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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I think your heavier guns (105's upwards) are limited to quite a degree both in terms of ammo, and availability. I think that this is to reflect the pre-battle bombardments that they were used for.
  2. No, I've always found your videos really entertaining to watch.
  3. Very sound advice from our Canadian cousin. I've often seen videos on youtube where the video maker is ranting and raving at his FOs or HQs but, is not bothering to to pay attention to .. 1. How much of his target area the spotter can see. And 2. Not actually bothering to see where the spotting rounds are falling.
  4. Excellent in depth answer from the MOSman. One other thing to keep in mind. Some 4th, or (Weapons) platoons will include both MGs and on map Mortars. Don't make the mistake that I often have, of sending the HQ forward with the MG's if it is going to mean losing contact with the Mortars, and therefore prevent them from firing indirect missions.
  5. We can't have a "Hustle" command. I'd spend the whole time adding the words, "..and do the Double Bump" in a vaguely James Brown-ish kind of way.
  6. AH's "The Longest Day" springs to mind. Getting from the bedroom door to the bed, without treading on the game map, and the reinforcement charts was a feat in itself
  7. I can't imagine any Canadian referring to the Jocks as Poms, a bit like calling the Danes, Swedes.
  8. Well if it hadn't been for that stupid boy of mine, Tumbledown Dick, being so useless. Charlie Stewart Jnr, who never have come back to England, and had me body dug up, and me napper put on a spike. Grrrrr...
  9. I like the less formal name for them "Holy Rollers". John Knox's ghost is still spinning in it's grave at that piece of blasphemy.
  10. I got fed up with Crommer's face. And found this one of his head with a spike through it, which is quite appropriate as my name is Spike.
  11. I've played this campaign twice. And lost both times. So I used Mad Mike's campaign editor to unpack the bonus mission, and proceeded to lose that as well. All good fun though.
  12. I think you're spot on there. Hitting rear areas around breakfast time was fairly common practice. And over the years I've read quite a few accounts of troops getting hit by mortars and arty "on the way to the start line", which is not something that CM can replicate.
  13. If you play CM because you want to test yourself against history, rather than purely to win, then you play on Iron, with the trees full On, and the command lines Off.
  14. Really informative series. Of course, in Hollywood, the scouts would have knocked out both Tigers on their own.
  15. Ouch, my head hurts.

  16. Campaign To Save The Word Too. And, the internet has never heard of it because it doesn't actually exist. I have also apologized to Karl for my crass comment.
  17. Perhaps your argument would carry more weight if you weren't too f...ing lazy to spell too correctly. CAMTSTWT
  18. Although my preference is for medium to large battles, I have always played the game chronologically, so I have to take what I'm given.
  19. Perhaps they are waiting for you to spell "too" correctly. Once that happens I'm sure that things will get rolling.
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