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My CMFB Review now published on the Tactical Wargames blog

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OK my review of CMFB has been released on Tactical Wargames blog. First off, I have to apologise about the size of the screenshots. Sadly the blog layout wouldn't let us do anything larger..annoying I know.


We are currently considering creating a proper webpage rather than tied to a blog provider. So if we do I'll make sure the screenshots expand to full size.


Anyway go take a look...


Oh this is my first proper review. I also did the Graviteam one but that really was just a post on facebook and then once the blog started copied over. Where as this review is more in line with how I want to review games in the future. I do hope it isnt some abject failure!




PS: I added a para at the end regarding the modding scene which seems to have playe dhavoc with the font size..will get sorted.


NOTE FROM CHRISND: At Wodin's request, I've edited this post to fix the broken link to the review.

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Haven't readit in depth yet, but from what I have read it is very well done!  There are some issues with the font size in your review... I have seen this before when copying and pasting from Word.  I don't mind the smallish images, but usually you can click on them to bring up larger versions.. not the case on your blog.


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Bil..think we fixed the font issue..also as we are learning not sure how to expand the screenshots..if i is even possible wih the blog provider...


I really wanted the screenshots to be pefect, esp after the feedback on The Wargamer review..so abit upset over the siz eissue..I hope you all can forgive me. If I can work out how to do click and enlarge I will sort it out. Still I hope the actual written content is good enough.

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OK  can now enlarge the pics..plus three more will be added.


With the screenshots I tried to show off the excellent map and it's scenery and how it creates  cold winter atmosphere which immerses the player,  one of the many great features of CMFB.


Feedback appreciated.

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THanks..we are still giving it abit of an edit..making sure the font is easy to read and not to small..thanks though I really appreciate it.


There is always something else you wish you'd mentioned. Like the learning curve and if your after a quick casual jump in and jump out game your looking at the wrong game and to also be prepared to spen time learning how to play and accept it is going to take a long time to really master it so again if your not willing to put in the time or effort look elsewhere. Still done now..If I add anything else Boris who edits it will go mental as I've already screwed the fonts etc more than once messing with it!


Also I made it clear I'm a fan..but made sure I looked at the game from  different perspectives and advise them on how to progress if they should at all with the game..

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We really have only just finished editing it. Added some more screenshots, now click to enlarge, a few chnages  here and there, easy to read font and finally hyperlinks in text.


Glad you like the screenshots. I know could have done with more Tanks etc..but I really wanted to show of a great winter map...

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48 minutes ago, Wodin said:

Also I made it clear I'm a fan..but made sure I looked at the game from  different perspectives and advise them on how to progress if they should at all with the game..

There is nothing wrong with being a fan. You made it clear at the beginning. The review is useful to other fans, because see what someone like them thinks, and you've covered the game in sufficient detail that newcomers get an idea what it's like and some of the expectations they may have to adjust. Well done. 

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Thanks Bud..hope you liked it. As it's my first proper review for the blog, the first of many I hope, then all feedback is appreciated. The positive comments give me much needed confidence for when it comes to writing reviews in the future.

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Very nice, well written review.  Providing links to Combat Mission related websites was a great idea.  Now people who are interested are more likely to follow up and do more research on the combat Mission series.  You even provided a link to the free demo.  Before they know it they will be hooked ................. nice . 

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1 hour ago, Wodin said:

Thanks Bud..hope you liked it. As it's my first proper review for the blog, the first of many I hope, then all feedback is appreciated. The positive comments give me much needed confidence for when it comes to writing reviews in the future.

Nice review, and your passion for the games really shines through, which is great. I also love these games.

However, I think you don't need be quite so hesitant to list some of the points about the game that you feel could be improved. It's ok and actually good to mention shortcomings in a review, even when you are a fan. Most readers are looking for a balanced review to make their decision, and it would only make your review stronger. Towards the end, it's like you almost start talking about shortcomings, but then somehow make apologies for even bringing up the topic.

For example, you could have mentioned that the game depends on scripted AI, and discussed why that is, and what it means. The reader might start reading it thinking "What the heck, there's no AI?", but then after your explanation, they would likely think "ah, right, that makes sense".

I know I was really surprised first time I loaded up a quick battle and the enemy just sat there.

