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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. I can't agree more strongly with this statement. Bil, it's a tough fight for both sides, and a great AAR, thank you for doing it. As always, very enjoyable reading.
  2. Its a pity that smoke is not really a viable option (I think it was established there is a fairly strong wind?) because it would seem to me that disengagement and repositioning to regain surprise and initiative wouldn't be a crazy idea at this point. It's been a hard few turns for Bil, but the force at his disposal is powerful and I believe he can recover.
  3. ugh, yeah, sorry about that, I have so many screenshots that it's going to take hours to just organize them into a coherent plot line! That's the problem when everything goes nuts across the whole map! Thanks for the words of appreciation - makes my day,
  4. 8 minutes to go, 22 done out of this 30 minute battle. We have played until minute 6...So I have screenshots for the next two. Well over 100, in fact... .... And a lot of little stories to discover in the battle, and to tell in those two minutes of action. The fight really begins in the next few seconds. Everything before now was just hors d'oeuvres.
  5. hmmm, I'd say you'd part right. Slang and lack of precision was a part, but fear and mythology was another. Countless reports of tigers ended up being panzer IVs and many German ATGs were misidentified as 88s. These were not imprecision or slang but reactions to things that had a more powerful impact on the person experiencing them than they expected, so they amplified what must be causing it.
  6. My tests certainly have me scared of bogging. I am surprised that there have been no immobilizations and only one bogging incident.
  7. Yeah, the Scheldt would be very interesting terrain to model, and the Canadians there are prominent, so I hope that will be coming in the future.
  8. Oh my! That's really rough going, Bil. The LOS on that map looks brutally tricky.
  9. I'll credit the lads from 3rd platoon hiding so well that the Germans had no targets and no idea of Lt. Blanchard's strength. This my theory.
  10. Maybe that's why he is really not moving them from the road even a little!!
  11. Oh, yes, he got a very personal email accusing him openly of cruelty!
  12. Now, now, John, don't fret! I've not shown you the last page of the story, merely one of the colour plates that is referenced later in the book. Consider it an amuse-bouche before the main course! Much happens before and after that scene, and much I don't yet know what will happen.
  13. I had to post something to boost the sagging morale of the readers!
  14. My men on the ridge got the chance for glory...the men down below in Liefrange prefer their bayonets unsullied with the blood of a defeated enemy. Man, how did Ken get to write my posts for me? LOL
  15. You've got it all wrong, Ken! I will take Patton's wisdom and let the enemy die gloriously for his country!
  16. Tsk tsk, gentlemen...so little faith in American mettle and grit. Allow me to present a ..ah...preview of what is coming...not the end but.... the road to the end... A snapshot of one moment, shall we say.
  17. Wouldn't it be nice if they both bogged while turning to move so they would point to the side of the map and be useless??? *sigh* One can dream...
  18. I've used US and German Flak halftracks on several occasions in PBEM and what the OP describes has never happened to me. However, the above has happened to me a lot, but I usually catch it while still in the command phase and correct the mistake. It is very easy to make, I must say.
  19. I remember that comment Though I believe it was in reference to reloading times and how to make it appear it's happening faster by doing a relay between two SturmTigers. Regardless, you were right. I won the lottery...the here-come-the-Germans lottery!
  20. Oh wow what a visual treat these are! Are you using any mods, or are the screen captures all adjusted afterward?
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