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Combat Mission future

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It may be worth pointing out that Bohemia Interactive and BI Simulations are two different companies... and BI Simulations don't sell anything to the general public (AFAIK).

So whilst I do entirely agree about garbage survival shooters, you can't really blame BI Simulations.

Now on the other hand, I had the opportunity to try VBS3 in the last year... and coming from ArmA 3 it feels archaic! The movement system that was so nicely upgraded in ArmA 3 vs ArmA 2 is sadly yet to filter down to BI Simulations it seems...

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On 10/2/2018 at 8:13 AM, Michael Emrys said:

Not on my computer you couldn't. I was able to run CMBO just fine, but with BB and AK I had a lot of trouble getting framerates faster than about 10-15 FPS with anything over a company on each side and sometimes I couldn't get that much with even a company.


Sorry your system was struggling.  That doesn't alter that fact that one can create 8K x 4K maps in CMAK.  I designed one.  Yes, it was for a campaign.  But. IIRC one can create a one mission campaign if one wanted to (I simply love multi-mission campaigns is all).  At WeBOB we regularly play "Birthday Bash" tournaments with a Regiment+ with perhaps a Battalion of armor on each side.  CM2 is great for playing smaller more detailed engagements.  But, if one wants to have an almost operational-level experience, CM1 is also still great after all these years.  

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22 hours ago, Erwin said:

Sorry your system was struggling.  That doesn't alter that fact that one can create 8K x 4K maps in CMAK.  I designed one.  Yes, it was for a campaign.  But. IIRC one can create a one mission campaign if one wanted to (I simply love multi-mission campaigns is all).  At WeBOB we regularly play "Birthday Bash" tournaments with a Regiment+ with perhaps a Battalion of armor on each side.  CM2 is great for playing smaller more detailed engagements.  But, if one wants to have an almost operational-level experience, CM1 is also still great after all these years.  

8 x 4 km and anything below the divisional level is tactical.

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I think the sweet spot is around company+ level.

Once I reach battalion level, I start getting mentally crushed by the micromanagement, and it starts feeling more like work than fun. Also, there's a limit to how many individual tactical situations I can keep track of at once (even with the ability to deal with them in sequence using WeGo).

The game just isn't designed for bigger scales. Even if it were technically possible to use a 20x20km map, it wouldn't work unless you had extreme levels of patience, concentration, and spare time.

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CMx3! Now featuring maps in excess of 525 km^2 !!!!

I wonder what the pros/cons of moving to an engine like Unreal would be. 

I just want butter smooth gameplay, gigantic maps, and lots of units. 

Multiplayer is the cherry on top that requires attention first though. Imagine how it could be implemented with various levels of command on massive maps. @Battlefront.com this is something that should be deeply considered. If we can agree on this in CMx3 consider me your new advertisement guy. :)

I dont care for graphics. Playability reigns king. 

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On 10/5/2018 at 2:11 PM, Combatintman said:

8 x 4 km and anything below the divisional level is tactical.

Agreed, in RL that is not operational per military definitions.  But, the point is that these are games, and the advantage of CM1 is that it allows one to get a sense/illusion of making "Operational Decisions" - allowing one to have a lot of fun acting like a Divisional CO and making Divisional level-type decisions

Eg: In addition to a Regiment+ of regular forces one can have a multitude of specialized troops.  Eg: One or more companies of Recon; Engineers; SMG units; Garrison troops etc.  In addition one can also have several companies of assorted AFV's and a whole bunch of halftracks and/or trucks/jeeps.  At this size, maintaining reserves becomes important.  In this way a player can enjoy the verisimilitude of making Operational-level decisions even tho' we all agree that by definition this size is not operational by RL definition.  It's all about scaling the game to one's enjoyment level to give an operational sense/illusion.

In our CM1 Birthday Bash tournaments that a bunch of us still enjoy on huge maps, it's quite common to be defending in one area, in another area one could be conducting a MOUT op, in another conducting mechanized recon for a future attack etc.  The great thing about large maps is that one can have long range engagements at the 2Km+ ranges so one's 88mm AT and other long range weapons systems can be used historically.  

The other unique feature of CM1 is that we enjoy playing with minor countries (Rumania, Italy, Hungary etc) as well as Partisans and early war units - we play with all the old "weak" AFV's and Recon vehicles that were around in 1941 etc.  While we wait for BF to get around to releasing early WW2 games, CM1 offers the only alternative (assuming you are interested in early WW2). 

Oh... and in addition there are wonderful CM1 mods that enable one to play 1940's (eg: Sea Lion - Invasion of GB) and even Poland 1939.

