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Wargaming "Guilt"

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I have been questioned about visiting all the ACW sites, as if it were out of morbid curiosity. If I was slain/buried there, I would want future generations to visit. Antietam is usually empty though.

Playing war games for me was motivated by reading 100's of history books. Had I been involved in real bloodshed, I'm not sure I'd even be able to handle CM2, which is not so graphic.

If I have guilt, it's the time I spend playing when I could be doing something for someone else. Does it keep me away from my wife of 30+ years? Definitely. But, in general, I only play when everything else is done.

Beyond that, no guilt. It's an intellectual exercise that helps us remember and honor the units depicted on both sides - except for CMA, maybe.

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Garbage? I need to know if Schneible will finally hit the motherlode! Gripping dialogue: unscripted fershur... ;)

Sample dialogue from "Gold Rush" (may also apply to many other reality shows)...........;

"Beep.....beep......what the beep, beeping bulldozer....., no beeping gold here......."

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We disconnected our TV long ago and save $88 a month

Ha ha, I recall having exactly this same conversation with Steve. :)

Linking the topic of 'guilt' with TV, remember when they said 9-11 and the twin towers was an untouchable subject for popular entertainment? At the time they abruptly pulled the plug on a time-travel TV series whose opening credits had a plane crashing into the WH. That prohibition lasted five years - maybe less. Now collapsing skyscrapers is all the rage in CGI action movies. I believe it was 20 years after the POW camps were liberated in WWII that the comic TV series Hogan's Heroes started up. Reminds me of the phrase 'time heals all wounds'.

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Ha ha, I recall having exactly this same conversation with Steve. :)

Linking the topic of 'guilt' with TV, remember when they said 9-11 and the twin towers was an untouchable subject for popular entertainment? At the time they abruptly pulled the plug on a time-travel TV series whose opening credits had a plane crashing into the WH. That prohibition lasted five years - maybe less. Now collapsing skyscrapers is all the rage in CGI action movies. I believe it was 20 years after the POW camps were liberated in WWII that the comic TV series Hogan's Heroes started up. Reminds me of the phrase 'time heals all wounds'.

I remember Microsoft Flight simulator released a patch soon after 9/11 removing the Twin Towers and the explosion graphics when an airplane crashed. Of course, there were stories going around that the hijackers had practised on that software and Microsoft was really bending over backwards.

On the question of Game morality, one which had that concept designed in was "Fallout 3". You could choose to do good/evil and each action influenced your character's development long term. I played that game as a saint, totally evil and more middle of the road, like I am and it was interesting to see how the games played out very differently.

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He also starred in a movie about himself, as well as several westerns.

Murphy also starred in "The Quiet American", the 1958 movie about the budding war in Vietnam which turned out to be quite prophetic.

His character in the movie also said this famous line which turns out to be as true today as it was 56 years ago:

I'm from a country that's been in existence for less than two hundred years, in a very old world. That same fifty years ago, we were barely taken seriously as a nation, much less a great force for wisdom and decision. But suddenly now, a watch tick of history later, the world waits angrily for us to provide the answers it hasn't been able to find in fifty centuries.

p.s. - Audie Murphy was offered the part of the psycho in "Dirty Harry", but he died in a plane crash before he made his decision. Interesting to think how that would have turned out.

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I remember Microsoft Flight simulator released a patch soon after 9/11 removing the Twin Towers and the explosion graphics when an airplane crashed. Of course, there were stories going around that the hijackers had practised on that software and Microsoft was really bending over backwards.

On the question of Game morality, one which had that concept designed in was "Fallout 3". You could choose to do good/evil and each action influenced your character's development long term. I played that game as a saint, totally evil and more middle of the road, like I am and it was interesting to see how the games played out very differently.

The Witcher and other RPGs are like that too.

I like violent dark movies from time to time, but can separate that from real life so I don't feel guilt. Same for wargames.

I have friends an co-workers who try to do the guilt trip for my love of guns and conservative/libertarian views. Doesn't phase me one bit.

I've reached a point in life where I have a view there is good and evil and sometimes you have to confront evil and that unfortunately may result in violence.

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Just as well, when you see what being phased would mean to you. Pretty dire.


That would definitely faze you!


I believe you forgot about these guys, in which a two-parter aired only Part 1. You'll see why when you look at the topic.



John Kettler

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Homophone errors are the scourge of the English language and must ever be zealously guarded against. It's especially easy to get trapped when writing something you've heard many times, yet never seen in written form. Also, spellcheckers won't save you from the wee beasties, either. I should know, for I've got trap scars to prove it. Two of my pet martial peeves are seeing "sight" for "site" in referring to weapon placement or fire control optics and the big no no, "ordinance" instead of "ordnance." Admittedly, the latter is not an exact homophone, but sloppiness in pronunciation yields the same net effect. Send in the calvary, er, cavalry! I always have to watch that one. Cav ul ree.


John Kettler

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I've never understood the wargamer guilt argument or the attitude that "you must love war" to play it.

A huge chunk of popular entertainment is based on conflict of some type. Whether it's football, or Mortal Kombat video games, there's some level of conflict at the root of a lot of entertainment.

The fact that I choose to my entertainment based on my interest in historical settings isn't called into question when I read historical fiction like the Sharpe's Rifles series or the Aubrey Maturin series! If I read a biography of Rommel, it doesn't make me a Nazi sympathizer. Why would my choice of interactive entertainment somehow create a new line of logic that would lead to such ridiculous false assumption?

Guilt? Absolutely not. Empathy and Compassion for the position both soldiers, military and civilian leaders must have faced? Absolutely.

I can't imagine a higher stakes leadership challenge than wartime leadership. That said, I also can't imagine studying history that's 1 year old, let alone 75 years old, without some kind of interactive component to experiment for myself. Video games and board games make excellent lab settings for this despite their obvious shortcomings.

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