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Snip........Just one request.

Please please include the amphibious capabability vehicles.

Interesting. Perhaps Amphibious ready vehicles vs a non prepped amphibious vehicle would likely have to cost more in game points. Also instead of Bogging the vehicle would actually have a chance of sinking, as gaming factor. There is more to it than just raising the trim vein, switching the transfer case to propellers and driving in the water. try that with just any pirauna or LAV sitting on the side of the road and it would likely sink for sure.

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Amtrak tested and true for sea ops. BMP, ehh, river obstacles at best

Where's your god now?


BMPs, BTRs, BRDMs, BMDs, MT-LBs... just about anything that Russians have is fully amphibious. Even their main battle tanks can cross rivers with snorkels. It makes sense - you'd be crazy to fight in Europe without amphibious capability, given how many rivers there are.

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Where's your god now?

BMPs, BTRs, BRDMs, BMDs, MT-LBs... just about anything that Russians have is fully amphibious. Even their main battle tanks can cross rivers with snorkels. It makes sense - you'd be crazy to fight in Europe without amphibious capability, given how many rivers there are.

That looks very impressive but is still alot of prep work required and would be considered a major exercise, not an on-the fly crossing. In the scope of the game. Without buoys and snorkels. As I said above a water prepped vehicles would have to considered different than a non water prepped vehicle I believe.

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That picture is of a naval infantry landing. The BRDM, BMP, and BTR series is designed literally to just stick up its trimvane, and raise the swimming gear and off it goes over a river, it was so Soviet forces could keep up operational tempo without having to wait for the bridging units.

On this, river crossing capabilities should be modeled on appropriate vehicles. Maybe they can drive across all water instead of just shallow ford. Also vehicles werent designed to fight whilst crossing rivers.

It was this capability that I meant in my post before.

The BTR and BRDM are used by MORPEH since they are the most capable of swimming in the ocean but neither are designed to do so.

As gundolf points out, tanks are a different matter. They require up to 30 minutse of preparation work and greasing to be able to ford a deep river. The cross river route also needs to be scouted by diver sappers.

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More questions about CM:EF:

1) Will the Bagration game have modules that go through the end of the war, or will late 44-45 be another game? I hope you go the module route, although I guess all of the buildings, etc. will be different, and I guess there would be a fair number of new units. It's just that the end-war is the least interesting period for me and I hope you don't waste a game on it rather than moving to 43 or earlier...

2) I might have missed it, but any clarity on what will be in the Bagration modules? Surely partisans, if they are not in the base game, but it seems there were quite a few troops types: Heer, SS, Luftwaffe, standard Russian, Guards, etc. So any indication of what will be in the base game and what in modules?

Really excited about moving East! I don't play CM:BN much but will certainly pick up Italy.

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Thanks for the link MikeyD.

Steve says "we're actively working on our first Eastern Front game (Bagration to end of war)," so it sounds like the end war period will be a module, which is great...

I guess we'll have to wait for more info on what will be in the base game vs modules, unless battlefront has mentioned that somewhere?

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Thanks for the link MikeyD.

Steve says "we're actively working on our first Eastern Front game (Bagration to end of war)," so it sounds like the end war period will be a module, which is great...

I guess we'll have to wait for more info on what will be in the base game vs modules, unless battlefront has mentioned that somewhere?

Module 1: Führerbunker. Adds a special one man HQ unit armed with a pistol (Veteran, Unfit, Morale +2, Leadership -2) to the German side. Can target itself.

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Thanks for the link MikeyD.

Steve says "we're actively working on our first Eastern Front game (Bagration to end of war)," so it sounds like the end war period will be a module, which is great...

I guess we'll have to wait for more info on what will be in the base game vs modules, unless battlefront has mentioned that somewhere?

Unless I have misunderstood Steve's various statements on the subject, the Bagration family will extend all the way to the end of the war. The next family will be on an earlier year, probably 1943. And so on until the whole war in the east has been covered from Barbarossa on.


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Correct. It makes sense to break up the Eastern Front based on the summer offensives and carry it through to the Spring. The primary reason is USUALLY the Spring was when forces did their reorganizations and equipment updates. Having a game that captures the whole period, but doesn't straddle another period, makes sense from both a production and a marketing standpoint.

On the Eastern Front a lot of hardware was moved in and out throughout any given period of time. The new Pack strategy allows us to better cover this by giving you guys more stuff to play with quicker than we could with a full Module.

The families are (in order of production):

Bagration (Summer 1944 - Spring 1945)

Kursk (Summer 1943 - Spring 1944)

Case Blue (Summer 1942 - Spring 1943)

Barbarossa (Summer 1941 - Spring 1942)


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Correct. It makes sense to break up the Eastern Front based on the summer offensives and carry it through to the Spring. The primary reason is USUALLY the Spring was when forces did their reorganizations and equipment updates. Having a game that captures the whole period, but doesn't straddle another period, makes sense from both a production and a marketing standpoint.

On the Eastern Front a lot of hardware was moved in and out throughout any given period of time. The new Pack strategy allows us to better cover this by giving you guys more stuff to play with quicker than we could with a full Module.

The families are (in order of production):

Bagration (Summer 1944 - Spring 1945)

Kursk (Summer 1943 - Spring 1944)

Case Blue (Summer 1942 - Spring 1943)

Barbarossa (Summer 1941 - Spring 1942)



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The families are (in order of production):

Bagration (Summer 1944 - Spring 1945)

Kursk (Summer 1943 - Spring 1944)

Case Blue (Summer 1942 - Spring 1943)

Barbarossa (Summer 1941 - Spring 1942)


buhahahaha. Thanks for the update, can't wait.

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I am curious about the terrain and how the various seasons will be handled. Now we have BN which is in summer, we will have MG which will be one season and finally bulge which I think will cover one season.

How will CM deal with a family that covers all 4seasons? Will each module cover one season of that year so we get summer in the main family game, then a fall module (along with equipment and TOE changes) and so forth?

It seems logical but I am not sure of TOE changes and new equipment necessarily followed this cycle exactly.

Re: Packs - are these to be equipment and TOE only or would they also include terrain? (e.g. A winter tree or a frozen river)? I seem to recall that only equipment will be included and the necessary TOE.

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Market Garden (or Arnhem, or whatever the name is going to be) is gonna be 'something special'. BFC's never done a module that extended the title timeframe or added new buildings & terrain before.

I'm just hoping and praying that the 'something special' includes fire as well as new terrain. By that time of the year Wasps were most certainly available and not all that uncommon while Crocodiles were around from the get go. Not to mention the German flamethrower halftracks and portable flamethrower back packs as well.



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I don't think anyone at BFC is at all, in anyway, unaware of who had which flamethrowing equipment in what quantities. Their current absence from the game is spectacularly NOT a case of lack of knowledge.



P.S. you missed a few from your list.

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