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  1. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to DerKommissar in Better late than never   
    Elvis has left the building.
  2. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to McMortison in The state of CMSF2   
    Let's pick up this discussion again:-).
    Today it's the 20th of September. According to the announcement the game and demo should arrive befor the end of month.
    No offence, but this would be the ideal time to clarify if it will happen or not.
    To be perfectly clear, I am not "bashing" nor cursing. My F5 key is getting worn down and would be nice to know if I can keep my old keyboard or if I need a new one :-).
  3. Like
    AkumaSD reacted to MikeyD in CMSF 2 question   
    Originally Steve said CMSF2 was going to 'just' be CMSF1 upgraded to the latest game engine.
    Then 'mission creep' set in.
    Now all of the art as been swapped out, the TO&E rebuilt from scratch, The scenarios thoroughly updated and beautified, with fresh AI plans put in. There's new on-map mortars, AA missiles, plus AA guns that work. The soldiers have new models and new uniform textures. And let's not forget trenches, fox holes, barbed wire, water, bridges and amphibious capability. Plus something Steve said he wouldn't do - added vehicles! US Army  and Marines, Brit and German now have on-map mortar vehicles. Also those 'speculative' Syrian T-72 types from CMSF1 have been rebuilt into verified Syrian T-72 types. And lets not forget the biggest thing of all - the fully function upgraded Quick Battle system with (last count) 243 new maps!  So saying its 'just' a game engine upgrade isn't doing it justice.
  4. Like
    AkumaSD reacted to Ultradave in CMSF2 Demo   
    I would think once a day max would do it.  Unless like us beta testers you like to get in on the competition to be first to download each new build. 🙂  
  5. Like
    AkumaSD reacted to sburke in CMSF2 Demo   
    And if not first, at least before c3k. 
  6. Like
    AkumaSD reacted to domfluff in CMSF2 Demo   
    You could check the forum four times a day.
  7. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to c3k in The state of CMSF2   
    One word: Star Citizen.
    As far as CMSF2, well, I know I've been busy. I can't say on what, exactly. But, there is a possibility that I've found a bug...a crushing bug...and that I've nurtured it, sequestered it, and kept it away from BFC's prying eyes. The day Steve announces on the internal private channels that CMSF2 is about to go live the next day...I may reveal this bug. The delay will be...delicious.
    Bwah, hah.
    Bwah, hah, hah!!!!
    (These are the things that amuse me. )
    C'mon: it -was- kinda funny.
  8. Like
    AkumaSD reacted to Aragorn2002 in The state of CMSF2   
    You are both right actually. I should refrain and check in on a later date. My posts aren't helpful at all and don't change a thing. I will do everybody a favor and stop posting until the end of the year.
  9. Like
    AkumaSD reacted to sburke in The state of CMSF2   
    First off nice try, but we don't get to dictate.  Why?  Because the above statement for example reflects an assumption- patently false that only one game can be worked on at a time.  There is a division of labor which means if Charles is waiting on something from someone else he should do nothing basically wasting time he could spend on another title.  That is something you should understand if you are going to make suggestions and if you don't understand it you should refrain.
  10. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to BarbaricCo in [Released] War Movie ADVANCED mode CMBS   
    Combat Mission Black Sea - War Movie ADVANCED mode v1.0
    Post processing visual effect shaders for Combat Mission
    - This is modified Battlefront CM “War Movie” shader.
    - It will replace the Alt-M (Opt-M) mode.
    - Because of the modified bump mapping shaders, this version also affect default CM mode.
    - Works with CMRT, CMBN, CMFI and CMBS (engine v3.0).
    - Little or no performance hit.
    - OS X and Windows.
    - Experimental stuff.
    Please enjoy and post Your best screenshoots/ videos!
    Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5idhnuedubpht4v/Combat Mission Black Sea - War Movie ADVANCED mode v1.zip?dl=0

