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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. They were first published in July 1961, and are still published today. I think it's a comic a week, or thereabouts. Wikipedia has a nice page here. Lower down that page you can see the collections, which are volumes with selected comics all out together. There is some overlap so one has to buy carefully to avoid duplication.
  2. Thanks, Kieme! Glad you're enjoying it! Those pictures you posted look a lot like some of the Commando comics I have in collected volumes. I bought those collections this summer as I started doing Apache (link below) because I wanted to improve my style and presentation. Some examples below:
  3. I wonder at what range can the Panthers penetrate the front armour of the Jumbo? And if the Jumbo or the Panther have the advantage at longer distances...
  4. A stellar demonstration of these concepts here: C2 & Info Sharing
  5. My own experience with forests is that they are indeed difficult terrain to fight in. Neither side has great LOS, so it's a bit of cat-and-mouse trying to ambush one another, or pummel with mortars and artillery. I'd agree with IanL that they work quite well to represent a lot of the challenges of that terrain. Welcome to the forum, great questions!
  6. One might even expect you to put it in a signature, for years....
  7. In my Somebody's Hero CAAR a Panther killed a T34 that had a full squad of tank riders on it. Afterward I was able to see the bodies behind the wreck, so I think something is left behind even when the tank is catastrophically destroyed.
  8. I'm had no idea the lower nose armour was so vulnerable. I thought the Panther was made of sterner stuff!
  9. Welcome back, John. Thanks for the well-wishes. Your estimation of the explosive capacity of the SturmTiger shell is not far off from mine, though I had no idea the 155mm shell had so little!
  10. I'm certain they are, yes. The Easy-8 suspension is really a huge plus, it rides much better over snow (that is to say, it doesn't get bogged/ immobilized as often) than the Chaffee, in my tests.
  11. Funny how each person's experience is different. I've had several crews bail on immobilization, and seen the same with my opponents. It was a struggle for both of us to recrew those tanks because we needed them, even if they could not move.
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