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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. My tuppence ha'penny worth. Could it be that your spotter can't see where most of the rounds falling because of the trees. Yet another drawback of playing in Telegraphpoleland instead of in Europe.
  2. Brian :- "Oh, look my glass is empty. Top her up Sgt, and have another one for yourself." Paddy :- "Ah, bless yer very soul Mr Jorrocks, sir. Do you'se remember that cafe on the beach that we stopped off at on the ways to the mole? I grabbed you their last bottle of Gordons, and helped meself to last of their John Martin's Guinness."
  3. Paddy :- "Personally I like the bit where they blow up Teston Bridge. Me son-in-law saw them filleming that day. Anyways I never did like that fecking bridge, too narrow to get me Bedford across."
  4. Speaking of Dunkirk Meanwhile at Paddy's Bar up in Heaven. Paddy serves Brian his lunchtime G'n'T and pours himself a pint of Black. Paddy:- "So Mr. Jorrocks, sir. What do you'se think of this heres movie about Dunkirk?" Brian:- "Well, Sgt. I thought that that Attenborough chappy was pretty good. Although some of my chums at The Army and Navy Club say that he is a bit of a Bolshy. And that he plans on becoming a director, and making a movie about Arnhem with some chinless wonder called Fox playing me." Paddy:- "Ah, Mr. Jorrocks, sir. In the name of the Baby Jesus it'll never happen."
  5. Mrs. Cromwell doesn't approve of the s-word. And of course, anonymity would suggest something shameful, and ungodly. I have therefore, as Lord Protector, established by Act of Parliament, M.U.O.P (Mod Users Out and Proud).
  6. Rory, Jimmy, Denise, and everyone at Hat Trick Productions.
  7. I think Sly's little typo can be forgiven. It is an excellent scenario, and he has summed it up pretty well.
  8. Of course, there is only one balcony I ever liked, it was the temporary one that we built at Whitehall Palace where we chopped Charles Stewart's head off.
  9. Dash, blast, and fiddlesticks. Five minutes late! That's the problem with being dead, it slows you down.
  10. Yes, I agree wholehearted with that. One of the best commentating styles around.
  11. I'm somewhat late to the party (OK almost two years late). My FT teams likewise only have the leader and NO FT. Also, none of my infantry platoons have HQ's or 2pdr mortars.
  12. Yes. whenever I play CMBN and CMFB, I always have books and maps to hand. It just adds to the immersion.
  13. Having taken a few years out from war gaming, I'm a long way behind a lot of you. But, I do look forward to giving this a bash sometime soon. or, do i mean getting bashed by the A.I. sometime soon?
  14. Aris' Churchill IV mod works for the 6pdr/57mm as well as the standard 75mm version. I just fired up "In the Shadow of the Hill" to make sure.
  15. Good luck with that campaign. I got my Limey arse kicked when I first tried it. As for the Cromwell tank, there was an interesting series on the BBC a few years back called "Tankies", it seems that not too many of the guys who used to have to use them were happy about it.
  16. Oh dear. You seem to not to understand irony. I slip in and out my alter ego's personality many times on this forum. And as mentioned previously on this site if I'd have been around at the time of the Putney Debates, I would have been one of those "strung up". You might even wish to go back to Page 3 of this thread where I make my real views on Fascism crystal clear, via the late great lefty Woody Guthrie.
  17. When I was in charge of things we put lefties to the sword, or strung them up. Ah, "Those were the days" as Mary Hopkins once said.
  18. Paddy sips on his Guinness recently "liberated" from a bar in the Antwerpen docks. "Oh the love the Baby Jeezus, Field Marshall. There they go calling me a "Brit" again. It's enough to make me take a sledgehammer to me Bedford and let them wallow in the mud without any fecking bridging equipment."
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