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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Excellent news. If the field says use name or email and you used email then it's not really your fault - the instructions are wrong. I can understand kicking yourself a bit for not trying that as a solution but not to hard. Support is awesome though.
  2. Oh yeah turning off UAC would solve any problems that might arise from your setup. Fingers crossed ok no the log in problems.
  3. Cool. I am confident that the pros at the support desk will help. The actual forum sw is hosted by a third party so there could be some delay if the problem goes all the way back there. Hope to hear regular posts from ya soon.
  4. Re install directories: Microsoft changed how they allowed access to files in the program files folder after CMBN was released so the next game started using the my documents folder for the game files. I'm not sure why but the CMBN code was not changed to match. Instead the install was changed to put the game itself into a writable location by default. I don't think that installing CMBN into the program files folder will work smoothly. Maybe it will be fine if you run under an administrator account. Personally I have a Programs folder where I put applications that expect to write data to thier install location. I put CMBN there. Actually now I just put all the games there so I can white list a single root directory to prevent anti virus scans of the games. Re password resetting: Well no one else is complaining about it. Oh wait there might be a reason for that Have you reported it to the help desk? Are you having the same trouble with the help desk account too?
  5. On a related note - make use of the full installers for your install process on your new computer. In other words download the full installers for the latest version of the games you have purchased. That will be much less painful than starting at an early version and updating things step by step - especially for CMFI and CMBN.
  6. This will be ignored once ... ... the final movement leg is executed and the new target arc is respected. So I am unsure if the first facing or target arc would have any effect on the team's final orientation since the final way point has its own target arc.
  7. The model position *does* effect the simulation - its not everything but it is how the hit testing is done. Do not for get the choice of animations for guys getting hit is coded to think the starting point for reloading is standing or kneeling. So, if the "reloading modded as prone" model gets hit and becomes a casualty the code will animate the death using the appropriate animation - which will be from kneeling or standing. LOL Good question. I would say the strap is broken but clearly the picture shows that it is not.
  8. Very much enjoying these DARs - well done. I still maintain that this is the best way to operate regardless of how much information you have. Remember cover arcs are for preventing your toops from firing. Only use them if that is what you want - for them not to fire on the enemy. Oh that was just spectacular. Even when ones come out on the loosing end of the stick we should all appreciate this kind of thing.
  9. Sounds interesting. It is possible. When you are in the units screen and you select deploy red or deploy blue that positioning is used if the chosen AI plan has no setup areas defined. As @Sgt.Squarehead suggested the AI plan way of defining the setup offers less control on the exact positioning so I would recommend that the default deployment be used by one of your AI plans. For the other AI plans paint an area on the map for the setup order for each AI group. Once the game starts the units from that group will setup in the area you defined facing the enemy map direction subject to terrain. You can control how that happens by controlling the size of the setup area you create and the number of troops in the AI group. Note: the AI group's setup deployment will only be evident after the player's setup is done. So, if you start the game in scenario author test mode when you are deploying the player controlled side the positions of the AI units will start off in their manually deployed default positions until you press the BRB. Then the AI controlled units will jump to their setup positions. I think what you want - triggered withdrawal of the Germans to also exit the map should be possible. I don't see anything from your post that is obviously wrong. Hopefully some of @MOS:96B2P's advice will help you get it working.
  10. No idea - let us know if it is less than 14. There was a time earlier where the limit was five but a forum update lifted that. I have no idea if it set the limit at a new number or removed it altogether.
  11. I'm going to have to call you on that - sorry nope. The below pics are from CMBN 4.x in Quick battle where I picked a company of armoured infantry for both US and Germans with a platoon mounted and a platoon dismounted. There was no automatic ammo distribution done for the dismounted squads. There was a few less rounds and sometimes more grenades sometimes less. German Panzer Grenadiers (Battalion 44 formation) - dismounted Same formation mounted - less that 100 rounds less Available ammo not automatically distributed to the infantry US armoured infantry (Battalion 44) - dismounted US Armoured Infantry - mounted also less than 100 rounds difference Available ammo not automatically distributed to the infantry
  12. Ah I see I misread your post as all the B teams in one track all the A team in another... Got it now.
  13. Interesting technique. I can see a downside here: all the LMGs end up in one place for example. Do you find that causes issues once you get to your destination?
  14. LOL I don't think we should add a "read my mind" feature to the game - cause well computers cannot do that yet. Remember that the ammo load out assigned to the troops in the game is actually researched information that reflected a standard amount of ammo carried. So, in essence they have already implemented the "Alight, load up" command.
  15. I am glad you like them. I have to admit that I like seeing them used by other people in screen shots. Thanks!
  16. Heck no. Loading up with "way to many" extra bullets might be a bit off but adding some I don't think is gamey at all. Plus, frequently mounted troops don't have their AT assets by default. You defiantly need to make sure you acquire that. Yeah. I agree with @Bulletpoint that the consequences of adding 1000 or 2000 rounds to a squad are not as severe as they probably should be. I personally restrict myself to acquire AT assets and a few hundred additional rounds more because "I think I should" than the game providing me negative feedback for doing so. Typically adding a modest amount of additional ammo is more than enough. The number of times I have had troops actually run out of ammo I can count on the fingers of one hand and have several left for future accounting . The ammo acquiring system is a bit of an abstraction and the fact that you cannot give back might cause some hesitation on increasing the penalty of acquiring too much. I don't know if that really factored into the game design but imagine how upsetting it would be if you accidentally gave a team 1000 rounds and the could only walk or tired after jogging 10m and you had no way of fixing your mistake.
  17. First entry in the Upgrades section of the web site: https://www.battlefront.com/upgrades/ If you have any issues with you old activation codes or are unclear on how to active the new game you can of course ask here but for the professionals go here: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  18. Wow all @Ted's questions answered and I am all out of up-votes. My only addition would be a shout out to @Ithikial_AU's Victory Calculator. It is very helpful with creating balance in your victory conditions. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/uncategorized/ithikials-combat-mission-victory-calculator-version-2/
  19. Ah but @Warts 'n' all will still be alive then. So, he'll be good.
  20. Oh man we have all done it. I have a batch script that uses the command line interface to winzip to zip up my research and scenario files. It keeps the last 10 copies and puts the newest one on dropbox which then syncs to a couple of other computers. Done for the day - click a short cut and a couple of minutes later its all backed up.
  21. Yes, only the road tile matters for bogging. As long as you stay on the road. So if you are entering or leaving the road on a muddy tile you will have more chance of bogging as you transition than if the underlying tile is harder. But if you stay on the road you don't suffer. There was a bug way way back where the bogging chance in the transition between on road and off road was much to high but that has been fixed. The only thing I am unsure of is if dirt roads themselves can be bogging hazards if the scenario settings are set to wet ground. I never actually tried that.
  22. Totally - a typical example of this is two vehicles. I don't remember seeing any one post about three but they might have. I am nearly certain no one has posted about four before. Cool
  23. This AAR is super - and RH has his going too now. Excellent work guys. Sadly I used up all my upvotes and still don't have all your AAR posts covered. Fantastic story - love the last burst of the 20mm before bailing. I know you didn't love that but it was cool.
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