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Any guidance for newbies? Have no idea how to play :(

Alexey K

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I've recently bought this game. Was attracted by it's realistic approach, like "ArmedAssault meets RTS". Went though tutorial, now playing quick battles (tiny ones) to get my hands on tactics. Trying "probe" or "assault" scenario types, playing Russians against US.


Low difficulty settings, +150% force modifier... still I'am helpless against AI :)


Any time I advance my troops they are getting spotted and shot at by invisible enemy. Most of time they can't even fight back. 

Tried to send recon vehicles - same story. Tried to send foot recon (observers, snipers) - they simply do not see anything.

Called in recon UAVs, never got any recon data from it.

Few times my snipers detected enemy infantry in same forest patch, but never successfully engaged them. 


Speaking short, I don't have slightest idea how to play this game right :) So I've concluded that I strongly need some theoretic basis on tactics. This game is too complex for simple "trial and error" approach. But I've failed to find any strategy guide for this game or previous games of this title setted in modern combat environment.


Can you help me with references to good reading material or useful tips on tactics (preferrably for Reds) applicable to this game?


Thanks in advance  :)

Edited by Alexey K
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Following RL TTPs (Tactics, Techniques and Procedures) can help. As you've mentioned, recon is one of the main things you need to master. Try this blog:




I, personally, love to read US doctrinal pubs and field manuals. The most helpful (to me) were FM 3-21.94 (SBCT IBT Recon Platoon) and MCDP 1-3 (Tactics). The first one covers Recon TTPs, and the second one is good for general understanding of tactics.

Edited by L0ckAndL0ad
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Any time I advance my troops they are getting spotted and shot at by invisible enemy. Most of time they can't even fight back.

I'm speaking in general terms here, rather than specific to RT, but the concepts should be transferrable.

When you move, you want to do so as much in concealment as possible. You want to move the smallest element possible and have as many eyes looking out over their "open side" as possible. There's always going to be a line of where you can stay hidden, but see obvious stuff over on the enemy's side. Well, unless you're fighting Abrams, maybe... they have eagle eyes. But you want to get to that line as stealthily as possible, so use Slow. Slow tires your troops out really quickly, so you need to judge where you can be sure you're out of sight (usually with actual Mother Earth between you and anyone with hostile intent), and start your sneak from just before you think you might be seen. Judging that "should be sneaking now" point will come with experience. And will require patience, because, unsurprisingly, Slow doesn't cover ground at a very quick rate.

Another thing that will give you away quickly is your own weapon fire. When you're sneaking forward to try and get eyes on the enemy, your infantry should probably have "Target Arc"s set. Target Arcs, it is important to understand, don't give you an advantage against things that are in the arc. Their sole purpose (in firefight terms) is to restrict your firing to only be at targets within that arc. So your 'eyes' should have short Target Arcs, simply to allow themselves to defend against an emergent nearby threat that is going to spot them whether they fire or not. The other thing that TAs do is orient your troops' intent towards the midpoint of the arc they're given. They will assume that there is expected to be enemy there, and seek cover and concealment and potential firing positions that are best for fighting in that direction. Mostly. Like any game, there are wrinkles that you'll discover.

Tried to send recon vehicles...

As is discussed in another thread, recon vehicles are somewhat of a white elephant on the typical CM battlefield. By the time we're setting up our troops their job is done and we know there's an enemy "over there", and perhaps some more info that's been presented to us in the briefing or pre-battle info icons. But scouting precise locations? Better have some eyes watching over them; at least then you might get a fix on what killed them, because they probably won't. As you've found.

Tried to send foot recon (observers, snipers) - they simply do not see anything.

One thing that catches people out, often, is how long it can take for full spotting information to develop from a given location. If you're getting infantry into positions where they should be able to see something, then you're already doing well and hopefully my advice will help you do even better. It may well be just that you're not quite waiting long enough. Then again, if the targets are also small infantry teams, not firing, you'll probably see each other at about the same time... Sometimes it can be helpful to provoke some firing. Easier to do with low risk if you've got things like Abrams to soak up the punishment.

