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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Interestingly enough, if you watch University Challenge, hardly anyone speaks with a regional accent. Whereas, if you watch Rab C Nesbett it's only the local Asian shopkeeper who does speak "the Queen's English".
  2. Never heard it called that before. Around our way they're known as "Shuttlecocks".
  3. In the words of Ike "Don't you people ever have a god damn summer"?
  4. Think of it like this. The "Vehicle Pack" enabled players to create their own scenarios using the added vehicles, or even, by using the "Scenario Editor" to redesign existing scenarios using the new vehicles. Many of these "player-designed" battles were made available F.O.C. on greenasjade. B.F.C. then took it a step further by releasing their own "Battle Pack" which includes a Campaign and a number of stand alone battles incorporating the new vehicles.
  5. I can't wait for the first "Why is the question I want an answer to, not included in your list?" post.
  6. Mother :- "Get your boots off of the sofa, or I'll send you to bed without any tea, you naughty boy".
  7. If B.F.C is a front for N.A.T.O. what's an old Lefty like me doing here? .... Buying and enjoying their games would appear to be the obviously answer. Although some might say that I have been duped into purchasing them by Steve Mega Bucks Yankee Imperialist Inc.
  8. Classic album. Not really anything to do with the Ardennes in '44. Although he did live near Ostend for a time.
  9. Well, there are lots of Calvarys dotted around the Norman landscape.
  10. Yes, you're right. I really admire the work that designers put in.
  11. Ah, that very incapable AI that gives this rubbish Limey a good kicking in quite a few campaigns.
  12. Having looked at this a good few times I can't help but think that the M.O.D. got Barratt Homes to put these up. Ah, we were all so much younger then.
  13. According to Wessex Archaeology it was probably dumped there in the 60's, possibly by some old boy who knew it would no longer pass it's M.O.T. It showed signs of having been repaired quite a few times, including having an engine that was a different make to the original.
  14. Salisbury Plain has been used as a training ground since the 1890's. And, was also used for the filming of battle recreations for newsreel during the Boer Wars and WW1. The M.O.D. still own about half of it. As mentioned above, the buildings in the picture were built for urban fighting training in the early 70's. And I'm not sure how much of the WW2 training area has been left untouched. But just a few days ago an MG J2 Roadster sports car from 1932 was unearthed by the local archaeology society whilst digging a WW2 artillery position.
  15. Sadly, it looks exactly like what it is, something knocked together in the early 70s. I'll stick with what we already have in CMBN.
  16. You might well be right. Luckily I think it has only happened once so far (during the Kampfgruppe Peiper campaign) which why it sticks in the mind.
  17. I have had a tank bog in ground that 2 or 3 had already passed over. Whether the ground was actually getting boggier as each tank went over it I'm not sure. But it would make sense if it were the case.
  18. Just keep in mind that the game offers us as players an overall view of the map that we are playing on. The weather is being "shoved in the face" of our tank drivers, HT drivers etc. Hence their actions, which we have to zoom in on to see.
  19. To my old Limey eyes it seems that snow on the roads not only slows vehicles down on straights, it also, increases the time it takes for them to get around bends.
  20. Brian :- "Oh, look my glass is empty. Top her up Sgt, and have another one for yourself." Paddy :- "Ah, bless yer very soul Mr Jorrocks, sir. Do you'se remember that cafe on the beach that we stopped off at on the ways to the mole? I grabbed you their last bottle of Gordons, and helped meself to last of their John Martin's Guinness."
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