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Everything posted by Badger73

  1. I concur. My post does not say such. It referred to the 1930's US doctrine development determining PRIMARY and SECONDARY roles assigned to US AFV's. I continue to wonder how US tank battle history would differ if those wonderful TD high-velocity cannons had been mounted on Sherman tanks instead. Enjoyable video which notes so as well but elaborates in much greater detail very nicely. Thanks for posting.
  2. The irony of which is that 1940's US TD doctrine stipulated that Tanks were for infantry support and TD's for killing tanks! I opine that US TD doctrine was a bad outcome from a US Services Infantry lobby that followed French thinking to subordinate armor as a support system and a Cavalry branch which didn't want to unsaddle their horses. I will always wonder how US tank battle history would differ if those wonderful TD high-velocity cannons had been mounted on Sherman tanks instead.
  3. Agreed! Fastest road to burn-out is turning one's hobby into work. Let's not create a "Former CMx2 Game Designers" interest group at The Few Good Men website.
  4. Meteorology definitely affects Arty, Howitzer, and Mortar fires; each type in different manners. It also impacts lower velocity direct fire guns and projectiles. Weather conditions alter the ballistics of long range fires. Small arms, not so much (unless your a sniper shooting out to 900 meters ). Typical combat ranges are too short for those factors to materially alter small arms fires.
  5. True that. There is a FFF vehicles mod at CMMODSIII (Free French Forces) but there is still need for "French" voices mod. Would not be able to play any US/FFF joint operations scenarios though. Hence the desire to see them added like the Canadians and Poles in CW. As you imply, there are workarounds for going without.
  6. @Bud_B, Will fatigue be an issue for them? How have your own folks held up when moving through the snow?
  7. In real life they did. Noise increased with engine RPM; either revving when idle or incurring movement loads. Track noise and rattle also increases with movement speed depending on types of terrain. What I've read about WW2 indicates that tank noise was usually "masked" instead, not hidden. Tanks could go undetected when the a sounds of driving rain, howling wind, or artillery impacts were loud enough locally to conceal their movement when such conditions existed. I do not know how the game treats this kind of ambient noise for AI or H2H play. Others say that the game does not account for position of the sun as a factor for visibility (meaning that you cannot use a sunrise or sunset behind your troops to degrade enemy observations). I susepct that "Sound", like "Lighting", is likely not accounted for in such ways (yet) by CMx2. Great question. Good answers. Thanks for asking.
  8. Right. Thank you. That would be MTO. I was wondering if they will appear in France and Germany.
  9. It's been a while since I last viewed. Can you provide the URL please? Thank you.
  10. @Bimmer. Nice find. I've heard about that as 29th Infantry Division Solutions and Lessons Learned. Did you get these from AD-1211 817: Busting the Bocage: American Combined Arms Operations in France 6 June - 31 July 1944? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiQnbPPubHKAhUI1CYKHVR5Ab8QFggdMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdtic.mil%2Fcgi-bin%2FGetTRDoc%3FAD%3DADA211817&usg=AFQjCNGelZ0-htXkMf8Ys5-PS55jQ9Zuiw&sig2=hABJGp2GgngLJxCWdi5JMA
  11. Nice mapping tool indeed. Where / at what URL does one find it?
  12. Has BF indicated where ETO Free French forces might appear? Mortain and Operation Dragoon fall in the CMBN game timelines, the advances into Germany within CMFB. Are there any plans mentioned for one, the other, or both?
  13. Ah, that would be the French-Canadian spell checker!!! There be nuttin' to worries a-boot!
  14. +1 I concur. Or at least provide him a free copy of the game in exchange to do so upon release!
  15. Pick one of these http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?page_id=5#search/text=grid+terrain
  16. Having turned us into addicts, you can't grouse when we want more crack!
  17. Both of these make better sense for Counter Battery purposes to me. Each portrays the platoon/company/battalion combat experience. I especially like Pete's approach.
  18. I concur with LukeFF. I think an unintended consequence would make the game less fun to play and alienate CMx2 game newcomers. It's easy to forget how intimidating the game UI is when you first begin. I opine that a better solution for the gimlet-eyed and jaded, er, "more Veteran" players among us would be a Contact Icon mod to accomplish this for those who wish for it.
  19. Please allow me to disagree. WW2 Counter-Battery fires were managed at the level of Divison/Corps/Army. It was typically beyond the scope of combat operations for Platoon leaders, Company commanders, and Battalion artillery assets. For game play, it's outside of what I want to concern myself with while exhorting my pixeltruppen to victorious outcomes! I opine that CB is more appropriate to Operational level games instead.
  20. Gosh, please don't apologize. 'Twas a near run thing. This DAR was great! Your pre-battle thought process and analysis in itself exceeds the price of admission. You offer exceptional Lessons Learned. No one bats 1000. After you lick your wounds, I for one do not envy your next opponent. Thank you for all your time and wonderful efforts!
  21. Maybe "Academic" as opposed to "Popular" historian is a better description instead. In this case the rigor (or lack of) described is as applied by academia's publication formal review process.
  22. Forum interest is hard to gauge;. it waxes with grand promises and wanes with long deliveries. Good scenarios take a lot of time to develop. If you do it, post it. People will play it and enjoy doing so. Good luck.
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