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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. OpFor fortifications have fog of war and are invisible until they are spotted. If the scenario has intel set to some percentage above zero then in theory some of the fortifications might be visible (I never tested that) on the first turn. But otherwise fortifications are invisible until spotted. After they are spotted the first time the location/fortification always remain visible. That kind of makes sense since fortifications are not mobile. Once the position of a fortification is known its not going to change. However the units in the fortification might move. So you need to spot the scout team in the foxhole to know if they are still present. You know that the foxhole itself is not going to maneuver to a different location. I'm not sure what else could be done that would change the knowledge of a discovered static fortification. I guess it could be made to appear as a tentative contact like a unit. Only to be completely revealed during times you had active LOS and return to a tentative contact when not in LOS. But you would still be able to area fire at it just as you can now so probably nothing really changes. In real life this situation is sometimes handled by alternate / secondary positions etc. In the game having alternate / secondary positions can also be useful.
  2. Wow............... what a terrible thing to say. You are are aware but not necessarily grateful or even respectful. You said it was a joke ............ so you even view this as funny. I try to stay positive on this forum which is part of a fun hobby for me. Occasionally the nasty, hateful outside world intrudes and reveals true colors.
  3. In 2016 @Bulletpoint had a post about this. I paraphrased it below. If the shooting unit does not spot the friendly unit, small-caliber area fire will kill friendlies. Try it out in a night battle, order your tank to machinegun some distant field and then send in some infantry. If the tank doesn't spot the infantry, the infantry will take casualties. Then order your tank to fire machineguns at friendly infantry that are very close in front of the tank. The tank can fire away all day without causing any casualties. It also works with rifles.
  4. There are knowledgeable forum members when it comes to Blender. I think @Aquila-SmartWargames and @37mm know about this stuff. Not sure if you are aware of the below topic. If not you may find it interesting.
  5. +1. Yes, yes you do. You are a leading archaeologist in the CM world. .
  6. +1. Welcome to the forum. The CMRT base game is June 1944 to September 1944. The Fire & Rubble module goes to the end of the war in May 1945. It adds the geography of Germany to include urban warfare in Berlin. So huge tank battles to infantry firefights. New flavor objects, buildings etc. CMRT will now include all seasons with the FR module. The module will add Soviet partisans, Lend-Lease equipment, Waffen SS, Kriegsmarine, Volkssturm and Luftwaffe branches. Also more campaigns and scenarios. One of the things I'm most looking forward to are Soviet partisans. Then the below mini-campaign can be finished and released. Really looking forward to the module. Lots of cool, interesting content for scenarios and campaigns. Both to be played and created. That's before the modders start and contribute even more to the East Front.
  7. Kind of like a Hit Decal. But bigger and multiple Burn Decals.........
  8. Each building will have it's own roof but you can make it look like one big roof. If the roofs are the same style and face the same direction for one long row of buildings. If you have multiple rows of buildings (three wide nine long or something) then a flat roof will work for titles that let you select a flat roof. However, I don't think CMFB allows flat roof selection.
  9. Shock Force Heaven & Earth Super Mod. Airborne unit and Mechanized unit link up in a village to search and destroy insurgents and insurgent supply caches.
  10. +2. Penghu is an interesting island, airfield, ports, urban area. Lots of cool possibilities for different operations.
  11. If @LongLeftFlank builds it, the scenario designers will come ............ . Might end up attaching a body of water to it for amphibious operations or part of an airfield for an airborne forced entry or Entebbe type operation etc. but scenarios will be done in CMSF2 as in CMSF1... Where is @Sgt.Squarehead.......?
  12. What MJ said. The hole created by a blast (demo, tank, arty etc.) is treated similar to a door and has the same problems with elevations as a door.
  13. In April 2019 @Vanir Ausf B posted the below which I paraphrased: 1) Friendly vehicles never block LOS/LOF for other friendly vehicles. 2) Operable enemy vehicles block LOF, but not LOS, from friendly vehicles. 3) Non-smoking KO'd vehicles do not block LOS/LOF for friendly or enemy vehicles. 4) Non-smoking KO'd vehicles block LOF, but not LOS, from any unit as long as the targeted unit is not a vehicle (ie: tank shooting at infantry or infantry shooting at infantry) 5) Smoking vehicles block LOS and LOF. 6) "Vehicles" means tanks, SP guns, and AT/Anti-personnel guns.
  14. +1. Have to admit, that was funny. At some point during this spring offensive season we will probably have a very wide choice of tanks to choose from. Many players will probably command everything from T-34 equipped units to T-80s with many types & variations in-between. It's going to be a very good CM year.
  15. I have the original WarPlan. Now that the developer, Alvaro Sousa, is making WarPlan Pacific I think some are referring to the original as WarPlan West, WarPlan Europe, WarPlan Germany etc. The developer Alvaro is very involved and continues to update the original WarPlan. He is very active on the Matrix WarPlan forums answering questions, implementing suggestions and taking bug reports. WarPlan reminded me of the Avalon Hill board game Rise and Decline of the Third Reich. I read the developer diaries for the game and on the very first post of Dev. Diary #1 was a big screenshot of the old Avalon Hill game box for Rise and Decline. The developer goes on to explain how he played the Avalon Hill board game as a kid. Some of the inspiration for WarPlan came from the board game. As a kid I spent many hours playing the board game. Now the computer does all the number crunching. I recommend the game. I will eventually buy WarPlan Pacific but I have been busy with CM. I checked and it looks like Alvaro released an update for the original WarPlan on 17 March 2021, demonstrating his continuing commitment to the games. Any problems the WarPlan games may have you can count on Alvaro to fix / update. Below is my plan of attack several months ago when I had time for it. If you played the board game or just like WW II games you'll probably like WarPlan.
  16. +1. Sounds like your farm was overrun by a tank platoon. Probably exciting to see as a kid but not so much for the adults.
  17. +1. Very cool. It sounds like a campaign or scenario may be in the works?
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