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Update on Black Sea release


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Hey guys!

With Christmas coming up, I figured that you guys deserved an update on where the release status of Black Sea stands. :)

As veteran customers know, we rarely set a release date for our products, instead preferring to release a game when we deem it to be finished. However, internally we do set a general time frame that we wish to release within. You may have noticed that over the last several years, our games tended to be released about four to six weeks after pre-orders were opened. We are now closing in on the end of that six week period.

Our goal for Black Sea was a pre-Christmas December launch. However, as we draw closer to Christmas it has become clear that we need just a little more time to tie up the loose ends. Since the second half of December is a problematic time period for doing something as time consuming and demanding as going through the motions of releasing a game, we have decided to release Black Sea in mid January.

We really wanted to get Black Sea into your hands before Christmas, and many late nights / early mornings were worked through to make that happen. Ultimately though, we have had to make a tough call and decide that we would rather have the time available to tie up the last of the loose ends than try to rush Black Sea out before Christmas without the extra few days to ensure that we were releasing a quality product on day one.

We continue to be grateful for what is surely the most amazing customer base ever, and we are very eager to get Black Sea into your hands as soon as possible!


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Kudos to the team for trying with all their best intentions to get us this gem before Christmas. I would much rather have a refined product that proudly shows your title accordingly, with minimal issues then a bug fest filled with agitation by the end user, just to make a hard coded delivery date. Your team has always delivered top notch releases and this one should be no different. Take the time it needs to be released in it's best state.


Thank you for the public statement and causing some to have less anxiety attacks counting down to the 25th....Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and the team



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Thank you for the update Chris. A little dissapointed it won't be out for Christmas but it will be something to look forward to after the holidays. I'm sure it will be well worth the wait. Appreciate all the hard work you and the BFC team put in to make it happen.


Any chance you could let us in on what BFC has in store for the rest of 2015? New games, modules, vehicle packs coming up after Black Sea?

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Thanks for the update Chris. I guess I'm a little disappointed, but glad that you made the call so that the game is top notch at release. Also, one less excuse for me not to get into scenario design now that I get a three week break from work. I've been meaning to do it for a long time now.

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We really wanted to get Black Sea into your hands before Christmas, and many late nights / early mornings were worked through to make that happen. Ultimately though, we have had to make a tough call and decide that we would rather have the time available to tie up the last of the loose ends than try to rush Black Sea out before Christmas without the extra few days to ensure that we were releasing a quality product on day one.


Thanks for getting the word out, Chris. I can all too well appreciate your predicament. I find as I get older that everything takes about three times as long as I thought it would!





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