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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. You may be right on both counts; he may not have more armour because he doesn't need more armour. But then he must have a whole fleet of halftracks; or I'd expect a lot more infantry or artillery present.
  2. I name the one with the scarred nose Uwe, and the other is his girlfriend, Ute.
  3. Don't I wish!!! My artillery is that handy 105-Sherman. Doing fine work, she is...
  4. Love the Easy-8 Before and After Panther makeover shots, Baneman. I hope you feel better in the morning. Get some rest, you've earned it.
  5. This. Too much judgement with the benefit of hindsight going on here. Until it went wrong few and far between were the odes to Bil's doom. Manifold were the comments about a mismatch, what with Baneman's seemingly armour-light force and Bil's armour-heavy one. The way I see it, it's turned into a real match now, with forces that can cause grievous damage to one another, rather than a cakewalk for either. I'd think we should be delighted at the upcoming fireworks!
  6. Ugh, yeah, that was an unpleasant surprise... I was NOT expecting that! That is over 1/3 his total force points right there, folks...
  7. Always generous with your praise, thank you. Yeah, the SturmTiger is impossible to defeat frontally with the weapons I have at hand. I thought I might get a flank shot from the Sherman assault gun but I wasn't at a sufficient off-side position. Tony...needs a medic. Those 7.92mm rounds are a pain! Ive been considering using the Chaffee to run up the hill - and it may be the next thing I do, but with all the armour contacts up there I'm concerned it's a suicide run.
  8. I didn't see any penetration hit text so I am not optimistic that it's disabled. That's a total of five hits on this thing, including two weapon hits. That's one tough SOB.... Initially when I occupied the ridge I saw a number of tank contacts, but once I was forced off those gradually faded, until a few minutes ago, when they started reappearing. I haven't seen anything, but about 5 armour contacts have shifted position over time. I am surprised he hasn't attacked me in force yet, but he has a narrowing window of time to do that. I am drawing a few possible rationales: 1. He may be concerned about crossing that large open space before Liefrange. It's risky for his infantry and half tracks will not be able to do so as long as I have my armour. There is also the not-inconsequential risk of immobilization crossing that terrain, which could throw the balance of forces out massively. 2. He doesn't know that I spoke to a Bil before we started this battle and that Bil wanted the M36s and I took the Chaffee so that we don't both showcase the same things and ignore other new units. Had that not been a consideration, the Chaffee would have been replaced with an M36 and this would be a bit more problematic for Ian. Be that as it may, the simple in-game rationale will be that the unfortunate Lt. Lawrence simply didn't get any M36s due to the vagaries of war. Bad things happen, and you don't get your ideal force when you want it. From a meta-game standpoint, Ian has enough points in my view to buy another 3 serious tanks, like Panthers. If he went infantry-heavy then he has a big problem because he can't reach Liefrange without taking massive casualties. So you can understand my wish to make him come to me. He doesn't have time to sit there forever and bombard me to bits, and I hold the key objective, without which he cannot win.
  9. I love how perennially relevant Star Trek still is...and that you'd quote it.
  10. One thought that comes to mind is recon teams - splitting them off is useful to not get the whole squad ambushed. A second thought is dependent on whether you have a lot of squads or not: if you have very few to cover a wide area, then splitting them can give you fire and maneuver elements. If you have more units, then yes, I can see using a whole squad to maneuver while another covers.
  11. I'm looking for book suggestions (electronic format such as PDF or ePub is welcome too) for the Italian campaign. In particular the latter stages, July 1944-May 1945. If you have stuff you liked please post here, if possible with some explanation of why you're suggesting it.
  12. I know, it's heart wrenching to watch that SturmTiger sit there all smug and shiny.... Youre most welcome - I'm happy to answer what I can. A Kaaa-zing! ? Let me see what I can do.
  13. hehe I have to stop somewhere... It's pure coincidence they're cliffhangers, I swear!
  14. It's an interesting idea, but I suppose the response you're getting is indicative of how everyone experiences the game differently. I don't have a problem with immersion while playing. But man, would I love if the terrain could extend beyond the play area when I take screenshots! It's those static images that I post or use for my comics that drive me mad trying to hide "the edge of the world."
  15. I think he is referring to this: Ambilight I'll also assume that rather than colours, it display something more relevant, but how that would work without wasting processor cycles and what it would actually display isn't clear to me.
  16. That JagdTiger has exceeded my expectations. It's tough, but slow and turretless. Interesting to,see it actually do something, though I sympathize with your frustration. I can't seem to do more than scuff the paint off what I'm facing in my CAAR.
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