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CM Black Sea – BETA Battle Report - Russian Side

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Perform a thorough estimate of the situation and make timely, analytical decisions. Be realistic. Consider the mission, enemy, your own combat power, terrain, weather and light conditions, and time.

Russian Operational and Tactical Principles


My forces have bypassed enemy elements in and around the town of Krichek. I am expected to eliminate the forces that are trapped in the pocket and then deploy in defense against whatever is coming to save them. I am to screen the path of the relieving force with my reconnaissance elements.


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This is going to be good. Thanks for doing this, Bil!

Dislodging a company size force is going to be no picnic, especially given the lethality of even small forces now. The real game changer, IMHO, is the XM25. How are you going to dislodge forces that can literally kill you behind cover?

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Deceive the enemy. Attack from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Use terrain and weather to your advantage.

Russian Operational and Tactical Principles


Looking at the terrain (3 km x 2.4 km) there are a few lanes that seem like obvious avenues of approach for Scott’s relief force. I suspect his units in the pocket will hunker down in the urban and close terrain and await my attacking force.


Overall the terrain, though predominantly flat, is rolling and I expect that there will be few long range gun/ATGM duels. The terrain in the upper left corner is the most open, and unless Scott is fielding M1s off the bat I do not expect him to advance through this area in the opening stages of the battle.

The terrain in the pocket is dense, urban, and dangerous to an attacker. There couldn't be worse terrain to attack into.


What do I know about the enemy force?

I know that the encircled element is composed of the Ukrainian "4th Home Guard Company" (of uncertain composition) and a "reconnaissance element" (of unknown size and composition) from the "US 3rd Infantry Division and Armored cavalry elements".

The relief force is composed of one mixed company of "Ukrainian infantry and armor" (suspected to be mechanized) , and "elements of the US 3rd Infantry Division Brigade Combat Team" (BCT). So at least one Ukrainian company team, and I have no idea how strong of a force the US Army is bringing to the party. I do know that I will be facing M1A2 SEP tanks of an uncertain number at some point. Sobering.

Note: quoted unit identifiers above are directly from the scenario briefing.

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keep the airpower (Su-25s and Ka-50 alligator) in reserve for the M1A2s .. their Anti-tank missiles will be effective against the sides, top and rear of the M1A2s. Use the drone to locate the M1A2s and the bradleys and strike them early... drones are not useful for spotting a dug in enemy. Use your recon to set-up ambushes along the expected avenue of approach of the americans and ukrainian relief force. If you have precision guided ammo for your SP artillery, use it on the americans along with the drone.. he will probably set-up overwatch positions so they will be static for a little while. Dont waste it on the ukrainians. Your direct fire forces and SP mortars should be enough to deal with them. Javelins and M1A2s are a mortal sudden death long range threat to your Arena equipped BMPs. The Ukrainians are not.

But of course you know all that ;) I'M just having fun here

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Don't know why his movie mode looks like it has applied antialiasing while average user can't have such a crisp, antialiasing enabled visuals. My movie mode looks terrible so I can't use it.

When I asked the author about this, back in CMRT AAR before CMRT release, he told me that the screenshots are resized and therefore AA seems to be on while it was not.

I hope in CMBS this filter has the AA activated, thus my question.

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When I asked the author about this, back in CMRT AAR before CMRT release, he told me that the screenshots are resized and therefore AA seems to be on while it was not.

I hope in CMBS this filter has the AA activated, thus my question.

Here is the BMP without image scaling... you might see some anti-aliasing issues, but I never notice them and can never understand what all the fuss is about.


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Combat maneuver units must be mobile and capable of rapid movement.

Russian Operational and Tactical Principles

Prior to discussing my force I wanted to mention that I know that Scott has an intelligence advantage, though how much is unknown. I need to attempt some misdirection in my setup to keep him from discerning my initial intent from any UI contacts he might have.