    For more shader modes visit original thread: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120795-fxshine-shader/
  11. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to Nidan1 in Sublime Attack! DAR Sublime vs John Kettler   
    Give it a rest John, no one really cares about your little spat with sublime. What you do off line with someone you are playing a pbem with is none of our business.  Settle your differences in private not on the forum!
  12. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to Sublime in Because Bradley   
    uh i was born in the 80s and been playing cm since the beta demo and reading articles stunned that they could run troops on the river cuz the ice was frozen. dont know whatcha mean there man... atvthe time the closest thing we had was close combat and the best by far was cc2. i liked three just bc it was ost front but the campaign was silly and Germans fairly overpowered. cc4 sucked i thought. regardless i grew absolutely disgusted with the close combat designers who start actively trolling these boards in a very childish manner, eventually were banned and kept reappearing under alias screennames at the time i was sixeen or seventern and was amazed at how juvenile they were acting.
    as a matter of fact since you say everyone involved when did you start playing cm? because ive been arnd this board longer than 90% here. maybe more. i like red because its much more rewarding to get kills and wins with red thats why i like ukr as blue. thats all. if you re talking real life im american and son of a career air force officer who flew combat missions over vietnam in a phantom. would that answer your ideations as to where my sympathies vis a vis red vs blue lie? i was born near rammstein afb ( landstuhl army post) in 85 i would have been irradiated ashes thanks to the GSFG so Im not honestly thw biggest fan of the soviet union or putins more or less open attempts to revive a neo soviet state. that and all that blathwr abt we wouldnt have won ww2 without the soviets. yes they did the bleeding. they also conveniently forget they were on the bad guys side and cosigned what started the war in the first place and effectively occupied eastern europe by brutal force for 40 yrs post war. the only reason theyre remembered as good guys in that war is hitler invaded them. because before that they most definitely were damned near axis members.
    yes i run windows. i wudnt even bother with an apple. the yuppie device of choice. uppity apple users...
  13. Downvote
    AkumaSD reacted to Jammersix in Because Bradley   
    Because I have never been able to get a PBEM game to work with Black Sea.
    I've put in three tickets on it, and it has been "referred to the Mac programmer" for suggestion.
    That luminary has yet to contact me or respond.
    Battlefront is not interested in fixing the problem. They have a long history of this behavior, going back to Combat Mission 1.0. (Now everyone currently involved will point out that they weren't born when Combat Mission 1.0 was released. While that may be true, the lack of support has been present in every single release since then.)
    One has merely to recall the 81% bug in Shock Force, the furor it caused, to recognize the pattern.
  14. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to sburke in Red light next to suppression bars   
    When you say it next to a fish bowl it sounds better.  Maybe.
  15. Downvote
    AkumaSD reacted to LukeFF in DPR building dirty bomb with Russian scientific help   
    C'mon guys, this is a Kettler post. In other words, not worth your time.
  16. Downvote
    AkumaSD reacted to MikeyD in Not on Steam. any particular reason?   
    Isn't Steam kind'a a parasitic organization? They do none of the work and take a piece of the profits.
  17. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to Chudacabra in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Belated 4th of July special.
  18. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to AjarmanG in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Screenshot from my first CMBS PBEM game. 
    In the background you can see a fraction of the carnage with all the smoke
    *How do you post an image without it being an Attached Thumbnail ?

  19. Downvote
    AkumaSD reacted to Wiggum15 in Is it me?   
    I would Say that 90% of CMBS comes from SF and 90% of all other WW2 titles comes from CMBN... It's called recycling old stuff for a new full price game.
  20. Downvote
    AkumaSD reacted to Stagler in Opinion on Thread locking   
    This is what? The fourth time a thread about change has cropped up in 6 months? Maybe they are popping up for a reason.
  21. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to wham in Small Combat Mission Black Sea blog / game diary   
    Just started a bew PBEM battle with a friend, so new pics are coming in a steady drip.
    I'll add a small box at the end of the posts that contains a short english version of each post, so you non-Finns can get a rough idea of what's happening.
    *EDIT: Added the english translations to both of the blog posts for this latest battle. Hope you enjoy.
  22. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to MikeyD in ME   
    In a weird circle of synchronicity Emrys plays CM, CM is based in Maine, Maine's most famous son is Stephen King, and Stephen king was himself run over by a pickup. A couple more degrees of separation and we could probably link him to Kevin Bacon too.
  23. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to MOS:96B2P in Worrying 60mm mortar behavior   
    Here is the view from the Russian perspective. 


  24. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to George MC in Bridgehead at Kharalyk DAR (NO RHYS!)   
    I'm looking forward to this It's one of mine. So be interesting to see how other players tackle this.
    BTW APS is not an infinite resource.- his APS equipped vehicles will run out eventually. That is a problem he'll be facing further down the line. Interesting it appears he's heading out to his left flank - guess he's not keen on taking on a reverse slope defence. I've used it myself when playing this, I'm looking forward to seeing how that avenue of attack pans out for him - and how you deal with it.
    BTW have you patched your game and running 1.03?
  25. Upvote
    AkumaSD reacted to John Kettler in ISIS vs Iraqi Army in Ramadi   
    LongLeftFlank spent over 1000 hours, over some three years, building a great, properly depicted chunk of Ramadi for CMSF. I thought it worth noting that all these years later, here's another use for all that amazing work he did. The work's done, and current highly unfortunate events nevertheless provide for some interesting gaming possibilities. That's why I initiated the post.
    John Kettler
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