Speaking short, I don't have slightest idea how to play this game right :) So I've concluded that I strongly need some theoretic basis on tactics. This game is too complex for simple "trial and error" approach. But I've failed to find any strategy guide for this game or previous games of this title setted in modern combat environment.

Many of the tutorials for previous incarnations of CMx2 cover principles of game management which remain valid to a greater or lesser degree. They're worth a watch, and you can apply your own knowledge of the increased lethality of the modern environment.

But in the end, it is, as you say, a complex game, and that can be as hard to teach as it is to learn solo. I'd recommend not restricting your reading/watching/cribbing-of-techniques to the forums dealing with the modern versions, though; the game's processes remain consistent, it's just the BS ones are on steroids.

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Also...don't be shy with the use off suppresive fire when you do decide to advance on a possition (not doing a stealthy recon).


Many of your teams will have quite alot of ammo (machineguns and supporting veichles among others).


Use some of your guys to fire on know and suspected enemy possitions while other guys advance...


You can also recon by fire...If you suspect that there will be some enemy troops inside a building for example put some rounds into it...If there is anybody home they will usually return fire (revealing their possition).

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Just a quick though, but I'd say one of the most important lessons is patience. It's not like most RTS games. Take things slowly. Don't be afraid to have guys sitting around doing nothing for extended periods: the temptation to get them doing something rather than sitting there like lemons will often get them killed. Use small scout teams, let them wait in cover for a few minutes to spot stuff. Have the rest of your troops a minute or two further back, not just 10 yards behind. Make good and plentiful use of artillery and aircraft: in modern war, infantry will account for a tiny amount of casualties you cause. HE explosions do most of the work: artillery, mortars, tank rounds, 30mm guns on troop carrier vehicles. In some ways, your infantry aremostly a screen to stop the enemy infantry getting too close to your main weapons.


Shoot the hell out of places before you move your infantry in. Recon by fire and suppression.


You might do better playing a few quick battles rather than scenarios. A lot of the players of these games are pretty experienced, and the scenarios tend to be designed to be a challenge for them, which can make them rather formidable for a new players. Try some smaller quick battles at first to get used to the way things work.

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For your spotting issues, try sending a two men scout team ahead of your infantry by using the split squad button under the administrative commands tab. Then keep the rest of the platoon behind. How far behind depends on the terrain, it could be only 30 seconds behind in wooded areas where visibility is low or a whole minute or two, sometimes more, when crossing a field with long lines of sight and no cover for instance.


The important thing is to make sure the rest of your men can spot whatever fires at your scouts. So if you reach a treeline for instance, have the scout stop there and wait for the rest of your infantry and proceed as before.


Also keep some units like battalion or company commanders or forward observers or snipers well behind where they can see the battlefield. The equipment and in particular the optics (night vision, infra red, even binoculars or sniper rifle scope) your pixel troops carry is important as well as experience, i.e green, regular, veterans. Also units that are not moving will spot better than units that are moving.


You need to keep these things in mind.

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Check out the armchair general tactics videos, here is part 1 of 6:



This may also be helpful...



and this also of course:




Then there is this:






None of these videos is specifically about CMBS, but they should help you with getting startedn anyways.

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Maybe one additional thing, from my (limited) experience:


Learn to use your infantry!


When I first started playing CMSF, I tended to rely on my armored vehicles way too much, trying too keep the infantry safe inside their Strykers. That way, I was simply not using dozens of eyes for spotting, and tons of potential firepower to supress any spotted enemy.

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Use smoke. And, if you have them your UAVs.


Apart from that you need to be employing Fire and Movement tactics. To take a simple example. Let's say you have a mechanized infantry platoon approaching some farm buildings. You suspect enemy might be there but want to confirm this. So one option you could use is to dismount everyone to set up a base f fire. Then you select an infantry squad and pick a fire team from that squad to move up to the farm buildings while the other fire teams advance closer to he buildings to provide closer range fire support in the event an enemy is encountered.


