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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Right now? I‘d say they „could“ send a Battlion at most, but certainly not as one integral force, like a complete Tank Battalion. But what would be politically possible, aka accepted? After Afghanistan and Iraq, probably nothing. Certainly no fighting force.
  2. Yep, I know it‘s a thin line. But would you feel better if, say, the Vatikan could contribute 2 Swiss Guards to a conflict. Well, we are talking Swiss Guards, so we may triple the value. Let‘s say a 6 men contingent. The cost to incorporate such „contributions“ would probably outweigh the result.
  3. I cannot really agree with this statement. I don‘t see much sense for many small countries to invest in self-defense. The same goes for extremely poor countries. There is not much sense in buying an outdated jet and two tanks with the last Dollar you have. Or in case of Switzerland in buying 5 top-notch or 20 „not quite“ top-notch planes. Another somewhat ancient example: I do not know, what it did cost the UK to maintain a half-company of Marines on the Falklands, but I do think their three hours of Résistance were not worth it. Let me not be mistaken: I believe to re-take the Falklands was worth the effort. Without wanting to hurt anybody, I refer to amount of money, which Greece wasted in a strong Army to counter Turkey.
  4. Eh, not only recently the German government tried to improve. But too many f... (or better „not so good“) projects make the efforts look feeble. It‘s difficult to support, if new planes and choppers don‘t fly, new Frigates and U-Boats don‘t sail, etc. The latest is, that the renovation of a sailing ship turned into a disaster.
  5. Well, I do not live in Germany since a long time, but I dare to say the feelings are mainly „neutral“. Nobody (except for the directly involved) really cares and a soldier is usually seen as any other „worker”. Especially, I don’t think that anybody (including me) bought, that our freedom has to be defended at the Hindukush”.That was probably „The mother of all f.. up explanations“ and killed a lot of support.
  6. One thing, which comes to my mind are the mods, which make the Pixeltroopers lie prone. Can’t remember what the mod name is, but can dig it out on Monday. The mods do not make a huge difference, but add a little.
  7. Ouch, looks like you are right. I read through the Operation Hercules thread and found that Kohlenklau indeed wrote about “copying and renaming some files”, to produce the T34. There goes another myth down the drain. I could have bet on being right. Good that I did not.
  8. Ooops, how could I miss that? Probably the cricket, indeed.
  9. I may be mistaken, but feel free to check.
  10. I noted nobody recommended the Aris vehicle and terrain mods yet. The Aris stuff is highly recommendable in all forms. And then, there should be some mod packs for „special purposes“. I remember a Stalingrad package, a Winter package, some Hungarian and Finnish stuff. Those are normally usable with very few custom made scenarios only.
  11. Nope, read the „Operation Hercules“ thread. @Kohlenklau described it somewhere. The issue is, one can‘t import models from one game to the other. So he took the Pz IV as „nearest match“ and „just“ gave it a new look. To make it working game wise, you obviously need something as „nearest match“ with similar characteristics. You can probably make a King Tiger look like a U-Boat, but it still would not dive...
  12. Yes, that refers to my earlier posts. @kohlenklau created this T34 for his CMFI Malta mod and CmPzC campaign „Operation Hercules“. Since there are no T34‘s in FI, he used the Pz IV model and gave it T34 skins. The result was pretty convincing. My ideas was, that something similar could be done, to „simulate“ landing craft.
  13. BTW: Look at this beautiful Pz IV: http://s1272.photobucket.com/user/retiring2texas/media/Beutepanzer3_zpsbdoln0se.jpg.html And search the Forum for „Operation Hercules“ for more detail.
  14. Or wait until hell freezes. Hm, probably a real choice in Denmark.
  15. Yep, but then you have an assault boat with invisible light armour and tracks to travel over land. But scenario design wise, the armour may be ok. And, of course, the owner should be fair enough to leave the assault boat on the far side of the river and not travel Inland.
  16. On the serious side, I tried to say: One could take a comparable model and change the looks into what you need. Not perfect, but better than nothing.
  17. Well, the „bunker“ could move. And swim. THAT would be a sight!
  18. Hm, in his Malta mod, @kohlenklau used a Pz IV, to simulate a captured T34. I.e., used the Pz IV stats and model and „threw“ T34 bmps over it. The result looked great (and like a T34), but it behaved like a Pz IV. Don‘t know, if there is much of a difference.
  19. Hehehe.... Yeah, what do they do with their 75mm Stummel?
  20. Hm, sounds pretty good for a quick shot. Though the „handing down of a file“ before it is being executed will be quite demanding and time consuming. How about sending all moves of sub-commanders to the overall commander and he executes the final order? That even might enforce some discipline. Say, the overall commander has to put in his file by day X. Any sub-commander file which comes in late is considered as „no orders“.
  21. Hi Rikkei Not quite sure, what your needs are, but at least German should not be an issue. PM me and we‘ll see, how I can help you,
  22. Like Kohlenklau‘s umpired games? But unfortunately, it looks like this one is not going to fly...
  23. Good move. From there it‘s training, training, training... It‘s good advise to keep it small, but don‘t stick to the book. The skills to maneuvre a platoon won‘t help you much to command, say, two companies (unless you have something like 400years to spend). Rather play what you like or what thrills you. But don‘t let it get too big. That becomes frustrating quickly.
  24. Hmmm, but you had your 400 years already. I suppose the OP wants to be in the game a little sooner....
  25. Play the tutorial, guided by the manual, to recap the basics.
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