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CM Final Blitzkrieg - ALLIED (Defense) BETA Battle Report

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That sucks pretty hard.

Would you usually be so aggressive in defence Bil? I'd normally hide armour on the defence - especially as the Allies in late war - hoping for close range or side shots on the stronger German armour as it entered my prepared kill zone. Not that it always works!

Great AAR by the way. These are always great entertainment and education while waiting for a new title.

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That sucks pretty hard.

Would you usually be so aggressive in defence Bil? I'd normally hide armour on the defence - especially as the Allies in late war - hoping for close range or side shots on the stronger German armour as it entered my prepared kill zone. Not that it always works!

Great AAR by the way. These are always great entertainment and education while waiting for a new title.

I do tend to be very aggressive when on the defense... it's how I tick.  I was working on getting a flank shot on the first Panther.. the frontal Hellcats were just supposed to keep his attention.. the second Panther upset my plans however.  ;)  Don't forget that the Hellcats, though important were never my real tank killers and are part of my recon force, my main anti-tank threat is the M36s and his Panthers will have their hands full with them.. the JagdTiger is another story.. that thing needs to be flanked.

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If he only have the two Panthers and the Jagdtiger then you are gonna win for sure, I fail to see how dismounted infantry will stand a chance against your armor heavy force on such a large map, and I dont se where he could be hiding a company of tanks himself, or why he would hide them from you in the first place? 

Edited by Andreas3
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Gah! Enough of this "koombaya" crap. I'm really glad you finally got your Hellcat crews to get themselves out of those armored carapaces! C'mon, how are your men supposed to show you their valor from inside a fossil-fuel belching behemoth? Your actions have allowed the survivors, who have proven themselves as competent warriors by their very survival, to attack on foot...as men should! As an added bonus, Baneman now has 3 fewer rounds of ammunition. That's a win!


(Umm, you did have some survivors?)

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TURN 12 (1:19-1:18)

HELLCAT SECTION & SHERMAN SECTION:  Both of these sections withdraw this turn... the Shermans put a few rounds into the L Shaped Woods on the way back, inflicting at least one known casualty.  


GERMAN PANZERS:  (note: the following image was Photoshopped, I did not have spots on all three of these vehicles at the same time)  the German armor either sat in place and did not move (Panther-1), moved forward slightly towards the L Shaped Wood (Panther-2), or withdrew a short distance (JagdTiger).  Eventually Baneman is going to have to move these panzers over the ridge leading to the objective 1 locations, but for now he is happy with using them in an infantry support role.  I haven't seen the Stummel in a few turns now, but its last known location is identified on the map below.. however the icon for this vehicle is back near Panther-1. 


GERMAN MOVEMENTS:  It appears like Baneman has three main axes of advance... the one centered on the L Shaped Wood (my left) and the one moving into the Rectangular Wood (center) each look to be larger than a Platoon, so I suspect that they are Company in size... the third, on my right heading into Cobru I suspect might be another dismounted infantry company.  I hear a lot of noise (tank and MG firing) on this side of the field so I suspect he has at least one and probably two tanks (most likely Panthers) supporting his advance into Cobru though I have not spotted (or received any UI contacts) any yet.  It is possible the firing I am hearing is from SP guns, so I need to make it a priority to get that information, even if it costs me a scout team.



Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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TURN 13 (1:18-1:17)

SHERMAN SECTION:  The Shermans targeted a building that I had spotted a couple infantry teams move to in the last few turns... this turn I actually spotted a team entering.  The Jumbo fired for the first half of the turn while the Easy 8 was moving back, and the Easy 8 fired during the last half of the turn... at turn end the UI icon disappeared so I suspect I eliminated whatever (team or squad) was inside, or simply lost the contact...but it doesn't usually work that way.


SITUATION:  Baneman continues to send infantry into the L Shaped Wood... Panther-2 did a little driving to and fro... and infantry is clearly entering Cobru from the north, but not in large numbers yet.

The infantry holed up in the L Shaped Wood and the Rectangular Wood have yet to move beyond them.  I suspect they are resting a bit prior to pushing on.


Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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  Yikes, that was a freaking brutal turn.  Did Mace or Zeigler survive?  I saw a lot of red crosses - never good.

  What was the experience level of the Hellcat crews?  Do you think that had an effect?

  "Moving in a rearward direction" [not retreating] will keep your flanks from being exposed if Baneman forces Cobru too quickly.  And, Baneman will have to be cautious as he pushes forward, knowing you have quite a bit of armor.  Time seems to be on your side for this battle.  I think you mentioned delay and attrit somewhere in the earlier posts.

  Shake off the losses.  There will be time later to write letters to the families of the pixeltroops.

  As always, really great AAR read.  I am always learning from your AARs.


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TURN 14 (1:17-1:16)

RECTANGULAR WOOD:  Note the difference of the enemy contact icons from the beginning to the end of the turn in this image... Baneman is pushing maybe another platoon (+) sized element across the open ground between that wood.  I have started to interdict this movement with the Shermans from Team Punishment.  The second image shows the interdiction fire on this sector.


L SHAPED WOOD:  Not a lot of movement around the L Shaped Wood.. but it seems clear that axis 1 in this image is heading towards the buildings in the map's center.  I have identified at least one HMG team among this group.  Those buildings are in LOS of Team Pain's Shermans... I will wait for him to occupy them before I fire on these teams.

I have identified the ridge where I have a burning Hellcat  as Hellcat Ridge... more on that below the image.


HELLCAT RIDGE:  Baneman has at least one scout team (looks like a two man scout team) moving towards Hellcat Ridge... I have the door to this approach closed right now with a lot of firepower overwatching.  Its possible he is just moving towards the thin line of trees in the center of the image in an attempt to get more information.  I am determined to poke these eyes out with only units I know he has identified... that means either my Shermans or Hellcats.


Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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TURN 14 (1:17-1:16)

RECTANGULAR WOOD:  Note the difference of the enemy contact icons from the beginning to the end of the turn in this image... Baneman is pushing maybe another platoon (+) sized element across the open ground between that wood.  I have started to interdict this movement with the Shermans from Team Punishment.  The second image shows the interdiction fire on this sector.




Hi Bil, great AAR by the way. I always learn something from them.

You talk here of interdiction on the other side of the rectangular woods. Is this a new command where you can area fire in to someplace you do not have a LOS?

Also, what do use for the screen capture?

(And a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!)


Edited by Ted
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