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CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2

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Thanks, guys! I'm glad you enjoyed it. When I saw the Amis appear, I was sure my team was going to get wiped out, but they gave as good as they got.

On the tree foliage, I think the results were appropriate. Basically, the assault team's LOS was going from a second level position through a tree canopy onto the Ami team something like 20-40 meters away (I think, haven't gone back to check the distance). So, I assume the canopy was realistically obstructing their view. I don't see any issues there, other than bad luck.

The Ami mortar team's first escape reminds me of a tank crew member from a game a few months back. His tank was pretty close to my start zone and a PF team took it out early in the game with the whole crew escaping. Later, my infantry bumped into them and they ran off a bocage line back. So, I flanked and got two of them with the others hiding in the field area there. My guys beat the bushes for them and killed another two, leaving one guy left, but he managed to escape through a hole in the bocage and disappeared another row back.

Well, to make a long story short, I knocked out four other tanks along the way, but when I looked at the end map, I realized I had chased this one guy, like, FOUR bocage lines and crop fields back to near the end of the map. He was the only enemy tanker left! Lord knows how many times he got fired on and ran away.

Only in Combat Mission (and real life)!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great pair of shots, Macisle! You almost don't need to provide text at all to understand what is happening. 

Thanks, Bud!

The advancing 4-man team in the pics above made it across the road and into position. Then, the same covering fire team put out more lead for a second team to dash across. Unfortunately, the enemy team they were rushing wasn't suppressed enough and threw a near-perfect grenade hit, taking out 4 of the 5 men in the advancing team. Then, another enemy team popped up about 60-70m away with flanking fire. At that point, the covering fire team threw smoke to cover the withdrawal of the units that had advanced. Alas, the last man from the decimated team freaked out and ran out of the smoke and towards the enemy flankers who made short work of him. To add salt, the smoke proved not enough to stop the first team from losing two men to the deadly flank fire as they attempted to dash back across the street to join the covering fire team. Whereupon, the grenade-throwing team that had been insufficiently suppressed managed to drop one of the covering fire team's men with a pistol shot.

Given that they had already taken casualties in the lead-up, this platoon is pretty beaten up and is going to hold position now and pass the ball to another platoon pushing somewhere else. Hopefully, I can eventually flank these mothers and get some payback!

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Thanks, Bud!

The advancing 4-man team in the pics above made it across the road and into position. Then, the same covering fire team put out more lead for a second team to dash across. Unfortunately, the enemy team they were rushing wasn't suppressed enough and threw a near-perfect grenade hit, taking out 4 of the 5 men in the advancing team. Then, another enemy team popped up about 60-70m away with flanking fire. At that point, the covering fire team threw smoke to cover the withdrawal of the units that had advanced. Alas, the last man from the decimated team freaked out and ran out of the smoke and towards the enemy flankers who made short work of him. To add salt, the smoke proved not enough to stop the first team from losing two men to the deadly flank fire as they attempted to dash back across the street to join the covering fire team. Whereupon, the grenade-throwing team that had been insufficiently suppressed managed to drop one of the covering fire team's men with a pistol shot.

Given that they had already taken casualties in the lead-up, this platoon is pretty beaten up and is going to hold position now and pass the ball to another platoon pushing somewhere else. Hopefully, I can eventually flank these mothers and get some payback!

Ugh... How bad the things we don't see in these frames can get! Too bad that went south. 

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Given that they had already taken casualties in the lead-up, this platoon is pretty beaten up and is going to hold position now and pass the ball to another platoon pushing somewhere else. Hopefully, I can eventually flank these mothers and get some payback!

If you had an M8 or a Stuart near-by ................. their canister shot would get you the payback your looking to give..........:P

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If you had an M8 or a Stuart near-by ................. their canister shot would get you the payback your looking to give..........:P

I did have some M8s earlier. ...Did :(. I've still got various canister-less AFVs on the map, but the area in the pics I posted is point-blank Injun Country and I don't think armor would last long. I need to push deep in other areas and swing around to hit these buggers from behind. However, they occupy terrain that is not vital to take, so I may just leave them for the duration.

