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CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2

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  • 4 weeks later...

A text book assault by 3 British Paras captures a German HMG crew. Gotta love these guys, they LOOK tough and are armed to the teeth for close quarters fighting. I think they simply had to stare at this crew to make them surrender.

I think one was heard to mutter "Stay thirsty my friends".






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Ouch, indeed. Long room, that. Any idea at this stage whether the Jerries were particularly hard cases?

No they weren't. Bunch of low level security guys, but they got the drop on me. I just learned a lesson about examining the building, first time I have ever gotten burned on a blast/assault. Might also have to do with there being a brick wall on the outside of that building. I think the blast was on the brick wall, the hole in the bldg wall more collateral damage. That is my guess anyway. One of those guys was cowering and the one on the left was headed for the door initially. Just not suppressed enough.

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No they weren't. Bunch of low level security guys, but they got the drop on me. I just learned a lesson about examining the building, first time I have ever gotten burned on a blast/assault. Might also have to do with there being a brick wall on the outside of that building. I think the blast was on the brick wall, the hole in the bldg wall more collateral damage. That is my guess anyway. One of those guys was cowering and the one on the left was headed for the door initially. Just not suppressed enough.

I suppose it was the combination of the extra wall and the length of the room. Unfortunate.

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More Para fun.. Paraffin? Hmm no Para fun

See the Germans lined up shooting at my guys in the field across the street? I had two teams assaulting a 20 mm gun (successfully) but who are now pinned in the defensive works and taking casualties. Unfortunately these guys don't hear their leader yelling watch your flanks. The paras to the right are part of the first section. The first team had just run up to the back door and gunned down 3 guys inside. They were followed by a second team who are preparing to blow the adjoining wall. Another section has three teams that as soon as the wall blows will sweep across the backs of the adjoining buildings hitting them all in turn. The smoke is from a protective screen those guys on the right fired to help cover the guys under fire. Gotta love the tool kit Paras come with. SMGs, Demo charges, Smoke launchers and Bren guns.. not to mention the marksmen.


The wall is blown stunning the guys on the 1st floor, second floor is oblivious.


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And so the carnage begins


Back up team comes in the rear door just to make sure.


Meanwhile teams continue sweeping across the rear entrances. Note the guy making sure the second floor gets cleared.


Last building in the row, wonder if they were all bars. It would explain a lot


60 seconds - 11 Germans down in 3 buildings. Another building and 3 Germans the previous turn. No casualties.

Yes Virginia, Combat Mission does do urban combat. Shall I say it again? Sure why not - I LOVE this game!!! :D

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Woah, impressive. I mean the no casualties part. Nicely done.

Yeah these guys rock. Helps the opposition is security elements, but I suspect the way this unfolded it wouldn't have mattered much. It was basically a series of blind side ambushes. The final tally was over 2 dozen casualties for the Germans. None for the Paras. I paid a lot more attention to the building layout this time. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The battle has swung in favor of the Americans. I send a team of GIs bounding forward in 15-sec, paused bounds to mop up this area of bushes and trees. They find an enemy HQ holding out...


It's a grenade showdown!


3-4 grenades from each side fly across the road towards the other side.


All hell breaks loose! Amazingly, not a single GI goes down. The Germans suffer one casualty--but from bullets, NOT grenades!


Despite its having survived the exchange unscathed, my boys have had enough for now and they fall back to safer ground.


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