Use artillery, air and helicopter gunship support where appropriate. Consider how you use your tanks. In as certain situation are you better off using them in a fire suport role or should you use them offensively?


Apply similar principles a company and batalion lwevel. For example you might lead with one or two platoons or companies. They encounter enemy positions. You mnouve with your reserves to try to outflank he enemmy contact or otherwise make their position untenable,

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Once you get the basics down another big step to become an effective commander is obviously to get familiar with your equipment...and that of your enemies.


- Learn how to best use the different tools at your disposal...


- you also need to know what the capabilities of the enemy weapon systems are so you can plan accordingly...



Having a firm understanding of this will make a big differense !

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I think you were fighting Abrams out there .. They will kill you quick if you are not careful.. Use drones to locate them.. Target them with air power if you have some or precision guided artillery strikes. Your Forward observer team needs line of sight (visual contact) to lase them. At worst you'll make them move and get out of position which could be more advantageous for you and at best it wont kill them but it will immobilize and damage them and their sub-systems, greatly degrading their effectiveness. Then send your own tanks or missiles troops with a 2-1 numerical superiority and flanking shots (side armor) if possible

Edited by antaress73
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This isn't an easy game to play esp if your used to things like Wargame Air Land battle or COH. 


I say go WEGO and  never rush your troops anywhere as you'll die and recon by fire is your friend. Also split your squads, that way if a mistake happens you wont loose all of them.


Also save each turn..if things go veyr wrong relaod the turn and try something else..doing this you'll start to see what works and what doesn't.

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Being new to the modern era, first thing I did was pick a quick battle, a reasonably open map (rolling hills, with a village), and Blue armor attack against Red infantry. Rolled out the tanks mainly to get a handle on what the capabilities were of the different forces. Very little manual targeting, more like playing chess - moving the pieces.


Next round, same map, inverted the forces, Red armor attack against Blue infantry defense, and repeated nearly the same offensive moves. Highly educational (Javelins are wicked beasts).


Next up are more QBs, repeat the selections, but me playing the infantry defense side as Blue then Red.

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Trouble is QB's can give a poor impression against the AI compared to created scenarios..picking a small scenario is probably just as good and wont put a newbie off if they see below par AI. I just don't bother at all with QB's as I see it as a multiplayer feature.

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As suggested above, take a QB and play hot seat or take one scenario you have already played and try playing it in scenario editor mode. This will allow you to see when and why your units are being spotted or not spotting the enemy. You definitely want to learn and apply real world tactics, but you also need to learn the mechanics of how the game functions as well. Learning how the various commands and tools work is critical to understanding how to implement the tactics you gain a theoretical understanding of.

Most of all though, just have fun with it

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Welcome to CM.  I'd say play a lot of QB's until you can beat the AI every time.  Then you're ready to take on a human...who will beat you like a drum.  Keep playing humans, it's the real way to wargame ... win and lose and learn.

Edited by MarkEzra
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The way i use QBs is primarely as a trainingground...


Playing in 2 player hotseat with me controlling both forces.


I find this a good way to test different weapons and tactics to be able to se what effect they are having on the enemy...


That is a pretty good idea.  I too use QBs as a training ground but never have done it "hot seat."  Might have to try it that way.

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I remember ArmA! Lots of fun! But it's been a while. ArmA and CM:Black Sea are two different worlds. You will need to stop thinking like a squad leader and think more like a Company commander. Maybe even a Battalion Commander if the map is big enough (Which is the case in a few scenarios of the older titles).


Lots of good advice here. But I'm afraid you may not know all of the lingo. This game has quite the learning curve! It WILL require real world applications in order for you to succeed. To me that is the rewarding part. Fortunately there are lots of resources here and on the web.


...try playing it in scenario editor mode...

Starting off, I think this is some of the best advice you can have right now.


I hope you stick with it!

Welcome to the boards!

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