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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Missing that folder would cause problems. I kinda wonder where those two maps you could see came from. I don't know what to guess for that. Normally I would say the same thing - reinstall - but you already did that. Sounds like you need professional help - no not that kind from support. Open a new ticket here: Battlefront Help desk
  2. I created a small meeting engagement with the attacker as the Germans mixed and the defender as Syrian infantry only. My list of maps was extensive - three screens worth. Lets have a look at your install. In the <documents>/Battlefront/Combat Mission/Shock Force 2/Game Files/Quick Battle Maps I have 327 files. How many do you have in that same folder?
  3. Press the big blue button to open a ticket - someone will help you get things sorted
  4. Contact support: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  5. I have never seen that before. Sounds like missing files. Try reinstalling the game. If that doesn't work I recommend opening a support ticket. https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  6. Those will not likely be added to the game. The T14 and it's variants are not being fielded to this day and certainly none were fielded during the time frame that CMBS is set. These are just prototype vehicles even now in 2019.
  7. Or $10 ?? That's how much the vehicle pack was if memory serves.
  8. Oh we know.... but then again so can most of us
  9. CM's mine handling is limited to marking paths for infantry to pass through. It is not exactly robust mine handling. No explosive clearing, no plows and flails in only one title. As much as hand clearing mines under fire is out of scope for CM all the other techniques listed could be added.
  10. I like the suggestions. I would advocate for Canadian Forces to be included. Given a significant population of Canadians who descend from Ukrainians the connection is strong still and Canada has provided training and arms in real life. I feel confident that Canada would contribute troops to a NATO force in this fictional scenario.
  11. Oh yeah, and drones can let you drop the hammer pretty much anywhere too. Not as fancy as satellites but available in game
  12. Sure got it. Only one question left in my mind: If a series of people with at least one thing in common hit a problem that has multiple possible causes and you take the time to check all avenues of failure you can and all avenues suggested to you and they call come up as no problem found. What else would you call it besides a coincidence? If Steve said oh there cannot possibly be anything wrong with our company it's just a coincidence then yeah I'd be upset too. But that's not what happened.
  13. Someone did a similar thing on Grogheads. And we wonder why companies try to shut down controversy and avoid being up front with what they do. Good lord.
  14. I know right. It does seem strange. Then on the flip side the other day I bought a few songs on Google's store and got a call with in minute asking if that was me making those purchases. Which it was so all good.
  15. Well they can call fire to locations that are just outside their LOS - behind a hedge or hill and the game does have TRPs to simulate calling down fire on predetermined locations. Those could also be used to simulate what you are talking about. So, while true you cannot call fire on an arbitrary grid the game goes some way towards simulating what you are talking about. True combat mine clearing (more equipment and explosives) would be a great add. Just FYI engineers can find and mark mines with out tripping them. If they remain in a location for a time they will spot adjacent mines on their own. This has been talked about a lot. Actual tankers (yeah the guys commanding things even heavier and with tracks) have chimed in to say they would *not* breach walls and fences as a matter of course - it is far to risky. Even if it was possible and happened in real life I don't think we are ever going to get this in the game. Cool idea - a new squad split: marksman. ?? Ah frankly I think the game has this pretty much OK. Not because I agree with what you said but because that is not my experience at all. I'm playing All Flights are Delayed and stationary infantry are spotting enemy in buildings - not all of them but some. Yeah, specific grenade commands have been requested. Maybe. The thing is there are lots of situations where I *do* see squads throwing grenades. It is unlcear to me that this is really wrong the way the game has it now or if it's more that people wish they would use them more. This is likely not going to go away fully. Troops are not going to read your mind and do what you want them to do. That's in a perfect game that is bug free. Recognize that AI pathing is challenging and there are defiantly issues that are not ideal (aka bugs) these kinds of behaviour are going to be there for at least some situations. Having said that the new patch will reduce the number of times troops decide to withdraw which will mean we will get to see less of these instances. So, kind of a mixed bag here - it will get better but it's not going to be prefect. Yeah grazing fire would be nice.
  16. I should note that my men spotted the AT guns and what they thought were the machine guns - turns out they were LMG teams not the HGM teams that the were supposed to find. So, perhaps I should not have received a total victory the first time I cease fired
  17. I just tested it again - just moved one team to spot an AT gun and cease fire. No points were awarded for spotting the gun. Hummm. @Heirloom_Tomato and I are in a PM conversation about what's up.
  18. LOL sure. I hate iron - nearly as much as I hate edge camera navigation - and that's saying a lot. I only play iron when an opponent requests it - I have several regular opponents who like iron - sigh. I am certainly not playing iron when it's just me
  19. Quotes from all of Steve's past comments that are specific to what he and his team and services have done. Just in case anyone missed these or is hard of reading. And I'll add an aside that I contacted him personally with some things to check which he had an expert do - finding nothing of concern. So not only has he done everything listed below he has taken action based on specific concerns brought up by costumers. So, since you are an expert what else should Steve be doing that he has not already done? Oh wait you admitted you were not an expert. Soooooo, what's the problem then?
  20. Hummm. I followed the briefing and was not rewarded. I moved forward with two scout teams to some high ground on the right and left at first. They spotted some targets. I moved other scouts around and used the ACs to engaged what I could from key whole positions carefully chosen. I managed to beat the heck out of several German positions and suffered two wounded - who were both evacuated successfully. Once had no contacts and there was lots of suppressive fire on the remaining known enemy I moved forward to a crossing. Now that I had seen lots of enemy and even secured a crossing I selected case fire I new I had fulfilled my mission - glorious victory was mine: Examining the score screen only: I think it was telling me I did *not* score for spotting the enemy only eliminating them. That's not what the briefing said. So I reloaded the same I made right before the cease fire and changed the goal to take out everything on the battlefield. That took a few more minutes and cost me an AC commander but it lead to a total victory: Pretty fun scenario. Don't get me wrong I had a good time. My feedback would be that a total victory should have been possible by following the briefing. Up until the Minor victory I was playing like I would have approached it IRL. After that I switched to a much more aggressive posture that was not really appropriate for a scouting mission. I played blind without reading this thread in any kind of detail and the only reload I did was just to continue and I never looked at the battlefield in between. Actually I still have not looked at the battlefield so I don't know for sure if I took out every enemy.
  21. We are going to need some more detail on that. Please share a game save.
  22. Not everyone knows all the common abbreviations or jargon. Especially someone who does not speak English as thier first language. So, how about we just fill people in.. WYSIWYG means what you see is what you get. ^^^ that pretty much sums it up. Without additional light or heavy forest the terrain is like a manicured lawn with trees. So. yeah not mush concealment.
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