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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Sorry guys, I've not had internet now for 5 days and it's made turn exchanges and everything else quite a problem.
  2. Congratulations on spotting the JadgTiger. In a few games I did what you're doing now: moving units around purposely to make an enemy get lots of activity before them to give a false impression of my strength. Rommel did it upon arriving in Africa, but I always wondered if what I was doing was a bit crazy. Seeing you do it is really gratifying!
  3. Thanks for the great play-by-play, Baneman. Great AAR. Indeed a pity your Panther will not get to shoot. You spotted that Hellcat fair and square and it's quite exposed by the look of it.
  4. If we're talking in game capabilities then one can look at the manual in CMBN for Commonwealth forces. (Well worth getting I might add! {See, Chris, I got a plug in for yet ANOTHER BFC product!}) In CMBN, the 0-5 little bars rating different aspects of the vehicle give a rating of III for the Cromwell, which is the same as the standard Sherman. Bear in mind that scale offers limited differentiation, so they may not be identical, just somewhat comparable. The Tiger I has IIII so it's considered better.
  5. You are mixing things in that statement that have no relation to what I said. You are observing how many German heavy tanks were stranded to air power, which has no relation to movement on soft ground, to fuel issues which have no relation to movement over soft ground, etc. The causes for this are well-known and understood and have very little to do with bogging, which is what I was remarking on. In relation to the part of the argument that related to my remark, there are many who would disagree with you. Some convenient reference I had to hand: Capt. Henry Johnson, 2nd AD, "The wider tracks of the Mark V and Mark VI enables it to move much better cross-country and in muddy or snow-covered terrain, than the narrow tracks of the Sherman tank. The field expedient of duck bills added to widen the Sherman treat aids, but does not effect the advantage the German Mark V and Mark VI tanks have. It is my opinion that the Mark V and Mark VI enemy tanks are far superior in maneuverability to our Sherman tanks." {Emphasis mine} SSGT Alvin Olson, "...I saw a Mark V and Mark VI tank scarcely dig into the plowed field while the tracks of our M4 tanks were often deep enough in the same field to show the marks of the tank's belly dragging." {emphasis mine} There are many sources of reasonable repute (Jentz, Doyle, Zaloga, and others) that suggest this is not anecdotal. There is abundant information discussing cross-country mobility alone.
  6. After he destroyed my M4A3E8, IanL emailed me to tell me he watched the SturmTiger fire and miss the tank. He said he was very disappointed, until he saw that the tank was knocked out. The blast is considerable, it seems. I can imagine those T34s getting messed up even if you didn't hit them.
  7. I was going to use something else, but for you I will.
  8. *sniff* Friends? Somewhere? Please? I appreciate the understanding, Baneman. To be fair, there are many elements I'd like to improve on, but it's not easy to find (create) great alternatives. However, I constantly am trying to find new ways to present things and give you guys a fresh experience. The movement lines is one of those things that was on my list to enhance.
  9. Now, about that SturmTiger: -Moblity should be comparable to the King Tiger, which weighs slightly more but has more track to distribute the weight. The Tiger has remarkable floatation and is far more mobile and less likely to bog than say, a Sherman. Weight is not the full story. -I wondered about the reload time so I loaded this creature in a QB and fired a few shots, and timed the reloading process. It hovers around two minutes and perhaps 10-15 seconds. I could fine no primary sources that indicated the historical reload time. -There is "only" 125kg of explosive in each 350+ kg shell. Do not expect them to make craters like naval gunfire of the same shell diameter, they wouldn't and that's realistic. - Frontal armour is 150mm, which is more than the Tiger I, but sides are 82mm which are about the same as the Tiger I. The SturmTiger is slightly lower than the Tiger I.
  10. Thanks for the feedback. 4 comics in and you finally hear about something that's been there from the beginning! The lines to denote movement are necessary as these are stills and the game does not show motion blur one needs something to indicate motion and direction. I spent some time looking at how the pros do/did it, and their use of lines similar to these is very widespread. They tailored them more but then they were professional artists who would spend 5 years to do one 60 page comic. I'm doing this on the fly over a few weeks. I have a stylus now and will explore how to make them more dynamic and adapt them to the scene better, but that will be for comic 5 - assuming BFC finds this a success and wants me to do another. One thing I'm not prepared to do is change the "look" in the middle of the comic. It will be confusing and appear sloppy, so those who don't like the lines will just have to bear with them till the bitter end!
  11. There's a really good hint from the Lt. just above.
  12. Even I got exploding-ears girl in mine! Bil, I think you scare people. That must be it!
  13. I can imagine that it's really unfortunate to lose a resource you appreciate and find helpful. There is no information as to what will become available in the future. Remind me to look into it again in the new year, Jon. Right now there's not much more to tell.
  14. In a nutshell: The web site will be closed in January 2016. The future of the collections of maps and aerial photograph scans is being discussed amongst the agencies to whom they belong, and no decision has been made.
  15. This is very true! And adds a sense of realistic priorities if you take the time and try to administer buddy aid a lot. It's not just about the score, it's about feeling you're responsible.
  16. The answer to your question is finally posted...
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