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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Wow, that's some lovely detailed work and diagrams! Nicely done.
  2. Great comparison shots, Bil! Thanks Kohl for asking and Bil for posting them.
  3. I'm still working on the next sequence in the story, but in the meantime, Lang & Tanner saw something in the woods...
  4. I'd put a Helpdesk ticket in if I were you. You have some specs better than mine and I really am not aware of any lag. We're guessing here but helpsdesk should have some more info to work with.
  5. Pick the one with a full tank.. More seriously, I have repeatedly seen mention here that the BMP-2 outperforms the -3. I think (but I might be misremembering) @sublime mentioning this, but whether he is or is not the person I'm recalling, he would not be the only one. The details elude me but I think -3's blow up easier??? Odd, but..
  6. I know glad you liked the blood-mist, Heinrich! Yeah, the gunner on the Chaffee is a real die hard. I wish the snow wasnt so deep (it's deeper than in Bil-Banman's battle) or I'd charge that little tank up the hill. I ran tests and the chance of bogging and immobilization is significant. Seriously...
  7. I don't know exactly. The price-prohibitiveness is more in rarity, I believe, but we ignored that for the sake of him being able to procure that damned tank. By my estimate he could have a company of PanzerGrenadiers & Half tracks, plus 3-4 tanks including the SturmTiger. That's what worries me...
  8. Very much so! Similar experience when I was in Arnhem. I was looking at a large metal panel with a map of the September battle and an elderly gentleman was so impressed I was interested in something so long past, I got a guided tour of the town, showing me where the action took place, bullet scars still on the walls in places, etc. Such a shame that this living history will not be here to satisfy the curious for coming generations.
  9. Steve, just a heads up http://www.battlefront.com/images/forum/misc/KT Turret.jpg gives error 404 when one clicks on it. Maybe it's the space in the name? Feel free to delete this post once you've read it.
  10. Were it me, my worry now would be that Baneman, if he is advancing Panthers into the town along with infantry, might be able to hit your armour in the flank, once he realizes that your forces in town are ethereal.
  11. Thank you for your support. I always pass on these well wishes to my wife, we're both touched at the compassion we see. My best to you as well, I hope you have a great holiday season. You made me look back to see if I really overstated the time involved in doing these comics. I found the post and was relieved, I didn't exaggerate, it's 8 hours for 3 panels, on average. Still time consuming but not as bad as what it looked like when I read your post!
  12. Thanks for this recommendation, I've just purchased it from iBooks. Looks interesting.
  13. That was an awesome minute you had there. Baneman. Watching the flanks of the JagdTiger is a good idea. You never know what Bil has up his sleeve.
  14. My thinking exactly. I don't know how thick that muzzle is but it looks massive, so I'm assuming that I may have done little more than dent it. I did get an "ouch" via email from Ian when I hit it. Even just as a mobile pillbox it's dangerous as it can massacre my infantry. What is piquing my interest here is that I haven't seen any other tanks, just halftracks. I have some armour contacts but they might be the location of the SturmTiger when it pulls back to reload. Unless he has a boatload of infantry there have to be more tanks.
  15. That is the question I'm asking too... It backed away so the engine and crew are still ok. But this was showing Hit Text as "Weapon Hit." Dare I hope that its gun is toast? That's one of the fun bits about Combat Mission: you most times don't know what the enemy is going through.
  16. Too bad it's not a 76mm! But when you think about it, for a recon tank it's pretty well armed. I've always liked the German Lynx, but that has a 20mm. A Chaffee, under reasonable circumstances, can kill a tank, the Lynx needs a miracle.
  17. They're just resting! Wow never saw such a neat line of corpses...
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