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Andreas3 last won the day on September 25 2018

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  1. Sometimes one needs to go there. Especially when it comes to people like you, Arargon. Afterall, you have quite a habit of historical revisionism on this forum with regards to the holocaust and other nazi crimes of WW2. You have also stated your fascination with the SS serveral times, and I seem to remember you declaring that you almost exclusively play as the germans in Combat Mission, going so far as to refuse even playing as the americans or russians? Back in 2016 you even went as far as declaring your approval of David Irving, probably the most well known and notorious holocaust denier in the world. So yeah, Arargon, personally I would go as far as calling you a nazi fanboy. The absolute worst part of having WW2 history as a hobby is sharing it with scum like you.
  2. Blind fanboyism at it's best. Not very "grown up" in my book...
  3. I agree completely. The developers have developed some bad habits concerning marketing and support of their games, and these habits continue to go unchallanged by the community, thus ensuring the continuation of said bad habbits. If their product sucked I obviously wouldn't care one bit, but since the product is pretty excellent this constant lack of communication and broken promises and deadlines (in regards to the patch) is getting on my nerves.
  4. This is going be awesome, I love me some old timey soviet weaponry!
  5. The OPs post screams "learn to play" so loud that my ears are bleeding. Whatever meaningful points and observations he acutally manages to raise are drowned out by his ramblings consisting of opinions disgused as fact, influenced by a complete failure (or will) to understand even basic premises behind the design philosophy of the CM2-series, nor the subject matter covered by CM:BS. Waste of space.
  6. Yeah okay, I guess you're right, but SOME information is certainly much needed!
  7. Why have the news dried up on this? Just release it already, or at least give us a date!
  8. Bill just lost an easy-eight! I must admit that for the longest time the match looked as if it would be a total walkover for Bill, I felt annoyed at Baneman for picking what appeared to be such poor force for the map, so naturally I was rooting for Baneman since his force seemed to be the underdog, so the fact that he seems to be absolutely wrecking Bill feels really good indeed.
  9. Baneman has only knocked out the five M18's armed with 76mm guns, Bill still have his M36's with the 90mm's in reserve.
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