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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. 1 Platoon and 2 Platoon report CONTACT!!!!! A West Side Boy spotted running east (something ironic about that). Attempting to outrun 5.56mm and 7.62mm.
  2. Yes, you are correct. Thank you. I was looking at the Pop Smoke order. But it is true the SU-76M does have two smoke rounds it can fire. Not sure if I noticed that before.
  3. The S2 advised OpFor may arrive with Technicals from Forodugu at H+45. As a contingency to this possible development I would like elements of 3 Platoon in position to ambush the OpFor before they gain access to the road network in Objective Tango (although it now occurs to me that damp ground conditions will not restrict the technicals to the roads). Also Technicals on the road can make better time than my Paras moving through the bush on foot. WARNING ORDER: 3 Platoon at 0630hrs initiate movement east to interdict probable OpFor reinforcements arriving from Forodugu in order to prevent them joining forces with the OpFor Gulf Battalion prior to Objective Tango. AIRBORNE!!! ALL THE WAY!!! ---------------- or maybe it should be "God Save The Queen"??? . "Sigh" There goes my reserves ........................
  4. This is a very big topic. I think you have much of the basics such as not going into woods or built up areas unless there is no good alternative. I will make a few comments just to help spark the conversation. Split your German squads into fire teams. This is a good SOP for most situations. There are a few long range situations where keeping a squad combined increases their spotting ability because they are with the squad leader who has the one pair of binoculars. Try to always have your units in C2. It is helpful if when the infantry fire teams and tanks can share their spotting information. An infantry team riding on a tank will horizontally share info with the tank crew. German infantry can Pop Smoke. Soviet infantry cannot. I suspect the Soviet Tankodesantbik units may be giving you trouble. Consider the following. The Soviet Tankodesantniki units are armed with all SMGs that have a hard coded range limit of 200 meters. (All SMGs have this hard coded range limit) The German panzergrenadiers have more of a combined arms squad as you noted above with only one SMG. So a German squad can sit at 205 meters from a Soviet Tankodesantniki platoon and fire on it without risking return fire from that same Soviet platoon (until the distance is closed). If you are playing a human opponent the human can Area Target his SMGs at the 200 meter mark and many of the bullets will travel past that mark increasing the SMG range and somewhat helping the Soviet situation. The AI of course is not that clever. Generally distance is your friend if you are the Germans. German Panthers and Tigers on high ground, hull down with frontal armor toward the threat can dominate large areas of many maps. Take your time and use combined arms to solve the different tactical problems you come across. Remember what worked & didn't and develop TACSOPs to use in similar situations in the future. Edited to correct mistakes pointed out by my friend @General Melchid.
  5. /////////////////////////////SPOILER ALERT//////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SPOILER ALERT///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SitMap 0622 1st and 2nd Platoons maneuvering to attack. 3rd Platoon in reserve. On order 3rd Platoon will move to support maneuver platoons or move to interdict Forodugu Road. 1) OP/LP in the bush about 70 meters west of Forodugu Road. Tasked to monitor and report OpFor activity. (Hmmm, only one sniper team has a radio ........... must have lost one in the bush ........... I know what we're doing after this mission. 1st Sgt. find the feckin RADIO!!!!!!!!!!! 2) 2nd Platoon reports small arms fire from OpFor infantry inside buildings in Magbeni. So it begins...............
  6. Denied typically means the unit does not have authority (high enough rank) to call for the asset. The officer of a Russian FO team is referred to as Forward Observer or Air Controller in the status block (green print on lower left). The rank of a Russian F/O and Air Controller is Senior Lieutenant. I'm guessing the Senior Lt. and radio operator were KIA in your last mission. The remaining soldier became the leader of a one man team with no call authority due to not enough rank. A leader must also have it's nationalities required rank for support calling authority. This is kind of interesting. A Fire support team in the US TOE can be a Sgt. E5. Also a US infantry Sgt. E5 can call for artillery (but not air or UAV) support. In the modern Russian Army (at least in the game) it takes a commissioned officer to call for artillery. I think a Lt. and above.
  7. Nice job. Maybe we will get a CMAK yet. @kohlenklau also did some work in this area you might find interesting.
  8. As the boys in the band play, The World Turned Upside Down.
  9. So many different situations. Don't have enough information to even take a good guess at. NO. IFVs are classified as armor and will be targeted with an Armored Target Arc.
  10. I would not consider it gamey. However I don't intentionally shoot (Area Target) OpFor casualties. Besides there is usually so much going on and so many other threats that need attention.
  11. When you open the support panel does it say Denied over the different support assets or something else? What rank is the "leader"?
  12. Good DAR. Looking forward to the release.
  13. Hmmm, that's interesting and might explain a few things ..........................
  14. @Erwin It's over here!!!! Just wanted to tag you to get your attention in this thread.
  15. Crossing the line of departure, Magbeni, Sierra Leone. Walking towards the hot African son. En-route to set up an OP/LP to monitor activity on the road to Forodugu.
  16. T-55M, keeping a linear danger area dangerous for the OpFor.
  17. Nice video. Thanks for sharing it. I may have to try this campaign some day.
  18. They are from the mod, @LongLeftFlank, recommended on page #1 of this thread. It is one of four extra mods I put in for this scenario. Ground Marsh that turns ground marsh into water, British Infantry Temperate camo mod, Africa Theater Pack & African Terrain. Not sure what if any difference the terrain mod makes in this scenario. But I made a Middle East mods folder and a African mods folder so they can be swapped out depending where the scenario is based.
  19. Okay, I think I'm all moded up. A Company 1st Para. West Side Boys. Scenic Rokel Creek.
  20. Very good. Looks like another great scenario. Trying to get the mods for this one to work properly and then it's IPB time.
  21. I haven't tested this in 4.0 but I think you could always see some OpFor incoming mortars some of the time. You could even tell if medium mortars were on map or off map depending on if the mortar round was falling vertical or more horizontal. (I think you discovered this Bullet) Heavy mortars I believe are only depicted by a light streak and light mortars are always on map. However I was never able to follow the incoming mortar bombs back to their on-map point of origin. (Yes I did try, in the interest of science .......... no gamey intentions)
  22. Mujahidin attempting to escape from a search and destroy operation. Camouflaged BTR-60PB .
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