Macisle I posted a screen of a sniper covering for the troops rushing up a hill a couple pages back and you have one of a thompson laying down some automatic covering fire. AI is pretty amazing!

Yeah, I remember that screen! That was the cool shot with the German surrendering in the background up on the hill. Nice one.

I gave the orders for the covering fire, advance, smoke, etc. I probably should have paused the withdrawing team longer to let the smoke expand more.  That was my bad, I think.

The enemy AI did hit me with a well-placed barrage that forced a (different) platoon plus change to dash to buildings and keep their heads down for a few turns as the terrifying sound of Zeus-like artillery ripped the skies, smashed large craters into the ground, and left a number of structures with knocked-out walls. The resulting body count wasn't too bad, but nobody in the platoon wants to fight anymore. A nearby German just broke wind and that was enough to make everybody in the platoon fall back.

I don't want to give out any spoilers, but you guys will get the opportunity to go up against these same bastages eventually. I'm working on a SP (Allied vs. AI only) version of my Under the Eyes of the White Manor scenario. I set up the first half of the enemy defense awhile back to allow time for me to forget as much as possible and am playing through it to test. Once I finish the current test and get a full setup done, I'll post a call for playtesters in the Maps & Mods forum. The Battle Pack will probably be out first, but this will use goodies from the Vehicle Pack like flamethrowers and a Sherman Crab.

It's gonna' be a tough one.

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So during the wait for CMFB I decided to have another bash on the demo for CMBN, and it was quite an interesting battle with a fair few heroes coming to the fore.

The view form the Southern approach.  The battle had already been raging for a while when i took this pic because I wasn't planning on taking any but I couldn't let these heroes be forgotten.


My Lynx II came in on the far flank and peppered these guys with some 20mm.


The assistant from this anti tank team will be getting an Iron Cross for his heroics.  The commander died from grenade frags in the first engagement but old Kroeger took down 10 Canucks and an armoured car before he was cut in half by a burst from a Bren.


After that my scout teams performed a brave fighting withdrawel but were overwhlemed.


With the death of my Scouts the Canadians started pushing their light armour up the main street, but paid a horrible price for their folly.  One man and his Shreck can do alot of damage.


The man of the moment and another Iron Cross recipient,  Landser Pohler, with 4 enemy KIA, 2 Daimler Armoured cars and a Staghound.  This finally stalls their southern attack.


Now the Northern advance was supported by armour but first came the poor bloody infantry.  Here is what happens to infantry under a short barrage from a 75mm Inf gun.


This is the carnage sowed by my 1st Squad, hero's to a man.








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With there attack gutted on the main axis of advance the rest of the Canucks with 2 Cromwell's pushed out to my left and literally wiped out 2 of my engineer squads in short order, but they did manage to roughly handle their supporting Inf. before succumbing to a rain of HE.


Question, What happens to 2 Cromwell's when they get flanked by a tiger.


THEY BURN.  (The Jagdpanzer IV had his main gun damaged about 10 mins prior to this).

With their armour gone the Canadian Inf throw up their hands or leg it.


Over on the far right though my positions had crumbled and the Canadians had blocked the escape road so i was moving my brave 1 squad over with the tiger when this happened.


WAR IS HELL.  Those brave Landsers cut down by Bren fire right at the end.

And this is the final second of the last minute.


My Tiger trying to spot the last surviving Cromwell.



A draw but the Canadians seriously took a bloody nose here with minimal losses for the Germans.  But a draw is still a win for the Allies.



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A draw but the Canadians seriously took a bloody nose here with minimal losses for the Germans.  But a draw is still a win for the Allies.

:) A draw but the Poles seriously took a bloody nose...

I was thinking those screen shots were familiar but I did not remember playing as the Canadians.

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You must be confused. Those ARE Canadians. 

yeah that's what I mean, I had Canadians stuck in my head and the screenshots I uploaded were from a battle last week.  Lol.  I'm so confused, to many battles going on at once. :wacko:

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