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Yeah fully understand. I did emntion it could be imporved and everyone would have a different wnat etc..so didn't gloss over it. I tried not to. I really wanted the review to be my overlall opinion on the game and then advise those coming from a different opinion to myself should do with reards to the game rather than go into the details be it cons and pros. Certainly didn't want it to sound like i was apologising for any things that could be improved just that everyone will have some aspect they'd like to see improved in the game so it isn't perfect.


Also Quick Battles isn't a feature I use and did state I thought it was really best for multiplayer. Again I didn't want to go into the ins and outs as such..just give an over all opinion and direct them to places where they can find out more.


You see pretty much all the other reviews go into this sort of detail so again just wanted it to be my opinion of the game..be upfront where I stood and then advise the reader on what to do depending on where they are coming from.


I also tried not to start listing all the great features in detail either. I tire dto stay away from actual game mechanics a smuch as possible. Yet still make an informative review.


I do know alot more still could be added to the review with hindsight. Things I cna work at and include in my next review..so by the time I do another CMx2 review hopefully I can cover alot more (for instance I don't need to do a CM background so have a more article space to dedicate to the actual game itself).


Thanks for the advice though..all helpfull.


I certainly highlight the issues I feel could be improved alot more next time. As Is aid due to the background to the game I didn't have a smuch space as I'd normally have for the actual game itself, next CMx2 review I'll have alot more article space. Yes I could have done more on the actual game this time but I didn't wnat ti to end up pages long. I haven't the confidence in my writing to think I can keep people interested over several pages:)

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  Very nice review.  I especially liked the screen shots as they give the reader a visual of what they might expect to see.

  I thought you covered the game very well, and the history of the previous games fit in nicely with letting the prospective buyer know this company has been around for a while and is not just some new company that is tossing something to the public and then goes on to some other project.  You give the reader enough to catch their interest and if you've got them that far, then they'll check out the demo.  You've set the hook, and once they see what the demo is like, that hook might just land them.

  Good review.


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You write very well, and I found your review both informative and fun. The screenshots, especially at full size are spectacular! Are these stock or modded? 

I did note some things which I found a bit confusing. Seems to me that discussing WEGO, a revolution in game design as far as I know, rightly should go in the first paragraph. This would then allow you to just use the acronym in the second paragraph. Likewise for the one minute animated turns with replay for Turn-based play. CMAK covered North Africa, Sicily and Italy. Regarding the discussion of CMSF, there was either a mistake or text lost, since you have "relegating WEGO" hanging out there with no support. Relegating WEGO to where? Or is it actually some other thought you wished to convey? I don't have the game, so I don't know how it was when first released. Judging by the next paragraph, it wasn't in initially. "Hurtgen Forest" should have an umlaut. The Anglicized form should be "Huertgen," but Google isn't cooperating. Wacht am Rhein translates to Watch on the Rhine. QBs work best with AI defending. Other game modes are TCP/ICP and PBEM. Your text says "pixel rappen" where I'm sure you meant "pixeltruppen" and "snip bits" where I believe you intended "snippets." There are a few punctuation errors, but I have sought to focus on making sure the information is accurate and complete--within limits. I'm sure the modders appreciate being recognized and that Steve et al. likewise appreciate your facilitating rapid purchase of CMFB. Finally, I LOVE your title!


John Kettler 

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No complaints about the screenshot size at all. It gives you all the info you need. Its nice to see someone who knows how to take screenshots doing the picts. Taking shots from 30 feet up and 30 feet back like you're looking down on a board game does nobody any favors.

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35 minutes ago, John Kettler said:


You write very well, and I found your review both informative and fun. The screenshots, especially at full size are spectacular! Are these stock or modded? ......

.....Definitely all stock.

Good Review, very relevant to the series as a whole, as well as Final Bitzkreig.


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AGain thanks for all your advice...will all help with future reviews! Really pleased on the whole you enjoyed the content. I suppose wanting more is a good thing:)

Heinrich505 summed it up best at what I wanted the review to do..give enough info to get the reader interested enough to go on and check out further more detailed info or even try the demo. Plus give advice to different folks who like different things and what they should do next.


It does eseem though that next time I will go into abut more detail on game contents and general gameplay...however as said I want my reviews to be more about who the game will appeal to and who it wont, who to stay away and who to investigate further to those who should just go buy instantly. Something that many reviews dont actually do..you either get the opinon of a fna and to go buy it or an opinion of someone who isn't a fan and to not go out and buy it. I want to offer abit more than that in this respect.


Oh yes, stock screenshots. I wouldn't post modded screenshots in a review:)




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