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2 hours ago, JoMc67 said:

Ok Guys, Leave Steam alone...I still play the aging RO & its DH Mod from time to time, and it's still the only Steam Games I own.

Some of the best. It's a shame Red Orchestra destroyed itself in favor of graphics and fast paced gameplay.

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13 hours ago, Lethaface said:

Lol I was busy trying to formulate something more diplomatic but of similar nature. How can you live with (windows) computers or the internet, when a sudden popup on your screen ruins your day?

don't use Windows; I'm on a Mac, a fact that I have announced probably a hundred times on this board. And yes I know all about startup items. But that is irrelevant since I rarely start up my Mac, but simply rouse it from sleep. But that damned Steam ap interrupted me for minutes at a time whenever I was using my Mac and it felt like doing so. So you smart ass Windows users can just crawl back in your caves and stop mocking me.



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10 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

don't use Windows; I'm on a Mac, a fact that I have announced probably a hundred times on this board. And yes I know all about startup items. But that is irrelevant since I rarely start up my Mac, but simply rouse it from sleep. But that damned Steam ap interrupted me for minutes at a time whenever I was using my Mac and it felt like doing so. So you smart ass Windows users can just crawl back in your caves and stop mocking me.



Ah yes, apple. It 'just works' like that I guess. 😁
Steam is quite handy for storing licenses, updates, etc. Basically it's very user friendly, at least to most users. 🤣

I don't see the point of discussing CM on steam though. People in the know decide what's best for the company. I'm no BF shareholder so I'm not even going to contemplate second guessing BF.C business decisions like these.
Would I like CM on steam? Yes, why not would be easy for me. 
Does it really matter to me? Nah

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10 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

don't use Windows; I'm on a Mac, a fact that I have announced probably a hundred times on this board. And yes I know all about startup items. But that is irrelevant since I rarely start up my Mac, but simply rouse it from sleep. But that damned Steam ap interrupted me for minutes at a time whenever I was using my Mac and it felt like doing so. So you smart ass Windows users can just crawl back in your caves and stop mocking me.



Well, as much as I've argued that all Apple users be marked so we know their kind upfront in all social situations, it has yet to happen. Regardless, even the OS of low-quality electronics wholesaler Apple has easy ways to control which applications start on launch. It doesn't change anything.

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3 hours ago, IanL said:

LOL - OK so you don't want to hear one of my many iTunes on Windows stories then :D

Every time starting Itunes:

*Please sign in*

No thanks, I don't remember my password and my account has been locked years ago from trying to solve it. Clicks it closed.

*pops up again*

:huh: Clicks it closed

*pops up again*

:wacko: Clicks it closed

*pops up again*

:angry: Finally gets to enjoy my music

This would happen every time to me after I logged out years ago and up until I recently got Foobar2000.

Edited by Artkin
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On 6/15/2018 at 3:49 AM, Dynaman216 said:

No need to mark them - they always make sure EVERYONE knows they are Apple fans.

Fans? If you want use DAW in 1990 and make living from it, you need mac, because PC was on DOS than ... :(


Edited by Ales Dvorak
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On 6/14/2018 at 6:30 PM, Lethaface said:

Steam is quite handy for storing licenses, updates, etc. Basically it's very user friendly, at least to most users. 🤣

I don't see the point of discussing CM on steam though. People in the know decide what's best for the company. I'm no BF shareholder so I'm not even going to contemplate second guessing BF.C business decisions like these.
Would I like CM on steam? Yes, why not would be easy for me. 
Does it really matter to me? Nah


This, like +100

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8 hours ago, Ales Dvorak said:

Fans? If you want use DAW in 1990 and make living from it, you need mac, because PC was on DOS than ... :(


And my Amiga 2000 was the only PC capable of video editing.  Neither is relevant to the fact that many Apple fans think being an Apple fanatic makes them superior in some way.

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On 6/13/2018 at 11:23 PM, Michael Emrys said:

don't use Windows; I'm on a Mac, a fact that I have announced probably a hundred times on this board. And yes I know all about startup items. But that is irrelevant since I rarely start up my Mac, but simply rouse it from sleep. But that damned Steam ap interrupted me for minutes at a time whenever I was using my Mac and it felt like doing so. So you smart ass Windows users can just crawl back in your caves and stop mocking me.



I think someone is having a bad day. 

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       Speaking as a long time lurker who never posts....(ooops. Dang).  I’m sure there are many people around the world that play CM games and never post on here, and would love to see this game grow. And what better way for it to grow than to go the steam route. I love the fact that I can access all my steam content (and play) on any computer that I sign into steam with. 

I am also perfectly happy going the stand alone battlefront route, I just wish that this game could continue to grow. The updates and new content seem a tad slow in coming, and a huge expansion of the customer base could change that. I for one always have my cash ready if and when, that lucky year finally comes.

As far as the discussion that the fine people on this site have been having, clearly your straw pole does indicate a decisive answer.


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2 hours ago, Daveoreno said:

clearly your straw pole does indicate a decisive answer.