This takes nothing away from the superbness of CM2.  CM2 is a wonderful simulation, but complex with a steep learning curve, and may be too much work for most players once one gets above the company (or two) level.  CM1 is more of a game, features early WW2, and is much easier to play huge scenarios at the Regimental/Brigade Task Force level.  They are both brilliant products that BF must be very proud of.


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Don't let the tiger's head distract you. We all know that's SLOD! whose vile demon claws envelop the globe, sapping our precious bodily fluids.


....So once again we see BFC effortlessly writing tomorrow's headlines today.

The linked piece isn't one of DB's best though, mixing references to the Heinlein classic and the gawdawful Verhoeven film


.... Riffing in yet another direction, wouldn't jumpsuit armoured MI infantry  be just awesome in the CM. Of. The. Future (future future future)

Or if those copyrights are too dear, then haul out the old "Terran Trade Authority" books and draw some inspiration from the fantastical artwork of Peter Elson and company...



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19 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

Riffing in yet another direction, wouldn't jumpsuit armoured MI infantry  be just awesome in the CM. Of. The. Future (future future future)

Making an adaptation/crossover of Pournelle's Falkenberg Legion exploits in the "CoDominium Future History" books  would probably require less resources and allows to recycle existing art assets. No jungle terrain, sadly :(

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He did, I read it. I still wonder how feasible it would have been to manufacture AK-47s and ammo with 1860's tech despite having a model to reverse engineer? Not that I over worry about such things when reading Sci-Fi. You did have Time travelling Pro-apartheid South Africans after all. 

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War of the World Martians return better prepared to invade Earth and recover their fallen from their failed first invasion.  England fights them with advanced WW1/WW2/alien type weaponry and defensive lines with fixed fortifications akin to Maginot / Stalingrad.


It has been 14 years since the Martians invaded England. The world has moved on, always watching the skies but content that we know how to defeat the Martian menace. Machinery looted from the abandoned capsules and war-machines has led to technological leaps forward. The Martians are vulnerable to earth germs. The Army is prepared.



The Massacre of Mankind is set in the 1920’s, in what now must be viewed as an alternative universe. The Kaiser is in control of Europe and has made an alliance with the British as he continues to force his way further into Russia. London is still the world’s major city and, as England was the scene of the previous alien attack, it is thought that it is to England that they will return.

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57 minutes ago, Michael Emrys said:

I think he did one several years back about how the South won the Civil War with the help of AK-47 rifles supplied by time-traveling South Africans.


I was referring to this series.


So, it would be lizard men vs WWII equipment.  Half the work is already done.



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On 10/7/2018 at 1:37 PM, Erwin said:

l.  CM1 is more of a game, features early WW2, and is much easier to play huge scenarios at the Regimental/Brigade Task Force level.  They are both brilliant products that BF must be very proud of.


I agree Erwin, I still play CM1 in addition to all the WW2 CM2 stuff.  I like CMAK a lot still, I can get my fix of North Africa, the Italians, British Grants vs MKIII's near Gazala etc. Also on the Russian front we have early Russian and German afv's  plus the Finns

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Don't get me wrong though, I am not advocating for anything Sci-Fi. Just pointing out that a earth invasion background like that (especially in WWII) would save a lot of work. Really, they'd probably need to wait for CM3 to do a science fiction title real justice. I'd buy it, whatever it was, but I can find that kind of game anywhere. I am here for the history first and foremost.



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Well in the past Steve has said the BFC team wanted to do some kind of "future war" theme, for which SLOD is shorthand.

The Talonsoft guys tried something in this hybrid genre with their 2000 game Dogs of War: Battle for Primus IV. I recall it had some very interesting elements, but it also kept crashing my PC so I gave up.


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Combat Mission: Star Trek

Seriously, the Star Trek franchise has some sort of sick fetish for WW2 western europe (no other theatres though)...

Not sure how I feel about a futuristic CM. I think 40k setting would work, considering it originated from wargaming (Just not 8th edition). Maybe Star Wars, because it's kind of set in WW2. I sure as hell do not want something like Arma 3.

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51 minutes ago, DerKommissar said:


Seriously, the Star Trek franchise has some sort of sick fetish for WW2 western europe (no other theatres though)...


Nah, just Hollywood production economics.  Likely an abundance of available Wehrmacht uniforms still hanging on wardrobe storage racks.  :ph34r:

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13 hours ago, sburke said:

I just want to know two things.  

1 How'd that chopper make it all the way to Antarctica

2.  In that very long trip, she never got to change to at least put on boots for the snow?

You're a hater.

No woman would cover up those legs. Frostbite is a small price to pay...

And, of course, when we're talking about Nazi-lizards riding dinosaurs, I think we can assume a bit of mid-air refueling took place. ;)

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