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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Here is a nice article fact checking the dangerous BS, this Wodarg guy spills: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/coronavirus-die-gefaehrlichen-falschinformationen-des-wolfgang-wodarg-a-f74bc73b-aac5-469e-a4e4-2ebe7aa6c270?sara_ecid=soci_upd_KsBF0AFjflf0DZCxpPYDCQgO1dEMph German only, but I guess you guys can handle the translation.
  2. I am sure you know the brilliant GMT board game about the topic. Unless I am mistaken, the only game covering this war.
  3. I remember it a little differently, but CMBN is „special“. IIRC, the trick is that you can „mirror“ the CMBN files somehow, to have all games accessible in one place.There is an ancient thread about this. Or ask @IanL He was involved back then.
  4. I thought so. No, they have quite different accents. South African English sounds to me quite much like British English, but more nasal. South African English spoken by the Boer community is quite different again. That sounds very harsh to me, more like Scandinavian or Russian English. Watch some Kevin Richardson clips on Youtube. He speaks a for me very typical SA English. NZ English sounds indeed more like Australian English, but not quite. But I am sure, @Warts 'n' all can explain the differences much better and in more detail.
  5. Just out of curiosity: Why did you chose NZ voices as replacement?
  6. I tried to collect everything from Aris that I found. What I probably don’t have anymore are earlier versions of his compilations. E.g., in some cases he released collections like “All Pz IV mods” and updated them later. In such cases, I kept only the final version. If it helps, I can send you screen shots of the ARIS mods, which I have. Perhaps, I even find the time to make a proper list. Should not be too difficult. IIRC, there are rather about 100 Aris mods, than 200.
  7. I found a quite vague reference in Wikipedia, saying that “not all newly formed FJ Divisions did receive a jump training after 1942“. As for the Gebirgsjäger, I don‘t think they were all „skilled climbers“. I would assume they were generally „skilled mountain men“. It takes a lot, before you need to „climb“. It’s difficult enough to move in the mountains with heavy equipment anyway. That‘s not to say, that they did not know how to use their ropes...
  8. And I hope, I have them, too. But @DougPhresh has a good point. Is there a „complete“ list of mods somewhere? I have seen some scenario and campaign lists, but don’t remember anything for mods.
  9. Thanks for allowing me to think and believe, what I want. I do that anyway, but never mind.
  10. That sounds like pretty wishful thinking. I wonder how many people would remember such advise when the heat is on. The part about DYO-ordnance even sounds a little desperate. Along the lines: “We can’t give you the tools, but feel free to build some.” I was about to call it “Propaganda stuff”, but then remembered, to have read similar over-optimistic non-sense even in Bundeswehr field manuals.
  11. I believe to remember, that a long time ago one of our CM friends with practical experience said, that action in CM is in general about 4x faster than in RL. Such acceleration would explain an increased effectiveness.
  12. I would not worry too much. Those castles were built in the late Middle Ages, say 14th to 17th Century, when people shot with stone, lead and iron (mind you: NOT steel!) shot. Plus, I guess you don‘t want to create a siege scenario. The key probably is, to give the players no reason to fight for the castle. I would think in modern RL tactical battles, they just would be by-passed. And flattened by planes or arty outside the scope of your scenario.
  13. Yep, usually it’s good to read the briefing and be patient. But it can be difficult to restrain yourself. „The force is strong...” On the other hand, I am playing a scenario right now, where the briefing scared the sh..., eh, frightened me a lot. At the moment, I have an hour to go and the impression, that intel was a little exaggerated.
  14. There are many such discussions or „wishes“ in the forum. The short answer to your post is, IIRC: CMAK was sales wise no success, so BFC decided not to go this way again.
  15. From the artistic point of view, one could say that Private Ryan and Hacksaw Ridge were quite different (should I say inferior), compared to Apocalypse...
  16. Well, probably there are many with much more recent and practical experience here to comment. However, back then I was taught to fire 3 round bursts. The theory being: Three well aimed hits should be fatal, ten (sprayed over a square meter) would be an overkill with many „secondary hits” on the same target. Or, to put some numbers to it: My 3rd round was normally something like 15cm away from the first. With 10, I would have peppered said square meter.
  17. You probably mix that up with the Bundeswehr MG 1, 2 and 3, which indeed were basically throttled MG 42. My brothers says in his BW times (early 70‘s) they still had MG‘s in service, where the swastika‘s had been ground out. IIRC, the BW MG’s were set from 1200 to 700 rounds per minute. Indeed to save ammo. Plus, after the third round, one does not hit anything any way. Apparently, at least for the MG3, it is fairly easy to remove the throttle, to bring it back to 1200rpm.
  18. Gosh, now I understand your “£20k for plastic models”....
  19. Hm, good point. If I count CM1, I am playing CM for more than 20 years now. I don’t have the actual numbers available, but I don’t think I spent more than USD 500 in total. Comes to less than USD 25 per year. Not too shabby.
  20. Ah, no, rather buy it for the few bucks it costs. The series (not so much the movie) is pretty good and well worth the money. I am sure, @Aragorn2002 would support me. And, alas, somebody has to support “non Disney” productions..
  21. Honestly, I don’t think the Warsaw Uprising is an appropriate topic for CM, as it is not designed for asymmetrical conflicts. In this special case, there are too many “non-miltary” aspects involved.
  22. I recently watched the episode where Sheldon tried to play „The Campaign for North Africa“. Well, considering 1800 counters and 1500 playing hours, he did not come close too. Anyway, first time in my life that I even saw the map unfolded... However, I believe to remember somebody mentioned here, that „Third Reich” was played in another “Big Bang” episode. Would anybody know, which episode that was?
  23. I just came across this yearly tank show of the „Deutsches Panzermuseum“ on You Tube. Strange, I never heard about that show before. You’ll find many interesting video clips about it on YouTube, like this one featuring a Pz I “in action”: In another clip, I saw a German mine sweeper on a Leopard chassis, which I have never seen before.
  24. Interesting discussion. My brother is currently struggling with the migration decision. My line of thinking is somewhat different from yours: 1) To carry on with Win7 will jeopardise the internet security of your machine. Probably not immediately, but increasingly. 2) New app‘s will be more and more not Win7 compatible. 3) The Win10 upgrade costs nothing and does not really hurt. I don’t know, what Erwin does with his computer, but to get a “working knowledge” of Win10 and some confidence to work with it took me perhaps 5h, certainly not “thousands”. 4) My advise to my brother was: If you are happy now and want to run your machine as stand-alone, continue with Win7. If you want to work online, rather change to Win10. (Or in his special case: Buy a new PC, which has Win10 only anyway.) I must admit, I did hate to change from Win XP to Win7 and every Win-upgrade was a little painful. But I certainly cannot imagine to go back to XP or 3.1, though both „worked for me“.
  25. As a quick answer: You can just copy the files. I copied my v3.12 games even to the same drive, before migrating to v4. IIRC, it’s a little tricky with BN, because it stores saved games in a different place than the other games, but that’s no big deal either. Search the forum, there is a description somewhere.
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