Hehe... Yes, all 20 votes.  Considering that BF must have at least 55 customers in total (for all game family titles), that is SO significant.  You guys should work in politics.  :lol:  Or, marketing...   Maybe you do...?

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1 hour ago, Erwin said:

Hehe... Yes, all 20 votes.  Considering that BF must have at least 55 customers in total (for all game family titles), that is SO significant.  You guys should work in politics.  :lol:  Or, marketing...   Maybe you do...?

In statistics there is the idea of a representative sample that you can take a smaller subset of a population to represent it at large. It's how approval polls and television statistics work, for example.

Now there is the question whether the people who answered the poll are a representative slice of BFC's customer base which is the perennial problem of polls of this nature, but it's hardly worth mocking him for it.

Personally, I don't think it's an accurate slice but it's interesting nonetheless. I also voted that I wouldn't mind Steam. Most of my games are on it, like Graviteam Tactics and Gary Grigsby's WITE for example.

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10 minutes ago, HerrTom said:

a representative sample

And how does on define that?  Who decides??   When the sample is so small it is meaningless - that is what am pointing out. 

There is nothing wrong with a small group agitating for an agenda/what they want.  I want things as well - like my desire for CM:DAK... and a busty blonde... (other than my spousal unit who IS a busty blonde.  Let 's face it we all like new things...).   But, be honest about it. 

Also, why keep bringing it up on these forums?  Write a considered proposal with all the facts and data and send it to BF for consideration.  It's their decision.  

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7 hours ago, Erwin said:

And how does on define that?  Who decides??   When the sample is so small it is meaningless - that is what am pointing out. 

I mean... statistical science?  Take, for example, MIL-STD-105 SAMPLING PROCEDURES AND TABLES FOR INSPECTION BY ATTRIBUTES.  It provides a methodology for defining an acceptable quality level based off of selection.  To put it in terms I can easily explain:

Say you have a machine shop that's making wingdings on one-off jobs.  Sure, in this case you can inspect each one and tell the customer that it matches print.  OK, so the customer tells his buddies how good you are at making wingdings and now you're producing thousands of them.  Do you inspect each and every one of them before giving it to the customer (ignoring the aerospace sector because this is why everything costs billions of dollars)?  No, you take ten of the thousand, for example, and inspect them and then you can say that your defect level is X per hundred units with a Y% confidence level.

So, typically the decision is by ISO/ANSI/ASME/DoD/DIN/etc.  But this is pretty off topic.

Edit: I forgot to mention that since I don't think the poll was random sampling, none of the above applies and it's actually very easy to get carried away with the wrong conclusions precisely because the sample was volunteer-based.

7 hours ago, Erwin said:

Also, why keep bringing it up on these forums?  Write a considered proposal with all the facts and data and send it to BF for consideration.  It's their decision.  

Perhaps so - definitely so for this thread, I think.

Do we know the extent (or look 🤓) of the website update?  It sounds like a total rework which is exciting.  I almost didn't buy my first CM game because of how janky it looked!

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You are right about aerospace being the exception. When I was teaching nuclear engineering at NC State, our research reactor, besides doing lots of esoteric research,  also did a side business in NDT by "x-raying" (Not really x-rays but close enough for the layman's purpose)  EVERY turbine blade that was eventually going into GE jet engines. EVERY SINGLE ONE. 

As we've so recently seen, the effects of a mechanical failure inside a jet engine can be deadly to catastrophic. And a sheared off, high velocity turbine blade getting loose from the confines of the engine cowling is about as bad as it gets.

One of the few cases where statistics to determine a representative sample are not used. The risks of even one faulty blade are much too high.

I"m sure Rolls-Royce does something similar. When I was working in England, we had to make occasional trips for meetings at Rolls-Royce in Derby. We were there for reactor design, but right next door in the same factory complex was jet engine manufacture and testing. They do a destructive test on the occasional engine where they explosively sheer off 3 turbine blades simultaneously on an engine in a test stand that's running at full throttle. It's absolutely amazing to watch. The goal is that no part of that engine can escape from the engine cowling when that happens. I have to say, seeing that test, and knowing the work our reactor group did at NCSU gave me a feeling of confidence that everything possible is being done to ensure the quality and integrity of jet engines. And yes, that drives up the cost tremendously. Worth every penny, in my opinion.

[edit]  Cool, found one. Here's the destruction test of an A380 engine. 


Apologies for straying a mite off topic

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On 6/14/2018 at 2:23 AM, Michael Emrys said:

don't use Windows; I'm on a Mac, a fact that I have announced probably a hundred times on this board. And yes I know all about startup items. But that is irrelevant since I rarely start up my Mac, but simply rouse it from sleep. But that damned Steam ap interrupted me for minutes at a time whenever I was using my Mac and it felt like doing so. So you smart ass Windows users can just crawl back in your caves and stop mocking me.



 I was crimson with rrrrage at the egregious impertinence! The derisive mockery was exceeded only by their sheer hauteur.

Edited by J Bennett
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