Guns available as specialist teams but not as formations is pretty common across FI and all titles, and my biggest problem is not that I'm a hardcore grog per se, just that this means that no vehicle transported ammo is available. In the case of the 7.5 cm le.IG 18, (e.g Waffen SS, Sept '43) this often means fielding a gun with 10 HE rounds as opposed to 59, no small difference.


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I don't own or intend to purchase R2V, but I installed the 2.10 patch recently expecting a few general engine bug fixes and allowing me to gauge the content in R2V. I own the original FI and GL modules so this was probably a mistake and I'll roll it back as 6GB of archives I'm not going to use is a waste of space for me. But I thought I should also point out that for some of the quick battle maps that were available to play on have now become gated behind a paywall after the update. I expected problems with the scenarios and quick battle maps folders so backed them up prior to updating, but for those who don't own R2V and install the latest patch, you are removing maps. I'm sure it's not intentional.

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