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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. I hope the crew has migraines from two (!!!) direct hits from a 105!!!
  2. SLIM, you have two vids that seem to have the same title, but one is 6 min and the other 10 min. Is the longer one an enhanced version of the shorter one or are they separate and if so, which would one watch first? Maybe this is totally obvious but I'm missing it!
  3. BFC is welcome to put the comic(s) in their installer, but my guess is due to the large file size of the PDFs they might be hesitant. What you've seen so far is over half a GB and the battle (and by consequence the comic) isn't complete! I am not sure how many purchasers would be pleased that they had to use more precious bandwidth to obtain this. I hope that all the questions you pose will be examined after the CAAR is complete and BFC can get an idea of the putative benefits of this and what they might wish to do going down the road.
  4. I think @RockinHarry gives good advice. When I started with CMBN, which was also my first CM game ever, I was quickly disenchanted with my lack of success. Against the computer I struggled. I would eventually win with significant losses, but against PBEM opponent I'd get utterly butchered. It took a lot of embarrassing losses to realize that movies and other games were not very good tutors in how to really fight a battle in CM. My (not particularly novel) suggestion really is close to what you've seen above: pick tiny maps and tiny battle sizes in QB, with simple forces. Play against the AI with, say, a pure infantry force. Make sure you restrict the computer to that too, which will give it a similar opposition to what you have. If you understand the commands in the game, then what you are lacking experience in is some tactics. That WILL come, but you do have to ponder before and after the battle. Before: what is that map like. You really do have to get down on the ground and consider how to get the objective, and where the enemy might be. And then consider how to get there unseen, or at least, mostly unharmed. After: consider what went wrong. Try to not be frustrated (I know it can be difficult) and think anout what went wrong, and how you might do something different. Don't simply end the battle and not think about it. Another suggestion: as intimidating as it may sound, try PBEM after you have done the above a half dozen times. If you play against someone you learn a lot, especially if you make it clear from the get go you're looking for someone who is willing to discuss what they did and how you might have stymied their plans. I firmly believe there are nice, patient people out here who would be happy to do that.
  5. I have personally tested the SturmTiger's reload time. It is approx 2 min 10 seconds. Now, back on topic or Bil will think this is some Tiger-variant grog thread! Am I seeing things right: there is a Hellcat that was near the one that got killed - can it get LOS on the JT's flanks without a lot of forward movement which might risk it being exposed to something else?
  6. But a noob that has given this a lot of thought and learned a great deal. I'd not want to underestimate you if I was fighting you.
  7. I call this Tit for tat.... It all happened in the space of 1 min...
  8. This is my favourite. Simple, clean, thought-inspiring. Well done.
  9. I'm surprised no one has asked where the 105mm shot from the Sherman went...
  10. Time is on my side at this point. I hold the main objective, and there are "only" nine minutes left for him to clear me out. And as you'll soon see, Lt. Blanchard plans on reducing their force a bit more.
  11. Debenedetto's "A" team from 2nd Squad, 3rd Platoon is grabbing it. I want badly to flank that damned thing on the ridge but if Ian hasn't decended the open slope because he's worried what I have down here in the village, I am loathe to charge up the slope against his superior numbers...
  12. Heh. When I was a kid I remember getting a massive collection of toy soldiers and some plastic vehicles to go with them. I don't know where my parents got them from, but I doubt it was from the comics. On the other hand I remember the ads, which were so...overstating the quality and capability of the goods!
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