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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Hm, good question. I did not care too much and thought “ Flere-Imsaho”. But since you ask: More probably a Mind in the famous ring, which was never really explained. Or the “ring Mind” actually was Flere-Imsaho... Did I already say?: The “anything goes” is one of the strongest concepts in the books.
  2. I just finished “Player of Games“. Awesome, indeed! And a very unusual Science Fiction. Had it‘s length, but also many fantastic twists and turns. The only thing I missed, was a more detailed description of Azad. Hm, that’s probably too much of a gamers view. Looking forward to “Use of Weapons” and thereafter, I might grab an Ian Banks audio book for free. But then it’ll be enough Ian Banks for a while.
  3. Ah, this looks like footage from „Die Befreiung“. I don‘t know the Russian title, but the German one would translate to „The Liberation“. A series of five Russian movies from the 70‘s. Some were pretty good, others not so. I just noted, there is a new HD version on Amazon. I only have the old DVD’s, which almost give you eye cancer. But if you are willing to take the risk: Quite worthwhile to see. Loads of original equipment and a refreshingly different view.
  4. Same with me. I am playing since many years and remember, say, two shot down planes. I’d say, AA (in an AA role) is not worth it in CM. But then, I feel on such a small scale this is only realistic. I remember trying to follow planes with a mounted AA-MG during my Bundeswehr times. Hopeless... You would need a lot of bullets in the sky to hit anything.
  5. Yep, looks like you hit a button. Otherwise: Reminds to my after work Wednesday evening pub visits (unfortunately, I quit a very long time ago): Go there, have a beer or two and wait what happens. I had some extremely good conversations back then.
  6. Just a quick remark to the oil discussion: The early estimates were, of course, based on the (estimated) availability of crude oil at the time. And, of course, on an availability at reasonable effort and reasonable prices. Those pre-conditions indeed seem to „expire“. I would assume, there is a good reason , why the Gulf States try to diversify their industry since 20 years. As for the „reasonable effort“: Nowadays, it is affordable to „squeez“ oil from sand and plant oil platforms ever further away from the main land. Sounds like the base line has been adjusted a little, to cope with a changed reality.
  7. Eh, are you coming? I will certainly be there with a few friends.
  8. Yep, there is a reason for the song „D-Day Dodgers“ (https://www.google.ch/search?q=d-day+dodgers+lyrics&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=de-ch&client=safari#sbfbu=1&pi=d-day dodgers lyrics) BTW, I have it as intro music to CMFI. Fits perfectly and sets the right mood!
  9. Just in case somebody happens to be in the area, i.e. Switzerland, southern Germany or eastern France, on 9/10/11 August: https://www.convoy-to-remember.com/ The „75th D-Day Anniversary“ Edition. So it sounds like a big show this year, with something 600 vehicles on display. I wonder how they get them moving in a convoy.
  10. I haven‘t read that far yet, but understood that the stakes can be quite high.
  11. Yeah, but the game play.... I tried to play for a while in a group of British soldier guys in Bielefeld, Germany, a loooong time ago. Unfortunately, they were quite fixed to table tops. Ancients, IIRC. Anyway, one night during a session, they became quite agitated. Started mumbling something like “mega killing”. After checking rules and tables, the calculating started. And after only 15 more minutes they decided to remove one small unit from the table. Needless to say: Being a board gamer, I was not too impressed.
  12. Ok, then it‘s clear. I have „use of weapons“ and „the player“ in my „starter package“ and will follow your advise. Your description of „The state of the art“ reminded me to Horst Evers „Alles ausser irdisch“. Evers is a German comedian, one of those story tellers. “Alles ausser irdisch” is a “Comedy Science Fiction”. Quite funny, but with only a slight change in tone, it could be a dead serious science fiction. In fact, “Consider Phlebas” reminded me a lot to it in the beginning. Very similar, with all those strange people and technologies. Like “anything goes”. If you need a new rule: Invent one. Though Evers draws a somewhat brighter picture than Banks.
  13. Ok, I just finished Consider Phlebas. And must say: Whow! It starts somewhat slow, but ends action packed. Would certainly make a nice movie. Eh, what‘s next? Is there any specific order of the books?
  14. But I‘ll get back to the Culture right away. Still half an hour to waste in the train and hordes of homeward bound Swiss militia around me...
  15. Next to Ian Banks „Culture War“ cycle, highly recommended by @Sgt.SquareheadI started reading Orlando Figes „Crimean War“ today. I had it resting on the shelf since years now. Big mistake! Obviously an interesting and obscure topic, but easy reading.
  16. Ah ja, „Secret“ and „confidential“. Good that you say so...
  17. Eh, who is „them“? Just to make that I am not on the wrong side. But then, as I recall, a nuke blast does not really have sides. Now it really is time for the sun glasses.
  18. Well, actually I had Aliens and Predators in mind, but yes, strange Penguins,too:
  19. The guy narrating reminds me to a book, which I read a long time ago. “A Message from the Falklands”. Very recommendable. Basically a collection of letters home, sent by a Leftenant at Sea, who was stationed on the HMS Sheffield. Extremely touching to read how he changed from utter excitement to utter disillusion over a short period of time.
  20. Eh, as I remember, to us „not British“, it was made quite clear that the war was, at least partially, to maintain a foothold in Antartica. What other reason to fight for South Georgia? Not necessarily about oil, but everything, which may be found down there.
  21. Hehehe, nice one. Chrrrr... But still, when we complain, that not all men fit into a foxhole, it would be nice to know how many men should fit into it by design in the first place. Otherwise, disgusting scenes like this one may result: BTW, note how one guy is pushed out of the foxhole, when it becomes crowded.
  22. That always was my understanding, too. The nice, pragmatic wargaming solution. As an indicator: I do not think, it is specified anywhere - what the effect on one, single foxhole is - how many men a single foxhole can take - how the „foxhole effect“ depends on the unit orientation - do the pixel troopers lose the benefit, if they poke out their nose - etc. The system is just not going down to this level of detail. In the essence, it would require the introduction of „micro tiles“ and micro management of each pixel trooper.
  23. That was my first impression. But I was not sure. Could not see it clearly due to the poor VHS quality.
  24. I am reading Consider Phlebas since a while now. And I like it. It’s slow reading, but indeed, language is not the issue. The story is, hm, dense, complicated, with loads of weird characters. Luckily, just when I thought “This will be something quite “esoteric”, the action started. And, of course, reading after works, for an hour or so, in the commuting train, does not really help to ease reading.
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