The order of battle of my force is as follows:

Reconnaissance Company

---o x2 Platoons mounted on Tigr

---o x1 Platoon mounted on BMP3M (Arena)



1st Motorized Rifle Battalion (MRB)

---o 1st MR Company (MRC) on BMP3M (Arena)

---o 2nd MRC on BMP3M (Arena)

---o 3rd MRC – dismounted

---o Grenade Launcher Platoon

---o ATGM Section on 9P157-2 Khrizantema




9P157-2 Khrizantema

1st Tank Company (TC)

---o x3 Platoons on T90AM (APS) (10 tanks)




---o x2 2K22M Tunguska (SPAA)

---o x2 120mm Mortar Batteries (on map) (6 tubes)

---o 152mm Howitzer Battery

---o x2 Ka-52

---o x2 SU-25M

---o x2 Ammo Dumps

---o x5 TRPs


2K22M Tunguska

I do not expect any reinforcements, so force preservation is a must.

This is a capable force, though even with 10 T90AM tanks I wonder how I am going to deal with a couple platoons of M1A2 SEPs… that could be problematic, especially against Scott who understands like nobody else the strengths and weaknesses of his equipment and the capabilities of mine.

NOTE: Keep in mind that this is a BETA and I suspect most vehicle textures are still works in progress.. I am avoiding showing some, and being careful how I show what I am as there are still some issues.

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Here is the BMP without image scaling... you might see some anti-aliasing issues, but I never notice them and can never understand what all the fuss is about.


I think its like the high end stereo market. I had a friend who was really into that sort of stuff and would love to go to the Mcintosh stereo store. They had very top of the line amps, stereos and speakers that were exorbitant prices. IIRC correctly Macintosh stereos use tubes not solid state.

To me there really wasn't much difference between the Mcintosh and a good sound system and speakers from Kenwood or another high quality brand. Sure when the sales person did a demo the Mac stuff was great, but to me paying $2000 for just one component when Kenwood was around $400 was just not justified, but to my friend the difference between Macintosh and something like Kenwood was like night and day.

I just shrugged my shoulders...

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I thought I had been able to suppress my yearning for a new PC with the following arguments:

"You don't really need a new PC."

"Your current one will do for a few more years."

"If you behave like a man, not like a boy, you can withstand those annoying evergrowing Battlefront-PC-performance demands. You don't NEED Red Thunder and the rest!!!"

"You can use the money for wiser things."

But when I saw the Black Sea announcement I felt doubt creep up again, and if I keep looking at this AAR I know I am defenseless; soon my home will be invaded by a new PC.

Since I only played BF's WW2 games, I'm very curious how this modern warfare battle plays out.

Just one question Bill: have you considered to ignore the isolated group and go straight for the reliefparty with all you've got?

Good luck and thanks again for days of excitement.


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I thought I had been able to suppress my yearning for a new PC with the following arguments:

"You don't really need a new PC."

"Your current one will do for a few more years."

"If you behave like a man, not like a boy, you can withstand those annoying evergrowing Battlefront-PC-performance demands. You don't NEED Red Thunder and the rest!!!"

"You can use the money for wiser things."

But when I saw the Black Sea announcement I felt doubt creep up again, and if I keep looking at this AAR I know I am defenseless; soon my home will be invaded by a new PC.

Since I only played BF's WW2 games, I'm very curious how this modern warfare battle plays out.

Just one question Bill: have you considered to ignore the isolated group and go straight for the reliefparty with all you've got?

Good luck and thanks again for days of excitement.


Ha, I went through the same angst as CMBN came close to release and I have upgraded again since.

The problem with ignoring that group is CMBS forces have a way of punishing you severely for any mistakes. I think Bil needs to batter that force fast while he can. If not he faces having to fight two battles at once and that will not end well. He'll have a force buried in his rear with potential LOS/LOF on his units defending from the other force. You know Scott will work those force in coordination so his recon will be spotting for opportunities for his surrounded force to strike.

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