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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I don't know the answer but is it really needed? With the CM tagging system you can tag mods and then control which scenario uses which look. That way you don't need to remember to copy mods in or out things just look right.
  2. @ncc1701e posted an AAR thread with a set of rules for handling area fire and C2 that was quite a bit simpler than the command friction and spread sheet method. Check it out here: @Bil Hardenberger and I played a quick battle with a version of these and quite liked it.
  3. I would start with the assertion that I will be building a balanced combined arms force. At least some of the fight will be in town so you will need some infantry. Also this is a meeting engagement so you also need some fast moving components. Not having the game in front of me I don't really know if 2800 points is a company size or battalion sized. For the sake of argument lets say its company sized. I would start with a company of infantry make sure one of the platoons has half tracks or bren carriers. Since you are the Canadians you could keep the carrier platoon and have a reduced infantry company. Then you want some armour so a platoon of Sherman tanks. I might try for a 105 Sherman but it would be a nice to have and not a requirement. 81mm mortars are a definite thing you want or if this is battalion sized 105 instead. I would definitely make room for one or two top notch sniper teams - they are great for detecting approaching enemy units and causing them some pause while you manoeuvre to respond if needed. The the mobile infantry and a tank or two (half tracks, trucks or carriers first) scream into town as fast as possible taking up positions around a key location or two. Use the tanks to interdict your enemy's approach and have the rest of the infantry head off at a jog escorted by the rest of your armour. Then start securing more of the town and your flanks as you can. Re-purpose the half tracks, trucks or carries as you need to. IMHO
  4. That you cannot do. Modding really only lets you skin the models and the UI. You cannot create custom organizations or tweak the stats on your favorite tank.
  5. Well that's interesting. I would recommend trying an uninstall and reinstall. If that doesn't work try contacting support: Battlefront Help desk
  6. All these bloody streets look the same. How am I supposed to remember where I am or how to get back?
  7. Actually you can also open the scenario in the editor and export the briefing text and then open it in your favourite word processor (Word Perfect perhaps : - ) and read it as big as you like.
  8. I'm not sure about more interesting; it's more practical though
  9. But as for bigger; no there is not mod for that.
  10. There is a handful of interesting tidbits there. Some playing around needs to be done I would say: Does the technique work with mines? Does it work the same in SF2 The need for two plans: that is surprising and probably not intended. If you find answers let us know. I honestly don't know when I'll get to these questions given the size of my list...
  11. I thought it worked the other way around... people who only like modern but not WWII were the blasphemers Yep, them too
  12. What he said... But in answer to this question - no - new purchases of the game get you the latest version. The upgrade prices and packages are just for people who purchased games in the past and who want to get the new features. New purchasers always get the latest.
  13. I am sure that @Artkin has a plan but what @Bud Backer and I did was (correct me if I get any of this wrong) share a couple of folders one just between us and one with the other players. It could have been a sub folder too - it really doesn't matter since the save is password protected too. Who played first varied some what but basically I used my regular turn manager to make sure I had the latest turn to watch and then, if it was my turn to go first I would issue my orders and save the game and copy that to our other folder so that Bud could pick it up and finish his orders and the produce the .ema file for the other team. If he went first - just reverse the roles. Yes, it was fun. There were issues - if you think regular PBEM is slow... Sadly I am not able to commit the time to participate but I hope you find some players and have a blast. Make sure you report back here.
  14. This can happen to if the first spotting round lands and the caller cannot see where it landed. In other words ideally your caller needs good visibility of the call area and some area around it. If you get unlucky and the spotting rounds keep falling outside the caller's visibility eventually you will end up here (yeah instead of cancelling). In these cases you can cancel the call and try again or move the caller so they can see where the spotting rounds are falling.
  15. That is the kind of UI you can see when one of two things happens: a mod tweaks string.txt or you install has sucked in content from another game. Mods like Vin animated text have to match the exact title and version you are playing otherwise the strings from the string.txt file are loaded in unexpected ways. If you have any mods you can remove them and test to see if it fixes things. If it does then you can add the back until it breaks or otherwise investigate which mode is responsible. The way the installer works can cause trouble. For PC: When you dl from BFC you get a .zip file that contains a setup .exe and some other files. If you unzip these file into anything other than a clean empty directory you will have problems. Do not ever run an install that has not bee unzipped into its own empty folder. I suppose you could also end up here by installing one title over top of another title. If you end up reinstalling do *not* just install over top of your messed up game. This string craziness is caused by the presence of too many/wrong .brz files a reinstall will not remove any files that do not belong. If any of that fails to fix things you need professional help - no not that kind the support kind: Battlefront Help desk
  16. Well it's not about defending anything really - it is what it is. @MOS:96B2P is correct the behaviour is set to simulate the presence of field telephones and works well for a defensive force but falls down when you see calls in other cases. It is an acknowledged design limitation that has been discussed many times if your google foo us good enough you can even find posts from Steve talking about it. True. The feature creates perfectly reasonable calls possible without trying to simulate signal engineering features. So, it is a side effect of intended behaviour. Anyone that finds it bothersome can restrict themselves to not calling artillery with HQ units that have no radio and are not in a prepared defensive position.
  17. Pixels per inch??? That has no meaning unless you're printing and even then it's questionable. Surely the size needed in the game is pretty small. A 100 pixels max. Am I wrong? How big is the needed flag? Can you point to an example of a picture you are trying to use?
  18. Not sure but that would be my guess if you have verified that your settings are still intact.
  19. Doesn't @Bil Hardenberger 's set of icons look like this? These look like the symbols for individual tanks and guns. My WW2 allied icons are the ones used on org charts or to represent whole units behind defensive lines on a map. The German icons don't have ones that represent individual tanks and guns just units. And the Soviet ones represent units and guns on a defensive or offensive stance. They are kind of cool in that the unit type symbols is embedded in the position marker or in a line for a convoy. So, my icons try to show a little bit of the position behind the infantry symbol to show that it represents more that one soldier.
  20. The other day I was testing this in CMBS and found that if I place a blast command that is only into the next action square it always works as expected. It I make one longer it turns into a quick move. I recommend that you only ever blast one action square away. I also agree with @MikeyD that it is best to blast along the wall so your engineers aren't the assault troops.
  21. No idea the cause. I have not seen that with CMBN but have it it with CMBS. The workaround is to redo the last turn. So, in this case you would open the last turn file that was for your and re-plot your orders and send him a new file. I have had that work several times. How big is your game? I ask because a huge scenario was the only one that this workaround did not work for.
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